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Net Zero or Carbon Neutral? What’s the difference?

Net Zero or Carbon Neutral? What’s the difference?

PAS 2060, a Publicly Available Specification that has been used as a guideline for demonstrating carbon neutrality, makes it clear that carbon neutral should be used to mean all scopes not just scope 1 & 2 (fuels burned on site and in vehicles and electricity consumption). However there has been a growing habit over recent years to use “carbon neutral” to mean just operational emissions – ignoring the value chain (scope 3) even though for most companies between 70 and 95% of their emissions are from the value chain.

To be truly carbon neutral, a company needs to reduce emissions from all sources as much as possible and then offset or actively remove the remainder.

Net Zero uses the same concept but at a larger scale, aiming for emissions from all sources to be reduced as much as possible and the remainder mitigated through removals from the atmosphere. These could be through supporting natural systems which sequester carbon (forest, peat, wetlands, seagrass, etc) or through technology like carbon capture and storage and buried solid carbon sinks.

The ISO 14068 standard will be a certifiable standard that ensures that emissions from all scopes are considered. (Click here to request a link to a recording of our ISO 14068 webinar or a copy of a factsheet.)

As time goes on, we need to be more cautious about avoided emissions (like technology sharing to reduce dependence on wood burning for example) as that prevents emissions that would otherwise have happened but doesn’t actively remove anything. So, it’s more like moving a share of emissions from one emitter to another, but on a global scale we need to be keeping total emissions to a minimum not just reducing in one place and emitting in another. It’s really important to support low carbon international development, but I think we’ll see a change in attitude to the value of avoided emissions in offsetting in future. A simple 2 tonnes avoided per 1 tonne allocated offset credit (for avoided emissions projects only) would work for example, as for every tonne emitted in location A, 2 tonnes are prevented in location B ensuring the overall emissions are net zero.

In short, a company that is carbon neutral is also net zero (calculated on a year-by-year basis), as in both cases the tracking of carbon emissions and removals need to match.





Source edie

How Nature can help Clean Up Polluted Waterways

How Nature can help Clean Up Polluted Waterways

Bivalves: Nature’s Water Filter:

One of nature’s unsung heroes in water remediation is the humble bivalve. Clams, mussels, and other bivalves are exceptional filter feeders that can play a crucial role in improving water quality. These amazing creatures can filter large volumes of water, removing suspended particles, nutrients, and contaminants in the process. For example, a single adult freshwater mussel can filter up to 15 litres of water daily! That’s like having a tiny water treatment plant in our rivers and lakes.

Bivalves work their magic by drawing in water through their siphons and extracting food particles as the water passes through their gills. They consume organic matter, algae, and even bacteria, effectively reducing excess nutrients in the water that can cause harmful algal blooms and other water quality issues. Moreover, bivalves can also accumulate heavy metals and other pollutants in their tissues, effectively removing these contaminants from the water and sequestering them in their shells or bodies.

Research has shown that bivalves can be used as a natural tool in ecological restoration projects to enhance water filtration and improve water quality. For example, in Chesapeake Bay, USA, oyster reefs have been constructed to help filter excess nutrients and sediment from the water, thereby promoting a healthier ecosystem. Similar efforts are being made in other parts of the world, such as the Netherlands and China, where mussels are being used to clean up polluted waterways.

Aquatic Plants: Nature’s Green Cleaners:

Aquatic plants, such as reeds, cattails, and water hyacinths, are another powerful tool nature has provided us to clean up polluted waterways. These green wonders provide habitat and food for many aquatic species and act as natural purifiers for our water bodies.

Aquatic plants are known for absorbing excess nutrients, particularly nitrogen and phosphorus, which are major pollutants in water bodies. Through a process called uptake, aquatic plants draw in these nutrients from the water column and store them in their tissues. This helps to reduce nutrient levels, which can otherwise fuel harmful algal blooms and deplete oxygen in the water, leading to fish kills and other ecological imbalances.

Aquatic plants also help to stabilize shorelines and reduce erosion. Their extensive root systems anchor the soil and prevent sediments from being washed into the water, thereby reducing sedimentation and turbidity. This is particularly important in urban areas where runoff from paved surfaces and agricultural fields can carry pollutants into our waterways.

Constructed wetlands, which are artificial systems designed to mimic the functions of natural wetlands, often utilize aquatic plants as a natural means of water treatment. These systems use a combination of physical, chemical, and biological processes, including the uptake of nutrients by aquatic plants, to remove pollutants from the water. Constructed wetlands have been successfully used in various parts of the world, such as the United States, Europe, and China, to treat wastewater, stormwater, and agricultural runoff, among other types of water pollution.

Fish: Nature’s Clean-Up Crew:

When it comes to cleaning up polluted waterways, fish are also important players in nature’s clean-up crew. Many fish species, such as catfish, carp, and tilapia, are known for their ability to consume excess algae and organic matter in the water. This helps to prevent algal blooms and reduce the accumulation of organic debris, which can otherwise degrade water quality and harm aquatic life.

For example, in Lake Taihu in China, which has been plagued by severe water pollution and harmful algal blooms, grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella) have been introduced as a biological control method. These fish feed on the excess algae in the water, helping to reduce the occurrence of harmful algal blooms and improve water quality.

Fish can also be used in aquaculture systems for water purification. Aquaponics, for instance, is a sustainable system that combines fish farming with hydroponic plant cultivation. The fish produce waste that is converted into nutrients for the plants, which in turn filter the water and provide a clean environment for the fish. This mutually beneficial relationship between fish and plants can be a powerful tool for sustainable food production.

Other Natural Methods:

Besides bivalves, aquatic plants, and fish, several other natural methods can be harnessed to clean up polluted waterways. For example, bacteria and microorganisms naturally occurring in water bodies play a crucial role in breaking down organic matter and contaminants, helping to improve water quality. Wetlands, marshes, and other natural habitats act as filters, trapping sediment and pollutants before entering water bodies.

In addition, land management practices, such as riparian buffers and conservation tillage, can help prevent soil erosion and reduce nutrient runoff into water bodies. Riparian buffers are strips of vegetation along the banks of rivers and streams that act as natural filters, trapping sediment and absorbing nutrients before they enter the water. Conservation tillage techniques, on the other hand, minimize soil disturbance and help to retain soil structure, reducing erosion and nutrient runoff.

Nature has provided us with some incredible tools to clean up polluted waterways. Bivalves, aquatic plants, fish, bacteria, microorganisms, wetlands, and land management practices improve water quality and restore our precious water resources. These natural methods offer sustainable and eco-friendly solutions to combat water pollution without relying solely on costly and energy-intensive human-made technologies.

It’s essential that we recognize the value of these natural tools and incorporate them into our efforts to protect and restore our water bodies. Conservation and restoration projects that harness the power of nature can not only help clean up polluted waterways, promote biodiversity, enhance ecosystem services, and provide long-term solutions for sustainable water management.





Source Happy Eco News

Creating Fabric Materials out of Bacteria

Creating Fabric Materials out of Bacteria

Fast fashion is a sector of the fashion industry whereby business models rely on cheap, rapid and large-scale production of low-quality clothing. Today’s clothing is made of durable and cheap materials such as nylon or polyester. Approximately 60% of fast fashion items are produced with plastic-based fabrics. The microplastics in these garments leach into the waterways with each wash and dry. Half a million tons of these contaminants enter the ocean each year. The fashion industry is also the world’s second-largest water supply consumer. On top of it all, more than 85% of the textiles and clothing purchased will end up in landfill every year.

Modern Synthesis, a biotechnology company, has created a biomaterial made from bacterial fermentation that can be used to create a low-carbon alternative to traditional clothing fabrics. The material the bacteria produces is called nanocellulose, which the company takes from waste feedstocks, including fruit or other agricultural waste. The bacteria will grow on that sugar and naturally produce nanocellulose.

The nanocellulose fibers are very strong and so small that they create strong bonds when they stick to each other. The fibers are eight times stronger than steel and stiffer than Kevlar. With the nanocellulose, the company is creating a material similar to nylon, ripstop fabric (woven fabric made out of nylon) or a coated textile. The material is designed to feel dry and warm, resembling cellulose or paper.

The process of creating the fabric can be adjusted by using different types of thread, some of which can biodegrade, while other threads can be recycled similarly to other cellulose. The project started with the creation of a shoe. Still, thanks to the material’s versatility, the company thinks it can be a good alternative to traditional textiles as it can also be dyed and given different coatings.

They believe their nanocellulose fibers are a significantly more sustainable fabric alternative to cotton, which takes a lot of resources and energy to transform. This material creates significantly fewer emissions than traditional textiles as it only requires transforming waste sugar into usable material. While the material is not yet available for consumer use, the company offers research, development, and consultation services to help brands make better, more environmentally friendly material choices.

As the fashion industry looks for more sustainable ways to make garments, many companies are moving towards using biomaterials to create new textiles. We are now seeing leathers made from fruits and vegetables, sequins made from algae, and so much more. As fast fashion continues to be a problem, the efforts that companies like Modern Synthesis are taking will help the industry reduce its environmental impact while continuing to clothe the world.





Source Happy Eco News

The Animals That Can Help us Reach our Climate Goals

The Animals That Can Help us Reach our Climate Goals

As humans try to fix the problems of climate change that they inevitably cause, they may be overlooking a very helpful, natural solution that could help restore ecosystems and capture and store carbon dioxide. Researchers from the Yale School of the Environment have found that robust populations of nine animal species could improve nature capture and carbon dioxide sequestration within ecosystems. They estimated that increasing the populations of African forest elephants, American bison, fish, gray wolves, musk oxen, sea otters, sharks, whales and wildebeest, among others, could lead to the capture of 6.41 gigatons of carbon dioxide annually. About 95 percent of the amount needed to be removed to ensure global warming remains below 1.5 degrees Celsius, a threshold set by the Paris Agreement.

The researchers found that in many cases where thriving populations of certain species were foraging, burrowing, and trampling, the ecosystem’s carbon storage increased by as much as 250 percent. This was a direct result of the dispersal of seeds and the growth of carbon-sequestering trees and plants. In Africa, every increase of 100 000 animals can increase carbon sequestered by 15 percent. Wildebeests consume carbon in the grasses they eat and then excrete it in their dung. The carbon is integrated into the soil by insects. Wildebeests also manage the grasses and help reduce the risk of wildfires.

Whales feed in deep water and release nutrients in their waste at shallower depths. This stimulates phytoplankton production, which is essential for storing carbon in the ocean. In the Amazon rainforests, tapirs are known to frequent areas that need reseeding. With a diet of herbs, shrubs, and leaves rich in nutrients, these animals leave trails of seeds in their waste and have been convenient in areas where lands have been burned.

For these solutions to be successful, the researchers recommend strengthening current animal recovery efforts. They also recommend reassessing the legislation, policies and funding to aid the conservation of these animals, many of whose numbers have been reduced by human intervention. They found that as animals become extinct in an ecosystem, their absence could transform habitats from carbon sinks to carbon sources – this makes protecting these species extremely important They also stress that it will be important to work closely with local communities to address the complex social issues that can affect conservation efforts This would involve including the local community into decision-making and governance processes and taking into account their knowledge, values and attitudes toward rewilded species.

This is just the beginning of important research that could help us reduce the impacts of climate change with a very natural solution. Protecting these animals, among many others, and their habitats can help shorten the time needed o reach our climate goals and help us live healthier lives for our populations and the planet.





Source Happy Eco News

Unleashing the Power of AI to Protect Coral Reefs

Unleashing the Power of AI to Protect Coral Reefs

Unlocking the Secrets of the Underwater World: Mapping Coral Reefs with AI

Understanding coral reefs’ intricate structure and biodiversity is paramount to their conservation and restoration. Traditional methods of mapping coral reefs can be laborious and limited by the challenges of underwater habitats. Enter machine learning, the cutting-edge technology that can revolutionize coral reef mapping.

Machine learning algorithms can analyze vast amounts of data from diverse sources such as satellite imagery, underwater cameras, and environmental sensors to create high-resolution maps of coral reefs with unprecedented accuracy and detail. These maps provide valuable insights into coral reefs’ health, distribution, and vulnerability, empowering marine scientists, policymakers, and conservation organizations to make informed decisions and prioritize conservation efforts.

Using AI to Protect Coral Reefs: Early Detection and Rapid Response

AI can also play a pivotal role in early detection and rapid response to environmental threats faced by coral reefs. Climate change can cause coral bleaching, disease outbreaks, and species composition shifts; detecting these threats early and responding promptly is critical for effective management.

Real-time data analysis using machine learning algorithms can detect environmental changes that may indicate the onset of stress or bleaching events. For instance, machine learning models can analyze sea surface temperature data, water quality parameters, and other environmental variables to identify areas where corals are at high risk of bleaching. This early warning system enables scientists and managers to take timely action, such as implementing restoration measures, reducing local stressors, or implementing temporary fishing bans to safeguard vulnerable coral populations.

AI can also predict the spread and impact of coral diseases, which can spread rapidly and devastate entire coral reef ecosystems. By analyzing patterns in disease outbreaks, machine learning algorithms can identify potential disease vectors, environmental factors that may promote disease transmission, and the genetic makeup of coral populations that may affect their susceptibility to diseases. This information can aid in developing effective disease management strategies, preventing the further spread of diseases on coral reefs.

Using AI to Help Restore Coral Reefs

Restoring degraded coral reefs is complex and daunting, but machine learning offers innovative and efficient solutions for effective strategies.

One promising application of machine learning in coral reef restoration is the development of predictive models for coral survival and growth. These models can analyze a wide range of factors, such as the type of coral, water quality, temperature, light, and nutrient levels, to predict the optimal conditions for coral survival and growth. This knowledge can inform restoration efforts, such as selecting suitable sites for coral planting, optimizing coral nurseries, and implementing targeted interventions to maximize the success of restoration projects.

Machine learning can also aid in developing sustainable coral reef management strategies. By analyzing data on fishing practices, tourism activities, and other human impacts on coral reefs, it can provide valuable insights for policymakers and stakeholders to develop effective conservation and management plans that ensure the long-term health and resilience of coral reef ecosystems.

The potential of machine learning in enhancing coral reef protection and restoration efforts is immense. From mapping coral reefs with unprecedented accuracy to early detection and rapid response to environmental threats, and from predicting coral survival and growth to informing sustainable management strategies, machine learning is a game-changer in the field of coral reef conservation. As we continue to harness the power of AI and machine learning, we can strive toward a brighter future for these invaluable and highly biodiverse parts of our planet.





Source Happy Eco News

UAE to Ban Single-Use Plastic January 1, 2024

UAE to Ban Single-Use Plastic January 1, 2024

In one of the world’s most crucial oil pricing regions, single-use plastic will be all but eliminated on January 1, 2024.

In 2017, we came to the island of Bali approximately halfway through a 10-month trip around the world with my family. We had been looking forward to the beaches and surfing for months, but when we arrived, we found them polluted with single-use plastic of all types. Due to a proliferation of corporate peddling of plastic convenience items but no meaningful way to manage trash or recycling in the communities, the local population discarded their waste in local ravines. The waste, flushed out to sea by winter monsoons, was deposited upon the (formerly) pristine beaches.

It is wonderful, therefore, to read that the United Arab Emirates (UAE) recently announced a ban on single-use plastic items, from cutlery to cigarette butts. The ban is part of an effort to reduce the plastic waste in the world’s oceans, a number generally estimated at around 8 million new tons each year. The announcement brings hope to environmentalists worldwide, showing us that even countries with an economic interest in oil-based plastic production are stepping up to make positive changes.

By banning single-use plastic products, the UAE is taking a big step forward regarding sustainability. Not only will this help reduce the amount of plastic waste in the ocean, but it will also encourage people to make more sustainable choices when they shop or eat out.

According to a 2019 report from the World Bank, the UAE ranked 11th in per capita consumption of single-use plastic. The report states that 11 billion single-use plastic items in the UAE are consumed annually, an average of 4.8kg per person or about 4 million tonnes per year for the entire country. This number contrasts with the global average of 3.25 kilograms per person. For reference, the highest-ranking countries for plastic waste are Japan, with 8 million tonnes and the USA, with 7.2 million tonnes, but a much higher population, resulting in lower per capita rates.

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) will ban most single-use plastics starting January 1, 2024. The ban includes everything from food packaging to plastic bottles, cotton sticks, crackers and chip bags, wet wipes, balloons and even balloon sticks that contain plastic. They also include cigarette butts and compostable plastic shopping bags, which while a good idea when used properly, often end up in the environment and can take decades to biodegrade outside a civic composting facility.

The UAE has introduced incentives for businesses to switch to reusable packing. They include subsidies for investments in reusable packaging, tax incentives for companies that reduce their plastic consumption, and grants for research projects on reducing plastic waste. The government has also introduced a new “Plastic Smart” program encouraging citizens to reduce their use of single-use plastics. It also enables businesses to reward customers who bring reusable items.

With these incentives in place, many businesses in the UAE have already begun to take steps to reduce their plastic consumption. For example, many hotels and resorts have started replacing plastic straws with paper or metal alternatives, while others are providing refillable bottles to customers instead of single-use plastic ones.

The immediate environmental benefits of the UAE’s ban on single-use plastics are apparent. By eliminating single-use plastics, the UAE will significantly reduce the amount of plastic waste in the ocean every year. This plastic ban, in turn, will prevent the destruction of marine life and reduce the risk of pollution from microplastics in the food chain and the greenhouse gasses emitted as plastic degrades over time.

The UAE is one of many countries to reduce plastic pollution in recent years. Countries like Canada, China, France, and the UK have also implemented similar bans. With continued effort, single-use plastics can be reduced or eliminated in the coming years.





Source Happy Eco News

Green energy – Learn more about green energy sources

Green energy – Learn more about green energy sources

Green energy: What it is and how it works

Green energy is electricity with substantially less carbon dioxide output than fossil fuels. Sources that cause little-to-no impact on the world’s carbon footprint are considered green.

Green electricity sources include:

  • Geothermal energy
  • Solar energy
  • Wind energy
  • Hydro energy
  • Biomass energy

More Americans are looking favorably at green energy companies and green energy plans to help the environment. Plus, with President Biden’s current initiatives of “achieving a carbon pollution-free electricity sector by 2035,” the push toward reducing carbon dioxide, also called greenhouse gas emissions, is at an all-time high.

Most scientists today agree that the world is getting warmer due to carbon dioxide production. The good news is that the U.S. was the second leading country “in installed renewable energy capacity worldwide in 2020,” following China in the top spot, according to Statista.

Within the U.S., Texas, California, and Washington are typically among the top five green-energy producing states. These states have a strong command of renewable energy, excelling at wind and solar generation.


Green energy vs. renewable energy vs. conventional power

Green energy and renewable energy often are used interchangeably, but the terms aren’t the same. All green electricity sources of power are renewable, but certain renewable energy sources are not green. For example, burning wood to produce electricity generates carbon dioxide. So, while wood is renewable, many scientists debate whether it is truly green.

Similar arguments can be made about other green energy sources. Solar and wind energy are often considered the best renewable energy; however, both aren’t necessarily green. Solar panel materials and manufacturing produce waste. Wind turbine blades can stay in landfills long after they’ve been used. Hydro energy can damage the environment by destroying habitats.

However, all renewable energy sources, including biomass, can reduce our dependence on the conventional power supply of fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and natural gas. Here are a few examples of renewable or green energy sources available right now.


Geothermal energy

Geothermal energy uses hot water and steam that comes from underground reservoirs. It can reach as far as the magma layer of the earth. Green electricity providers and power plants using this type of energy convert the heat and steam and use it to drive a turbine, which produces electricity.

The U.S. is the world’s largest producer of alternative electricity from geothermal energy. California, Nevada and Utah are some of the top states producing geothermal energy. Texas is also considered an untapped resource when it comes to geothermal. The Energy Information Administration says billions of barrels of water as hot as 200 degrees are produced annually as part of crude oil and natural gas production and could be used in geothermal generation.

Solar energy

Solar energy is a small but growing part of the nation’s energy puzzle, producing 3.3% of the electricity generated in December 2021, the most recent month available from the EIA. Most people have seen solar panels on rooftops or in large solar farms, mostly in rural settings, but few know how they work.

The solar panels act as semiconductors, with positive and negative layers. A conductor attached to both layers creates an electric circuit and turns electrons from sunlight into electricity. Finally, a solar inverter converts direct current into alternating current for residential use.

California, Texas, and Florida generated the most solar electricity in December 2021, at 29.1%, 12.6%, and 8.5%, respectively.

Wind energy

Across the U.S., total wind generation increased almost 25% year over year. Texas, Iowa and Oklahoma lead the nation in wind energy production. However, Texas is responsible for more than 28% of the nation’s electricity generation, which is over three times as much as any other state.

Wind energy, in general, accounts for about 11% of the nation’s energy. Here’s how it happens: Wind causes the huge turbine blades to spin, causing a rotor inside to turn as well. The rotor, in turn, is hooked up to a generator, which turns the motion of the rotor into electricity.

Hydro energy

Electricity generated by hydroelectric projectsaccounts for about 7% of the country’s electricity.Washington, Oregon, and New York are three of the top-producing hydro energy states. However, hydropower fell by as much as 14% in 2021 due to droughts across California and the Pacific Northwest, according to the EIA.

Dams are the key component for this form of green energy. The dams allow hydroelectric plants to channel water through turbines, again feeding generators that turn the kinetic energy into electricity.

Biomass energy

Biomass is organic material from plants and animals. The material can be burned as is or converted to liquid or gas biofuels. Examples of biomass include wood, other plants, and wastes. Wood and ethanol make up the largest energy sources of biomass, which produces about 5% of the country’s energy, with California, Georgia, and Florida as three of the top-producing states.


How to get a green energy plan

Renewable energy is part of every Texas energy plan. The percentage of renewable energy can be found on a plan’s Electricity Facts Label. Most retail electric providers in Texas also offer plans with higher percentages of green electricity, including plans that are 100% green.

Some providers are green energy companies that only sell 100% green energy, such as Gexa Energy, Green Mountain Energy, and Chariot Energy.

Green energy plans and programs

Here’s how green energy providers in Texas operate to give their customers access to renewable energy.

Green energy companies like Gexa Energy purchase renewable energy credits (RECs)from alternative energy generators in the amount to offset your energy usage. These renewable energy sources are a combination of wind, solar, hydro, geothermal, and biomass outputs.
The energy you use at your home isn’t from these sources directly, because the power grid is a blend of electricity from all sources (renewable and conventional power sources). However, your green energy provider is purchasing the equivalent amount of energy you use from renewable sources.
If you want to use renewable energy directly at your home, having a solar panel system at your residence is a popular choice. Otherwise, your electricity will be a blend of sources.

Get a green energy plan

Uncertain of how to proceed? That’s understandable, given that there are different term lengths and options to purchase no-deposit or prepaid plans. Our buying guide offers useful tips on how to decide on a plan. Check out our green electricity rates page for more information on purchasing a green energy plan.







Apple aims for 100% recycled cobalt in batteries by 2025

Apple aims for 100% recycled cobalt in batteries by 2025

Apple has unveiled plans to increase the use of recycled materials in its products, with a new target of using 100% recycled cobalt in all Apple-designed batteries by 2025.

The tech giant will also aim to use entirely recycled rare earth elements in magnets for its devices and 100% recycled tin soldering and gold plating in all Apple-designed printed circuit boards by the same year.

“Every day, Apple is innovating to make technology that enriches people’s lives, while protecting the planet we all share,” said Tim Cook, Apple’s CEO. “From the recycled materials in our products, to the clean energy that powers our operations, our environmental work is integral to everything we make and to who we are. So we’ll keep pressing forward in the belief that great technology should be great for our users, and for the environment.”


Reducing Apple’s carbon footprint

The announcement is part of Apple’s broader efforts to reduce its carbon footprint and become more environmentally friendly.

In 2022, the company significantly expanded its use of recycled metals, with over two-thirds of all aluminium, nearly three-quarters of all rare earth materials, and more than 95% of all tungsten in Apple products sourced from 100% recycled material.

Apple’s rapid progress in this area brings the company closer to its ultimate goal of making all products with only recycled and renewable materials and advances its aim to achieve carbon neutrality for every product by 2030.

“Our ambition to one day use 100% recycled and renewable materials in our products works hand in hand with Apple 2030: our goal to achieve carbon neutral products by 2030,” said Lisa Jackson, Apple’s vice president of Environment, Policy, and Social Initiatives. “We’re working toward both goals with urgency and advancing innovation across our entire industry in the process.”

If Apple is able to achieve this goal, it will show major steps towards achieving a more sustainable future for the company.





Source Sustainability

Superglue can be turned into a recyclable, cheap, oil-free plastic alternative

Superglue can be turned into a recyclable, cheap, oil-free plastic alternative

Our team used superglue as a starting material to develop a low-cost, recyclable and easily produced transparent plastic called polyethyl cyanoacrylate that has properties similar to those of plastics used for single-use products like cutlery, cups and packaging. Unlike most traditional plastics, this new plastic can be easily converted back to its starting materials, even when combined with unwashed municipal plastic waste.

To make a plastic from superglue, we first had to address the very issue that makes superglue so “super” – it sticks to just about everything. When superglue is used to stick something together, it is actually reacting with moisture in the air or on the surface of whatever is being glued together. This reaction forms molecular chains of repeating superglue units called polymers. The polymers made when gluing something together are short and don’t bind to each other well, which makes the glue brittle and easy to break.

While short polymers are good for glue, long polymers have more binding locations and result in stronger materials. Our team realized that if we could create longer versions of the same type of polymers made from superglue, we might be able to produce a strong plastic.

The way we make these plastics is relatively simple when compared with how other types of plastics are made – we simply mixed acetone and a little bit of an eco-friendly catalyst into store-bought superglue. Once this mixture dries, it produces a solid, glassy plastic made up of long polymer chains.

In our lab, we can easily produce up to 10 pounds of this material in a matter of days and turn it into usable products. By pouring the mixture into molds before it dries, we can make plastic objects in many shapes, like bowls and cutlery. We also discovered that heating up the plastic after it dries not only allowed us to shape the material into other products, but also strengthened the plastic.

Why it matters

When manufacturers need to produce a stiff plastic object – like cutlery, disposable razors, CD cases or plastic models – they often turn to polystyrene. Polystyrene is one of the most widely produced and least recycled types of plastic.

Because our superglue plastic has properties similar to polystyrene – it is light, durable, cheap and easy to mass-produce – it could replace polystyrene in many products. But there are two distinct benefits of our superglue-based material: It isn’t made from oil and is easy to recycle.

When our material is heated to 410 degrees Fahrenheit (210 C), the long molecule chains made of repeating superglue units break apart into their small, individual superglue molecules. At this point, the superglue molecules turn into a vapor that is easy to separate out from a mixed waste stream of other plastics, paper, food residue, aluminum and other refuse commonly found in recycling waste streams. Once you collect the superglue vapor, you can cool it and turn it right back into our new plastic with over 90% efficiency.

What’s next?

Since superglue is inexpensive and already produced on an industrial scale, we imagine our method of creating superglue plastics should be easy to scale up. Finally, the machinery used to make superglue could also be used to recycle the superglue plastics and could be simply adapted into existing industrial processes.

Finding a replacement for polystyrene is a big step toward sustainable plastics, but polystyrene is only one of thousands of plastics used today. Our team is now designing superglue-based plastics with properties that resemble other kinds of commodity plastics, while still being easy to produce and recycle.





Source World Economic Forum

You’re (Probably) Recycling Wrong: Here’s How To Do It Right

You’re (Probably) Recycling Wrong: Here’s How To Do It Right

What Is Recycling?

Recycling is the process of converting waste into reusable materials. There are many examples of recycling that don’t involve putting items into a green bin, like using an old jam jar as a vase for flowers.


Why Should You Recycle?

Everyone has their own reasons for recycling, but here are five major reasons why you should make a habit to recycle properly:

  1. Reduce your carbon footprint: Throwing away recyclable materials like aluminum cans or newspapers is a huge waste of energy — equivalent to the annual output of 15 power plants. Recycling cans saves 95% of the energy required to make them from a virgin source.
  2. Preserve our natural resources and wildlife: The process of mining for raw materials is harmful to natural ecosystems and animals.
  3. Reduce landfill waste: Most of us have the luxury of never seeing where our bags of trash end up, but it has to go somewhere. Not only are landfills aesthetically displeasing and have adverse effects on tourism, but they’re also wreaking havoc on our environment.
  4. Prevent pollution: Recycling products to (1) keep them out of landfills and (2) reduce the amount of mining of raw materials prevents air and water pollution.
  5. Create jobs and stimulate the economy: Recycling and reuse activities account for more than 680,000 jobs, $37.8 billion in wages, and $5.5 billion in tax revenues in the U.S. alone.


What Can Be Recycled?

Specifics can vary depending on the rules at your local recycling center or curbside recycling program, but the following items can generally be recycled:


Recycling aluminum cans save 95% of the energy required to make the same amount of aluminum from its virgin source.10 You can recycle the following aluminum materials, but make sure they’re free of residue.

  • Beverage cans
  • Food cans
  • Tin foil
  • Scrap metal

If there’s a hard-to-clean substance stuck to an item, you’re better off throwing it away.

Paper Products/Cardboard

Paper and cardboard have a 68% recycling rate in the U.S., which is pretty high compared to other materials. Again, make sure the material is free of food residue before putting it in the recycling bin. And be sure to check with your curbside recycling program’s policy, as some only accept corrugated cardboard.

  • Cardboard boxes
  • Milk or juice cartons
  • Newspaper
  • Printer paper
  • Frozen food boxes
  • Ream wrappers
  • File folders
  • Poster Board


Sadly, only 5–6% of the 46 million tons of plastic generated in the U.S. gets recycled.11 You can help increase that statistic by properly cleaning and recycling the following plastic products:

  • Water bottles
  • Soda bottles
  • Plastic beverage jugs
  • Takeout containers
  • Plastic jugs and tubs labeled No. 1 or 2*

*Typically, those with the numbers 1 or 2 inside the triangle can be recycled curbside, though some may have to be taken to a recycling center. Plastics numbers 3–7 must be taken to a specific recycling facility.


What Can’t Be Recycled

To avoid wishful recycling, you should trash (or explore alternative options) for the following waste:

  • Food scraps (look into composting instead).
  • Plastic shopping bags (most retailers offer bag recycling).
  • Food-tainted items (pizza boxes, dirty food takeout containers, used paperware, etc.)
  • Snack bags or candy wrappers
  • Paint buckets
  • Ceramics and kitchenware
  • Glassware (non-bottles or jars)
  • Broken glass
  • Windows or mirrors
  • Plastic wrap
  • Bubble wrap or packing peanuts
  • Styrofoam
  • Photographs
  • Medical waste
  • Wood
  • Yard waste
  • Six-pack rings
  • Frozen food bags

Other Materials and Recycling

There are other materials that can be recycled but must be taken to a special recycling center to do so properly. (In other words, don’t put these items in your recycling bin.)

These items may include:

  • Textiles/clothing
  • Light bulbs
  • Fluorescent tubes
  • Batteries
  • Computers/electronics

A quick internet search of “how to recycle [item] near me” should direct you toward the proper recycling facility or drop-off center for these items.


Do’s and Don’ts of Recycling

We cannot stress this enough: the rules of recycling vary based on your local recycling center or curbside recycling program, so be sure to check what guidelines you need to follow to avoid recycling contamination.

However, the following are common dos and don’ts when it comes to proper recycling.

Recycling Do’s:

  • Check with your local recycling center for guidelines.
  • Empty and clean all containers before recycling, making sure there’s no leftover food or beverage residue.
  • Break down cardboard boxes.
  • Keep the lid of metal cans attached and fold them inwards so the sharp edge isn’t exposed.
  • Separate your materials by type.

Recycling Don’ts:

  • Put any of the materials listed in the above section, “What can’t be recycled,” into a recycling bin.
  • Recycle plastics No. 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 in a curbside recycling bin (these plastics must be taken to a specific recycling facility).
  • Flatten cartons or bottles.
  • Recycle the glass from windows, mirrors, vases, or drinkware.


How Are Products Recycled?

You now know what can and cannot be recycled, but have you ever wondered how things are recycled? Let’s take a look at some of the processes for the most common items below.


Aluminum cans and other metal materials are taken to special treatment plants. After being sorted and cleaned, the metals are remelted to remove colorings, coatings, and shapes.

Once in liquid form, the aluminum is then made into giant blocks called “ingots.” Ingots get shipped out to mills, where they get rolled out into sheets before being fashioned into their new shapes. In all, it takes just a few weeks for aluminum to be recycled.


Cardboard is first sorted by type, either boxboard (i.e., a cereal box) or corrugated (i.e., a standard shipping box). The material is then shredded and poured into big water tanks to be turned into a pulp, with all other materials (metal, tape, etc.) getting filtered out in this process.

After the filtering process, more water and chemicals are added to further pulverize the material before it gets rolled, dried, and pressed into sheets. The sheets are then cut into the proper shapes and sizes.

Paper (Office and Newspaper)

Similar to cardboard, newspapers or magazine paper are brought to a mill, where they are fed into a fiber preparation plant. From there, the paper is mixed in with water and chemicals that dissolve the ink and contaminants and turns into a soggy, mushy pulp.

The pulp is then injected between mesh sheets to form a wet sheet of paper. Once dried, the paper gets polished and rolled into big reels, later to be cut into smaller sizes and sold off.


Once sorted by type, plastics are cleaned and then ground up and shredded. Once in bits, the plastic gets melted down and formed into small pellets about the size of a grain of rice.

The plastic pellets are then sold to companies to melt and mold into whatever container or shape they need to create.


How to Create a Home Recycling System

Having an organized and functional recycling system is important to promote proper recycling habits while also maintaining a healthier home (and planet). Here are a few steps to help get you started:

Step 1: Find Out the Recycling Pickup Schedule and Guidelines

If your city offers curbside recycling, make sure you’re aware of what items it accepts and what day your recycling pickup is.

Step 2: Figure Out Which Bins to Use and Label Them

Many cities require that curbside recycling be separated into separate bins. If you’re in charge of bringing recyclables to a recycling center, you’re better off buying separate recycling bins and labeling them by type (i.e., plastic, cans, cardboard, paper).

Step 3: Analyze (and Reduce) Your Waste

Do you get a lot of junk mail? Do you buy unnecessary plastic products? Perhaps you have a lot of items shipped to your home? There are ways you can reduce your waste to create fewer recycling headaches.

  • See if you can get a “no junk mail” sticker for your mailbox.
  • Opt out of junk mail by going to the website or calling 1-888-5-OPTOUT to stop receiving credit card offers.
  • When you order a product online, see if there are options for reduced shipping materials (Amazon offers this).
  • Sign up for e-notifications or statements for your bank or other service providers.

Reducing your home waste (especially ridding of those cardboard boxes) can help keep your home free of pests as well.

Step 4: Keep It Organized

Stay on top of your recycling by breaking down your materials and sorting them into their respective bins. If you have curbside recycling, set a phone reminder to move your bins to the curb the night before pickup.


Teaching Kids How To Recycle

Maintaining a home recycling system is a great chore for children, but the chore doesn’t have to be a bore. Here are some tips to make recycling more exciting for kids.

Make Smaller Recycling Bins Just for Kids

If possible, make smaller recycling bins for your kids’ bedrooms or playroom and teach them how to break down materials and properly sort them. The night before recycling day, they can add their separate stashes to the bigger bins.

Go on a Recycling Scavenger Hunt

A recycling scavenger hunt is a sneaky way to get your kids to help you clean the house. Have them go around your home and find different items that can be recycled, like the opened boxes from online purchases or the soda cans left in the TV room.

You can also hide recycled materials around the house to make it a little more interactive.

Create DIY Projects With Recyclable Materials

There are plenty of ways to upcycle recycled materials, especially those that can’t go into curbside recycling. You could make seed starters out of egg cartons, sew door drafts, or heating pads from old clothing. If you use recycled materials for general arts and crafts, the possibilities are endless.

Donate Toys and Clothes

Make a habit of going through the toys and clothes that your children have outgrown and asking them how these items may better serve other children in your community. Whether that be a neighbor or schoolmate or drop off at a donation center or thrift store.

Make a Bird Feeder

You can use plastic jugs or bottles to make homemade bird feeders. All you need is a pair of scissors or X-acto knife, a long stick, a piece of used wire (or string or twine), a nail, and some birdseed.

  1. Cut a hole in the side and the top of the bottle or jug.
  2. Poke a hole through the plastic with the nail.
  3. Put the long stick through both holes (this will act as the t perch for the birds to stand on).
  4. Use the nail again to poke holes in the top of the feeder.
  5. Insert the string through the top hole to make a hanger.
  6. Fill the bottom of the bottle with birdseed.
  7. Hang your bird feeder outside!

Play Zero Waste Games

You can recycle materials to make games for children. Many of these work best in bigger group settings, ideal for the classroom or parties. Here are some ideas:

  • Fill empty bottles with sand for bottle bowling.
  • Create towers with aluminum cans and see who can make theirs the tallest.
  • Do a recycling relay, where you give each kid a pile of mixed recyclables and trash and see who can properly sort their items into the correct bin the fastest.
  • Make three signs (plastic, glass, paper) and put them in different areas of the room. Call out different recycled items (like, “milk carton”) and have the kids run to whichever sign resembles the bin that item would go in.


Recycling and Eco Terms Glossary

Below are some helpful recycling and eco terms to know and teach to your kids.

  • Bin: A small container used to hold limited amounts of waste, typically specified by type (compost bin, paper bin, plastics bin, etc.)
  • Biodegradable: When a material can naturally be broken down by microorganisms and turned into water or carbon dioxide.
  • Commingled container: A single waste container that holds a blended collection of recyclable materials (any combination of paper, cardboard, aluminum, steel, glass, and plastic).
  • Compactor: A machine that uses pressure to compress materials into a dense mass.
  • Conserve: Protect something (especially an environmentally or culturally important place or thing) from harm or destruction.
  • Decompose: To rot or break down into essential elements.
  • E-waste: Electronic components that can be disassembled and recycled (including computers, monitors, keyboards, computer mice, TVs, cell phones, etc.)
  • Fossil fuels: Compound mixtures made of fossilized plant and animal remnants (coal, oil, and natural gas) that are extracted from the earth and burned as a fuel source.
  • Hazardous waste: Poisonous or toxic materials that can cause harm to humans, ecosystems, and wildlife if not properly disposed of.
  • Landfill: A place where trash and solid waste are dumped, buried, controlled, and managed. This trash can take decades or even centuries to break down.
  • Renewable energy: Alternative forms of energy from natural resources, like the sun (solar power), wind or water (hydropower).
  • Textiles: A type of cloth or fiber-based that may be composed of woven fabrics, yarns, or threads.





Source Today’s Homeowner