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Sahara Circular Gardens Stop Desertification, Provide Food Security

Sahara Circular Gardens Stop Desertification, Provide Food Security

In the vast expanse of the Sahara Desert, a transformation is taking root—quite literally. Amidst the golden dunes and arid landscapes, Sahara circular gardens are emerging as oases of hope, pointing to a sustainable way forward in the face of increasing desertification. These meticulously designed green patches are symbols of human ingenuity and active combatants against the degrading soil and challenging climatic conditions of one of the world’s most unforgiving terrains.

Desertification refers to the process where previously fertile land degrades into desert. While natural climate fluctuations play a role, human activities—such as unsustainable farming practices and deforestation—have significantly accelerated the process. The Sahara, already the third largest desert globally, continues to expand, threatening local ecosystems and the livelihoods of millions.

This environmental phenomenon doesn’t just result in a loss of usable land. It disrupts local ecosystems, diminishes water resources, reduces agricultural productivity, and can lead to increased regional conflicts over dwindling resources.

Enter the circular gardens—concentric circles of vegetation that stand defiantly against the vastness of the desert. Here’s a breakdown of why and how Sahara circular gardens represent a beacon of hope in various ways.

Efficiency is paramount in regions like Senegal, where water is more valuable than gold. The design of Sahara circular gardens allows for a central water source, distributing the precious resource evenly to all plants. This hub-and-spoke model ensures that every drop is utilized to its maximum potential. The gardens, known locally as tolou keur, are the most recent incarnation of The Great Green Wall project.

These gardens are more than just a sum of their parts. Together, the plants work in harmony to create a relatively cooler micro-environment that maintains a higher humidity level than the surrounding desert. This microclimate is conducive to plant growth and offers a small reprieve from the otherwise harsh conditions.

The Sahara circular gardens’ genius lies in combining traditional desert farming techniques with modern agricultural knowledge. Local communities have long recognized the value of growing in concentric patterns, but today’s farmers are enhancing these methods with contemporary technology and insights.

Against the monochromatic backdrop of the desert, the Sahara circular gardens are vibrant hubs of life. They host a range of plant species, attracting essential pollinators and beneficial insects. This biodiverse setup supports the garden’s health and strengthens its resilience against pests and diseases.

Beyond the environmental benefits, these gardens have profound socio-economic implications. They provide local communities with a sustainable source of food and income. In an environment as challenging as the Sahara, the success of these agricultural initiatives can make a considerable difference to the economic well-being of the local populace.

Every plant in these gardens plays a role in healing the soil. As plants grow, decay, and get replaced, they return essential organic matter to the ground. Over time, this continuous cycle can restore the soil’s structure and fertility, combating the effects of desertification.

The gardens show that sustainable farming is possible even in adverse conditions. With carefully chosen plants, including those that naturally enrich the soil, these gardens can thrive with minimal external intervention.

The emergence of Sahara circular gardens is a testament to human adaptability and resilience. However, their proliferation also highlights the urgency of our environmental challenges. While these gardens offer localized solutions, they also underscore the need for global action against climate change and land degradation.

Researchers, environmentalists, and local farmers are keenly studying the potential and limitations of these gardens. As knowledge grows, techniques are refined, ensuring these green oases become even more effective in their mission.

The Sahara circular gardens are more than just innovative agricultural projects. They symbolize hope, resilience, and the indomitable human spirit. In the face of global challenges, they remind us that with ingenuity and collaboration, solutions can be found—even in the most unexpected places.





Source   Happy Eco News

Robot Jellyfish Show Promise for Ocean Cleanup

Robot Jellyfish Show Promise for Ocean Cleanup

Where are we Now?

Many different negative outcomes have been observed due to reckless disregard for our environment and ecosystems. The main focus in the environmental movement has been on GHGs, reasonably so, as carbon accumulation in the atmosphere poses the largest existential risk for our species and all other animals on our planet.

However, plastic pollution and pollution, in general, have been and continue to be a large risk for many animals and living things across the globe, this fact being amplified in the ocean. Marine ecosystems are delicate; many plants and animals depend on specific conditions to survive and thrive.

As such, cleaning up our oceans and other marine ecosystems is paramount. While numerous technologies have been developed to combat plastic pollution in our water, many of them have their own risks associated with them.

Some machines are too loud, driving animals away from their natural habitats. At the same time, others are too damaging in their efforts to clean up pollution, destroying delicate plants and animals while clearing away plastic.

However, a new technology developed by scientists out of the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems may be able to solve these problems with minimal impact of its own, and that revolves around imitating jellyfish.


How Does a Robot Jellyfish Work?

When jellyfish move in the water, what happens is by flapping their bodies, they create an upward current, moving objects and nutrients up to be consumed by them. This new robot jellyfish more or less does the same thing.

It works by using artificial muscles called HAZELs, which are oil-filled sacs covered by electrodes. When the electrodes receive a current, they discharge it to the surrounding negatively charged ocean water. This causes the oil sacs to get pushed back in forth, creating the flapping movement.

This mechanism is the main draw behind these robotic jellyfish, as by using these robots, they can pull the plastic out of delicate areas like coral reefs without ever touching the reef itself. Another benefit is that these robot jellyfish are almost completely noiseless, so their presence won’t disturb other animals.

In a report in Science Advances speaking on how their technology is different from existing technology, they said, ​​“Existing prototypes cannot interact with aquatic species gently in a noise-free manner while accomplishing diverse tasks.” These jellyfish robots, however, can, and that is where the promise of what they’re doing lies.


Moving forward.

While these small robot jellyfish are an exciting development in plastic cleaning tech, there are hurdles still to be overcome in their creation. The main one presenting itself is that, as of writing, they still require a wired connection for power, thus limiting their scope to areas where they can be plugged in. There are ongoing trials for battery packs, but so far cannot be controlled remotely.

However, that is a small issue that can be resolved quickly. It is an interesting concept to imagine cute little robot jellyfish cleaning our oceans, but it is, in all reality, much closer than we realize. The importance of realizing efficient and non-disturbing ways of cleaning our oceans is critical, as plastic pollution’s damage to ecosystems and species worldwide is innumerable.

While in some areas of the environmental movement, we can help the ongoing natural processes, like reforestation for carbon capture, in plastic pollution in marine environments, we must develop new tools to reverse the damage we have caused. What an interesting world to live in, where robot jellyfish could be a major factor.





Source  Happy Eco News

How Nature can help Clean Up Polluted Waterways

How Nature can help Clean Up Polluted Waterways

Bivalves: Nature’s Water Filter:

One of nature’s unsung heroes in water remediation is the humble bivalve. Clams, mussels, and other bivalves are exceptional filter feeders that can play a crucial role in improving water quality. These amazing creatures can filter large volumes of water, removing suspended particles, nutrients, and contaminants in the process. For example, a single adult freshwater mussel can filter up to 15 litres of water daily! That’s like having a tiny water treatment plant in our rivers and lakes.

Bivalves work their magic by drawing in water through their siphons and extracting food particles as the water passes through their gills. They consume organic matter, algae, and even bacteria, effectively reducing excess nutrients in the water that can cause harmful algal blooms and other water quality issues. Moreover, bivalves can also accumulate heavy metals and other pollutants in their tissues, effectively removing these contaminants from the water and sequestering them in their shells or bodies.

Research has shown that bivalves can be used as a natural tool in ecological restoration projects to enhance water filtration and improve water quality. For example, in Chesapeake Bay, USA, oyster reefs have been constructed to help filter excess nutrients and sediment from the water, thereby promoting a healthier ecosystem. Similar efforts are being made in other parts of the world, such as the Netherlands and China, where mussels are being used to clean up polluted waterways.

Aquatic Plants: Nature’s Green Cleaners:

Aquatic plants, such as reeds, cattails, and water hyacinths, are another powerful tool nature has provided us to clean up polluted waterways. These green wonders provide habitat and food for many aquatic species and act as natural purifiers for our water bodies.

Aquatic plants are known for absorbing excess nutrients, particularly nitrogen and phosphorus, which are major pollutants in water bodies. Through a process called uptake, aquatic plants draw in these nutrients from the water column and store them in their tissues. This helps to reduce nutrient levels, which can otherwise fuel harmful algal blooms and deplete oxygen in the water, leading to fish kills and other ecological imbalances.

Aquatic plants also help to stabilize shorelines and reduce erosion. Their extensive root systems anchor the soil and prevent sediments from being washed into the water, thereby reducing sedimentation and turbidity. This is particularly important in urban areas where runoff from paved surfaces and agricultural fields can carry pollutants into our waterways.

Constructed wetlands, which are artificial systems designed to mimic the functions of natural wetlands, often utilize aquatic plants as a natural means of water treatment. These systems use a combination of physical, chemical, and biological processes, including the uptake of nutrients by aquatic plants, to remove pollutants from the water. Constructed wetlands have been successfully used in various parts of the world, such as the United States, Europe, and China, to treat wastewater, stormwater, and agricultural runoff, among other types of water pollution.

Fish: Nature’s Clean-Up Crew:

When it comes to cleaning up polluted waterways, fish are also important players in nature’s clean-up crew. Many fish species, such as catfish, carp, and tilapia, are known for their ability to consume excess algae and organic matter in the water. This helps to prevent algal blooms and reduce the accumulation of organic debris, which can otherwise degrade water quality and harm aquatic life.

For example, in Lake Taihu in China, which has been plagued by severe water pollution and harmful algal blooms, grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella) have been introduced as a biological control method. These fish feed on the excess algae in the water, helping to reduce the occurrence of harmful algal blooms and improve water quality.

Fish can also be used in aquaculture systems for water purification. Aquaponics, for instance, is a sustainable system that combines fish farming with hydroponic plant cultivation. The fish produce waste that is converted into nutrients for the plants, which in turn filter the water and provide a clean environment for the fish. This mutually beneficial relationship between fish and plants can be a powerful tool for sustainable food production.

Other Natural Methods:

Besides bivalves, aquatic plants, and fish, several other natural methods can be harnessed to clean up polluted waterways. For example, bacteria and microorganisms naturally occurring in water bodies play a crucial role in breaking down organic matter and contaminants, helping to improve water quality. Wetlands, marshes, and other natural habitats act as filters, trapping sediment and pollutants before entering water bodies.

In addition, land management practices, such as riparian buffers and conservation tillage, can help prevent soil erosion and reduce nutrient runoff into water bodies. Riparian buffers are strips of vegetation along the banks of rivers and streams that act as natural filters, trapping sediment and absorbing nutrients before they enter the water. Conservation tillage techniques, on the other hand, minimize soil disturbance and help to retain soil structure, reducing erosion and nutrient runoff.

Nature has provided us with some incredible tools to clean up polluted waterways. Bivalves, aquatic plants, fish, bacteria, microorganisms, wetlands, and land management practices improve water quality and restore our precious water resources. These natural methods offer sustainable and eco-friendly solutions to combat water pollution without relying solely on costly and energy-intensive human-made technologies.

It’s essential that we recognize the value of these natural tools and incorporate them into our efforts to protect and restore our water bodies. Conservation and restoration projects that harness the power of nature can not only help clean up polluted waterways, promote biodiversity, enhance ecosystem services, and provide long-term solutions for sustainable water management.





Source Happy Eco News