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The Air-gen Device that Converts Humidity into Energy

The Air-gen Device that Converts Humidity into Energy

What if it were possible to create energy out of air? A purely sustainable and renewable source of energy that wouldn’t require towers or panels. Researchers from the University of Massachusetts Amherst have developed just that. It turns out that air humidity is a vast, sustainable reservoir of energy that is continuously available. The researchers claim that just about any surface can be turned into a generator by replicating the electrical properties of storm clouds. A storm cloud is a mass of water droplets, all of which contain a charge. When the conditions are right, the cloud can produce a lightning bolt. The researchers have used similar properties to build a small-scale cloud that can produce electricity predictably and continuously.

So how does it work? Their air generator (Air-gen) relies on microscopic holes smaller than 100 nanometres (even more minuscule than a strand of a human hair). The small diameter of these holes is called a “mean free path”, which is the distance a single molecule can travel before it collides with another molecule of the same substance.

Water molecules float all around the air, and their mean free path is around 100 nanometres. As the humid air passes through Air-gen’s minuscule holes, the water molecules will directly contact an upper and lower chamber in the film. Because each pore is so small, the water molecules would easily bump into the pore’s edge as they pass through the thin layer. This interaction creates a charge imbalance and results in electricity.

The researchers claim that their product could offer kilowatts of power for general usage as long as there is any humidity in the air. Their Air-gen device could be more space efficient and blend into the environment compared to other renewable energy options such as solar and wind power. Moreover, humidity exists at all hours of the day and night, rain or shine, to provide non-stop energy.

The researchers also claim that harvesting the air and water droplets could be designed from all kinds of materials, which offers many opportunities for cost-effective and environment-adaptable designs. The Air-gen device is so small that thousands of them could be stacked on top of each other, increasing the amount of energy it gives off without increasing the environmental footprint of the device.

This device stems from the researcher’s previous inventions of generating an electric current using moisture in the air using a microbe called Geobacter. Their device produced a sustained voltage of about 0.5 volts for about 20 hours and could light up small LED bulbs. However, they couldn’t get the microbe to create enough nanowires (the small holes that generate the electric charge) to scale up the technology further.

Their new Air-gen device has never been discovered before, and it opens up many possibilities for effectively using renewable resources to create energy. It’s incredible to think we could harvest energy from the air around us. This discovery and invention could be scaled up. They could make renewable energy more accessible to people around the world. They could reduce the negative environmental impact we see with some existing forms of renewable energy (solar panels or wind turbines).





Source Happy Eco News 

Candy Bar Wrappers Go Plastic Free

Candy Bar Wrappers Go Plastic Free

For the first time since its launch in 1936, Nestlé is changing the packaging of their famous Mars candy bar wrapper for a more environmentally friendly alternative.

Traditionally, candy bar wrappers are made out of a combination of aluminum and plastic. These materials are difficult to recycle because of how hard it is to separate the two materials. Moreover, the plastic is not biodegradable and can take 10-20 years to decompose. This is at the risk of pieces remaining in the environment longer than that. At the end of their short life, candy bar wrappers will inevitably end up either in landfills or the environment.

New Jersey based TerraCycle has implemented a candy bar wrapper recycling program to address this problem, collecting used wrappers from individuals and institutions.

Candy bar wrappers are recycled at TerraCycle through a process called mechanical recycling. This process involves shredding the wrappers into small pieces, washing them to remove any contaminants, and then melting them down to create new plastic pellets. These pellets can then be used to make new products, such as benches, flower pots, or playground equipment.

TerraCycle offers a variety of recycling programs for candy bar wrappers. These programs are available to individuals, schools, businesses, and organizations. To participate in a program, the only cost is to purchase a collection kit from TerraCycle. The collection kit includes a shipping label and a prepaid shipping box.

Once you have purchased a collection kit, you can collect candy bar wrappers. You can collect wrappers from your own home, school, or workplace. When the collection kit is full, you can ship it back to TerraCycle for recycling.

Nestlé Steps Up

Nestlé is taking the problem of candy bar wrapper waste one step further by completely changing what their chocolates are packaged in. The company is piloting a program to wrap its Mars bars in recyclable paper.

The company also announced that it would be switching the plastic packaging on KitKat bars to 80% recycled plastic, allowing them to be recycled at supermarkets across the UK or put in household recycling bins in Ireland. This is an initiative that could save 1900 tonnes of CO2 annually.

In addition, the company is looking to explore new types of packaging. Nestle is investing hundreds of millions of pounds to redesign thousands of types of packaging. This investment will be put towards meeting its goal of reducing the use of virgin plastics by one-third by 2025. The company also plans for over 95% of its plastic packaging to be designed for recycling by 2025.

Nestlé’s Institute of Packaging Science has been working since 2019 to develop the next generation of packaging materials. In addition to recyclable packaging materials, they are looking at developing refillable or reusable packaging and how to incorporate compostable and biodegradable materials. The Institute’s strategy focuses on five pillars, all of which are linked to reducing waste:

  1. Reducing the use of plastic packaging material
  2. Scaling reusable and refillable systems
  3. Designing better packaging materials
  4. Supporting infrastructure to help make recycling easier
  5. Shaping new behaviours

Nestlé is a global food and beverage company that has been criticized for its water bottling operations. Critics argue that Nestle is extracting too much water from local communities, often with no meaningful compensation to local jurisdictions and areas already facing water shortages. Some have argued that the company doesn’t sell water; the company sells single-use bottles. Bottles that contribute to pollution and environmental damage.

The need for bottled water, is of course, a marketing ploy. Critics argue that Nestle’s marketing campaigns make bottled water seem like a healthier and more convenient alternative to tap water, even though there is no scientific evidence to support this claim.

The plastic-free Mars bars will be available at 500 Tesco stores in the UK for a limited time.





Source  Happy Eco News

Indigenous Seaweed Farming: Kwiakah First Nation

Indigenous Seaweed Farming: Kwiakah First Nation

Indigenous Seaweed Farming

There are several reasons why the Kwiakah are taking this approach. First, they want to ensure that kelp forests are available for future generations. Second, they want to protect the marine environment. Third, they want to create a sustainable economic future for their community.

The Kwiakah’s approach to indigenous seaweed farming is based on their traditional knowledge and values. The band has a long history of living off the land and sea. They know the importance of protecting the environment, and they are committed to creating a sustainable future for their community.

Kelp cultivation has a number of environmental benefits. Kelp forests absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, which helps to mitigate climate change. Kelp also provides a habitat for a variety of marine life. In addition, kelp can be used to produce various products, including food, fertilizer, and biofuel.

Kelp forests are facing a number of challenges, including climate change, pollution, and overfishing. Climate change is causing the ocean to become warmer and more acidic, which is making it difficult for kelp to grow. Pollution from runoff from farms and cities is also harming kelp forests. Overfishing is another major threat to kelp forests.

But despite these challenges, growing and harvesting kelp is worth the struggle for the economic benefits it provides.


Jobs and Economic Opportunities

The Kwiakah are using their unique approach to indigenous seaweed farming to create a sustainable future for their community. The band is repurposing an old fish farm into a kelp farm. The farm will be used to grow kelp for food, fertilizer, and biofuel. The Kwiakah are also working to educate the public about the importance of kelp forests and the need to conserve them.

Kelp cultivation creates jobs and economic opportunities for Indigenous communities. Indigenous seaweed farming is a relatively new industry, but it is growing rapidly. As the demand for kelp products increases, more people will be needed to grow, harvest, and process kelp. This could provide much-needed jobs for Indigenous communities, many of which have high unemployment rates.

On Eastern Long Island in New York, Shinnecock First Nation kelp farmers began planting kelp in December of 2021. They started small, with a manageable 20 spools of kelp and a year later, they had harvested 100 pounds. Most of the first batch was dried and sold as a natural fertilizer. They then donated excess spores to be used to help start other kelp farms. They have now expanded their operations from 20 spools of kelp to 200.

Since beginning operations, Shinnecock First Nation members have noticed that the water appears clearer, and wildlife are now returning. The group plans on hiring additional farmers from the nation bringing economic prosperity and stability to people that have been marginalized for too long.


Additional Thoughts

In addition to the environmental benefits of kelp cultivation, the Kwiakah’s approach also has the potential to create jobs and economic opportunities for Indigenous communities. Indigenous seaweed farming is a relatively new industry, but it is growing rapidly. As the demand for kelp products increases, more people will be needed to grow, harvest, and process kelp. This could provide much-needed jobs for Indigenous communities, many of which have high unemployment rates.

The Kwiakah’s approach to indigenous seaweed farming is an example of how Indigenous communities can use their traditional knowledge and values to create a sustainable future. By taking a slow, intentional approach and focusing on conservation, the Kwiakah ensure that kelp forests will be available for future generations. This is an important lesson for other Indigenous communities who are considering entering the kelp cultivation industry.





Source  Happy Eco News

Atmosphere to Water Generators: Veggies in the Desert

Atmosphere to Water Generators: Veggies in the Desert

The world is facing a water crisis. Atmosphere to Water Generators (AWGs) can help alleviate this problem in hot, dry locations.

As the population grows and climate change intensifies, water resources have become increasingly unpredictable and erratic. In arid environments, such as deserts, water is especially scarce. This is a major challenge for agriculture, as water is essential for growing food.

There has been growing interest in developing new technologies to produce water from air in recent years. The idea is not new; throughout history, ancient cultures have used dew fences and other passive means to harvest moisture from the air – even the very dry air of deserts. A quick look online shows several free or near-to-free ways to generate water, such as Kumulus water generators; solar-powered machines capable of producing 20 to 30 liters of healthy drinking water daily.

A new study published in Cell Reports Physical Science has demonstrated the potential of Atmosphere to Water Generators to produce water in arid environments using waste heat from solar panels. With SolarAtmosphere to Water Generators, it may be possible to grow food in the desert without relying on scarce freshwater resources. This could address the global water crisis and provide food security for a growing population.


How Atmosphere to Water Generators Work

Atmosphere to Water Generators work by using the heat from sunlight to evaporate water from the air. The water vapor is then condensed into liquid water. The process of evaporation requires energy, and the heat from sunlight provides this energy. The water vapor is then condensed into liquid water by cooling it down. This can be done by passing the water vapor through a cold pipe or by using a fan to blow cold air over it.

Atmosphere to Water Generators are typically made up of two main components: a solar collector and a condenser. The solar collector is used to collect the heat from sunlight. The condenser is used to condense the water vapor into liquid water.


Solar First then Water

In the system explained by the Cell Reports Physical Science study, the system was first designed to enable solar panels to work more efficiently; water production was just a happy byproduct.

Solar panels have been getting better and cheaper in recent years, but overall they still are relatively inefficient. This inefficiency is made worse by heat – a big problem for systems located in very hot deserts. Further, just like any other piece of electronics, a solar panel lasts longer when kept cool, which is also a problem in a harsh desert environment.

The solution was to coat the back of the panels with hydrogel, a product that absorbs water from the air at night, then releases it through evaporation as it heats during the day. As the water evaporates, it cools the solar panels making them work more efficiently and last longer.

This evaporated water is then captured and saved for crop irrigation. Deserts are places of extreme heat – daytime temperatures are hot, but nighttimes are very cool, making them the perfect place to maximize the performance of a system like this.

The study found that Solar Atmosphere to Water Generators can produce up to 1.5 liters of water per day per square meter of solar cell area. This is enough water to support the growth of vegetables in a desert environment.

The study’s findings can potentially revolutionize agriculture in arid environments, said the authors.


Challenges and Opportunities

There are a number of challenges that need to be addressed before Atmosphere to Water Generators can be widely adopted. One challenge is the cost. They are still relatively expensive, but the cost is expected to come down as the technology is developed further and the costs may be negligible when included in the design and commissioning of a large solar farm. More so when combined with the benefits of increased solar panel efficiency and lifespan.

Another challenge is efficiency. Solar Atmosphere to Water Generators are not yet as efficient as other methods of water production, such as desalination. However, due to the fact is essentially a passive system with very little maintenance and low cost, the efficiency of Solar Atmosphere to Water Generators is not as important as other types, and of course, the cost is expected to improve as the technology is developed further.

Despite these challenges, Solar Atmosphere to Water Generators have the potential to make a significant contribution to solving the global water crisis. With continued research and development, they could become a major water source for agriculture in arid environments.





Source  Happy Eco News

Sustainable Mushroom Coffins – Human Compost

Sustainable Mushroom Coffins – Human Compost

Sustainable Mushroom Coffins

Mushroom coffins are made from mycelium, the vegetative part of fungi. The mycelium is grown around a mold of the desired shape and then dried, forming a sturdy, biodegradable material that can be used as an alternative to traditional coffins. These coffins are available in various shapes and sizes and can even be customized to suit individual preferences.

The coffin is designed to decompose quickly and enrich the soil. When buried, the mycelium in the coffin will break down organic matter, including human remains, into nutrients and minerals that nourish plants. It can also improve soil quality by breaking down toxic chemicals and pollutants in the soil, making it healthier for future growth.


Benefits Compared to Traditional Coffins

Reduced Carbon Emissions: Traditional coffins made of wood and metal are known to produce large amounts of carbon emissions during production and transportation. On the other hand, sustainable mushroom coffins are made of natural materials and require less energy to manufacture, resulting in lower carbon emissions.

Cost-effectiveness: Sustainable mushroom coffins are also more cost-effective than traditional coffins. While traditional coffins can be expensive due to the use of expensive materials and the cost of labour, mushroom coffins are much cheaper to produce, making them more affordable for families looking for sustainable alternatives.

Sustainable Use of Natural Resources: Sustainable mushroom coffins are also better for the environment because they utilize renewable natural resources and do not require harmful chemicals or pesticides to grow. Additionally, they help reduce the waste generated from traditional burial practices.


Composting Human Remains

Human compost is converting human remains, such as bones and tissue, into nutrient-rich soil using the same principles of composting used to fertilize gardens. It involves placing the body in a container filled with organic material like wood chips, straw, or sawdust. Oxygen and moisture encourage decomposition, resulting in nutrient-rich soil that nourishes plants.

Human compost is a more sustainable option than traditional burial and cremation practices. Traditional burial practices involve embalming fluids containing harmful chemicals that can seep into the soil and water supply. Conversely, cremation requires large amounts of energy to burn the body, which contributes to carbon emissions.

Human compost produces significantly less carbon emissions than traditional burial and cremation practices. Unlike cremation, human composting does not require high levels of energy use. Instead, the decomposition process occurs naturally, requiring only minimal energy input.

Human compost produces nutrient-rich soil that can be used to grow plants, trees, and other vegetation. This helps to replenish the soil and promote healthy plant growth.

The use of compost from human remains also helps prevent soil erosion. This is because compost has properties that help to retain moisture and reduce runoff, which can help prevent soil erosion.

If you are interested in using sustainable death practices like sustainable mushroom coffins and human compost, it is important to research and find a provider that offers these options in your jurisdiction. Discussing these options with your loved ones is also important so that your wishes can be honoured when the time comes.

While death is a reality for all of us, we can still make choices that positively impact the environment even after we are gone. By choosing sustainable death practices, we can make a more meaningful contribution to the planet, leaving behind a legacy of environmental consciousness and stewardship.





Source   Happy Eco News

Eco-Friendly Crab Shell BioPlastic Wrap

Eco-Friendly Crab Shell BioPlastic Wrap

Recently, there has been a growing demand for eco-friendly alternatives to plastic. One promising option is a new type of crab shell bioplastic wrap made from waste grab shells and wood pulp. This new film is flexible, transparent, and can be used to wrap food like plastic wrap. It is also biodegradable and compostable, making it a more sustainable option for food packaging.

Crab Shell BioPlastic Wrap

The new crab shell bioplastic wrap is made by spraying alternating layers of chitin and cellulose fibres sourced from discarded crab shells and wood pulp, respectively, onto a polylactic acid (PLA) base. Chitin is a natural polymer that is found in the exoskeletons of insects and crustaceans. Cellulose is a natural polymer that is found in the cell walls of plants. PLA is a bio-based plastic that is made from renewable resources, such as corn starch.

The new plastic wrap has a number of advantages over traditional plastic wrap. It is made from renewable resources, is biodegradable and compostable, and does not release harmful toxins into the environment. It is also transparent, flexible, and odourless.

The main material that the new plastic wrap is compared to is PET or polyethylene terephthalate. It is one of the most common petroleum-based materials used in transparent packaging, such as vending machines and soft drink bottles. The material showed up to a 67 percent reduction in oxygen permeability compared to some forms of PET. This means that the new plastic wrap could, in theory, keep foods fresher for longer.

In addition to plastic film, PET plastic is used in a variety of applications, including:

  • Bottles: PET is the most common material used for beverage bottles, such as water, soda, and juice. It is also used for some food packaging, such as salad dressing and oil bottles.
  • Fibres: PET is used to make a variety of fibres, including polyester, which is used in clothing, carpets, and other textiles.
  • Films: PET makes various films, including food packaging, insulation, and tapes.
  • Other applications: PET is also used in various other applications, such as electronics, automotive parts, and construction materials.

The new plastic wrap is still in its early stages of development, but it can potentially be a major breakthrough in the fight against plastic pollution. As the technology continues to develop, it is likely to become more widely available and replace traditional plastic wrap in a number of applications.


Benefits of Using Crab Shell BioPlastic Wrap:

There are a number of benefits to using crab shell bioplastic wrap. These benefits include:

  • It is made from renewable resources: Eco-friendly plastic wrap is made from renewable resources, such as crab shells and wood pulp. This means that it does not contribute to the depletion of fossil fuels.
  • It is biodegradable and compostable: Eco-friendly plastic wrap is biodegradable and compostable. This means it will not harm the environment when disposed of.
  • It does not release harmful toxins into the environment: Eco-friendly plastic wrap does not release harmful toxins into the environment as it decomposes. This means that it is safe for people and animals.


Challenges of Using Crab Shell BioPlastic Wrap:

There are a few challenges to using crab shell bioplastic wrap. These include:

  • It is still in its early stages of development: Eco-friendly plastic wrap is still in its early stages of development. This means that it is not yet as widely available as traditional plastic wrap.
  • It can be more expensive than traditional plastic wrap: Eco-friendly plastic wrap can be more expensive than traditional plastic wrap. This is because it is made from renewable resources and is biodegradable.

Overall, eco-friendly plastic wrap is a promising alternative to traditional plastic wrap. It is made from renewable resources, is biodegradable and compostable, and does not release harmful toxins into the environment. As the technology continues to develop, it is likely to become more widely available and to replace traditional plastic wrap in a number of applications.





Source  Happy Eco News

Use Technology to Create a More Sustainable Future

Use Technology to Create a More Sustainable Future

Renewable energy

There are four major sources of renewable energy in the UK – wind, solar, hydroelectric and bioenergy. The technology used in these solutions includes photovoltaics basics, which are commonly found in solar panels.

Wind turbines convert kinetic energy into rotational energy. Technologies being used to enhance to capabilities of wind turbines include smart blades, 3D printing and improved blade design.


Packaging has been at the forefront of environmental issues for a number of years. Businesses have switched to biodegradable materials instead of plastics in the hope of reducing the landfill problem and have sought to limit the amount of packaging used on products.

But new and emerging technologies have opened the door to even more creative solutions. One example is using CAD design software to create sustainable products from materials that are recycled and from renewable sources.

Using this type of technology to design and manufacture products such as packaging and clothing also results in less waste due to the accuracy of computer-generated cuts.

IoT technology

The Internet of Things is being increasingly adopted by a wide range of industries, making their processes more efficient, connected and sustainable.

As well as helping to track ESG goals, IoT technology allows data sharing, and improved productivity and can monitor logistics in real-time. Creating a more efficient factory, office or site can also help reduce energy consumption and waste and support the optimisation of the workspace.


Artificial Intelligence has the potential to transform industries and, when used creatively, could harness a variety of sustainable solutions. For example, the agricultural industry has seen huge developments which have paved the way for automated tractors and other machinery as well as robotics for crop optimisation.

AI has also enabled farmers to create optimal conditions for improved nutrients and harvesting which the natural environment might struggle to achieve.

Electric vehicles

Powered by electricity rather than fossil fuels, electric cars produce less greenhouse gases than petrol or diesel vehicles. However, to optimise sustainability, the manufacturing and running of electric vehicles should eventually be facilitated via renewable energy.

As the government invests in introducing new charging points and electric vehicles become cheaper and more efficient, an increasing number of businesses and individuals are likely to switch from conventional cars.

As newer and more advanced technologies continue to emerge, there’s no doubt that sustainable solutions will become more creative, adaptable and profitable.





Source  Happy Eco News

New Ocean Carbon Removal Tools Developed

New Ocean Carbon Removal Tools Developed

What is Ocean Carbon Removal?

Ocean carbon removal is a process that aims to remove excess carbon dioxide from our oceans. As we all know, the ocean plays a critical role in regulating our planet’s climate by absorbing large amounts of CO2 from the atmosphere. However, this absorption has a limit, and as we continue to emit more and more greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, the ocean’s ability to absorb CO2 is reaching its threshold.

The process of removing carbon dioxide involves capturing it directly from seawater or indirectly through biological processes, such as photosynthesis carried out by marine organisms like phytoplankton. Once captured, it can be stored permanently in deep-sea sediments or used for various industrial purposes.

Ocean carbon removal has gained significant attention recently due to its potential for reducing atmospheric CO2 levels and mitigating climate change impacts on marine ecosystems. Additionally, this solution can generate ocean-based carbon credits, which provide financial incentives for companies investing in sustainable practices that reduce their carbon footprint.

Ocean carbon removal offers promising solutions for mitigating climate change while protecting our oceans’ health but also requires careful evaluation of its environmental risks and economic feasibility before implementation at scale.

The company Planetary Technologies has released an innovative ocean-based carbon removal protocol. The protocol aims to provide a standard for measuring and verifying the effectiveness of ocean-based carbon removal projects.

The technology adds a mild alkaline substance to the ocean, which reduces acidity and converts dissolved carbon dioxide into a salt that remains dissolved in the ocean for up to 100,000 years. This process allows for more atmospheric carbon dioxide to be absorbed by the ocean.

The company has been testing its technology in the U.K., Canada, and the U.S. and claims it could remove up to 1 million tonnes of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere by 2028 while restoring marine ecosystems. The publication of the protocol is a major step forward for the nascent market for marine carbon removals.


How does it work?

Ocean carbon removal is a process that involves removing carbon dioxide from the Earth’s atmosphere and storing it in the ocean. The process works by using natural or artificial processes to convert atmospheric CO2 into dissolved bicarbonate ions, which then sink and become trapped in deep-ocean sediments.

Natural processes include photosynthesis by marine organisms such as phytoplankton, while artificial methods involve injecting CO2 directly into seawater or using specialized equipment to capture CO2 from the air.

One of the key benefits of ocean carbon removal is its potential to mitigate climate change. By removing excess CO2 from the atmosphere, we can slow down global warming and reduce its impacts on our planet.

However, there are also concerns about how this technology might impact marine ecosystems. Injecting large amounts of CO2 into seawater could alter pH levels and affect marine life while capturing too much atmospheric CO2 could disrupt natural carbon cycles.

Ocean carbon removal has enormous potential for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and mitigating climate change. However, careful planning and monitoring will be necessary to ensure that these technologies are deployed safely and sustainably.


What are the benefits?

The benefits of ocean carbon removal are numerous and far-reaching. One of the primary benefits is that it provides a solution to one of the biggest challenges facing our planet today: climate change. By removing carbon from the atmosphere, we can slow down global warming and reduce its devastating effects.

In addition, ocean carbon removal has a lower environmental impact than other methods, such as land-based solutions or direct air capture. This is because oceans cover more than 70% of the Earth’s surface, making them an ideal location for large-scale carbon sequestration projects without disturbing natural habitats or ecosystems.

Another benefit is that it can create new economic opportunities in coastal communities through jobs related to monitoring, maintenance, and technology development. Furthermore, companies can earn ocean carbon credits by participating in these programs, encouraging investment in sustainable practices while funding future initiatives.

Ocean carbon removal helps protect marine life by reducing acidification levels caused by excess CO2 emissions. Acidification harms many marine species, including coral reefs which support millions of people worldwide through fishing and tourism industries.


What are the Concerns?

Despite the numerous benefits of ocean carbon removal, there are also concerns that need to be addressed. One of the primary concerns is the potential environmental impact on marine ecosystems. Large-scale ocean carbon capture technologies deployment may interfere with fish habitats and disrupt food chains.

Another concern is the lack of regulatory frameworks for validating and verifying the efficacy of ocean carbon credits. With no established standards in place, it becomes difficult to ensure transparency and accountability in measuring how much carbon has been removed from oceans.

Additionally, some experts warn that relying on carbon removal could divert attention away from more pressing climate solutions, such as reducing greenhouse gas emissions at their source. Without a comprehensive approach to addressing climate change, we risk overlooking other important factors contributing to global warming.

As we continue exploring ways to reduce our impact on the planet’s environment, it’s essential we address these concerns head-on by conducting thorough research and creating clear regulations around monitoring the effectiveness of this promising new technology.


A Piece of the Big Picture

The release of Planetary Technologies’ ocean-based carbon removal protocol is a significant milestone in the fight against climate change. The ability to remove carbon dioxide from our oceans not only helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions but also has positive effects on marine life and ecosystems. While there are concerns about potential environmental impacts and costs associated with this technology, it is important to continue exploring innovative solutions like these to address global warming.

Furthermore, individuals can get involved by supporting research efforts or advocating for policies that promote ocean-based carbon capture and storage projects. Ultimately, reducing our carbon footprint requires collective action at all levels – from governments and businesses to individuals.

By working together towards a sustainable future, we can protect our planet’s health while creating new opportunities for economic growth and innovation. Ocean carbon removal is just one piece of the bigger picture, but an important one in our journey towards a greener tomorrow.





Source Happy Eco News

Solar-Powered Honey: How Agrivoltaics Can Help Restore Pollinators

Solar-Powered Honey: How Agrivoltaics Can Help Restore Pollinators

The plight of pollinators.

Climate change and human development have greatly impacted large varieties of plants and animals. From big to small, no species has been entirely safe from the consequences of our actions.

Pollinators, in particular, have seen a large decline over the past twenty years. As habitat loss has accelerated, climate change has affected historical ranges, and pesticides have become more common.

While most pollinators are quite small, they greatly impact all of us as they help disperse pollen, allowing plants to reproduce.

As land use has contributed to habitat loss for these pollinators, there has been considerable opposition to introducing solar panels and arrays to areas with considerable numbers of these small creatures.

This brings agriculture proponents into an uneasy alliance with ecological activists, as agriculture proponents also don’t want their profits to decline as land is used for a different purpose.

However, a solution to both of these issues can be found in agrivoltaics, which is a promising alternative to single-use solar arrays.

Minnesota is showing an alternative.

Pollinators living alongside solar systems have found significant promise in Minnesota, USA. A 2016 law set up the Habitat Friendly Solar program, which incentives property developers and solar companies to build arrays with benefits for songbirds and pollinators.

This is in stark contrast to solar development in the 2000s. As a result of the high price at the time of solar panels, solar companies sought to cut costs anywhere they could. As a result, in their solar installations, they put in gravel instead of flowers or field grass due to the price being lower.

However, due to new research, solar developers have found that vegetation creates a cooling microclimate that benefits energy efficiency. They have since been putting in clover and other field grasses under and alongside their panels, but even now, they are putting in higher-rising flowers.

Connexus is a solar cooperative that has been operating in Minnesota, and have said that “It started with our headquarters solar array — initially designed to utilize class 5 gravel under and around the panels, we worked with Connexus member Prairie Restorations to design a low-growing, flowering meadow under and around the panels.”

These changes also have other ecological benefits, as some environmental advocates are promoting the planting of the native northern tallgrass prairie, which has declined to represent 1% of the land in the US since European settlement.

This could change the solar industry as a whole.

These changes to how solar arrays are installed represent a significant alliance between solar developers, natural conservation groups, and agriculture advocates.

These changes are a branch of agrivoltaics that advocates combining solar arrays and agriculture. These developments show that agriculture, pollinator habitat restoration, and solar energy are not mutually exclusive.

It is possible to have the best of these worlds combined, and it is, in fact, beneficial to all parties involved. The solar panels provide shade for specific species of plants and animals that are better suited to being out of the sun for part of the time, and the plants enhance solar panel efficiency.

In the transition to solar energy, it’s incredibly important that the development isn’t harmful to existing food production and ecology goals.





Source  Happy Eco News

Cellulosic Ethanol for Indonesian Farmers

Cellulosic Ethanol for Indonesian Farmers

Cellulosic Ethanol vs Bio-diesel

Like many other countries worldwide, Indonesia has ambitious goals for reducing reliance on fossil fuels. With a population just shy of 300 million people, the results of reducing petroleum consumption would be substantial.

Leaders within the country have expressed interest and intent to reduce reliance on fossil fuels; last year, the country’s president Joko Widodo announced that they are dedicating 700,000 hectares of land to cultivating renewable-based sugar ethanol.

However, small farmers have not seen the benefit of this transition toward bio-diesel production. Large palm oil firms dominate the industry, leaving small farmers without much hope in a transition that will benefit them as much as the environment.

According to Tenny Kristiana of the International Council on Clean Transportation, cellulosic ethanol could be the key ingredient to facilitate a boon in the lives of small farmers and Indonesia as a whole in the long run.

What could be done?

Cellulosic bio-ethanol is a bio-fuel that could be incredibly useful for Indonesian farmers due to its nature in the supply chain. The ethanol is created using traditionally considered waste products, like palm husks, trunks, and empty fruit bunches. These leftovers are either left to rot in the fields or sold overseas to countries like Japan, using the byproducts to fuel their own bio-ethanol industry.

Small farmers would benefit from selling these raw materials to bio-ethanol companies in Indonesia under long-term contracts guaranteeing the benefits for a long time. Expanding this domestic industry would also create jobs in transportation, manufacturing, and plantation work.

Indonesia specifically has large potential in developing its cellulosic ethanol industry, with estimates ranging up to 2 million kiloliters from palm residues alone. This could be the major push that Indonesia needs to support its domestic supply chain and create long-term stability in the job market that they need.

Read also about myECO, An Electric Saving Startup Based in Indonesia.

Being Done Elsewhere Too

This push towards sustainable development in cellulosic ethanol production is not without precedent. Brazil has one of the most successful bio-ethanol programs in the world, making up 50% of all fuel consumption in the gasoline market by April 2008.

This push would also reduce reliance on trade with foreign countries, as the fuel supply would be provided domestically, leaving Indonesia less vulnerable to changes outside its borders.

As the industry expands, they could also expand the inputs in ethanol production. Sugar cane bagasse, corn stalks, rice stems, and others could be used to create bioethanol.

While the long-term goal for many countries is to decarbonize and get off of ICEs entirely, in other countries, the costs outweigh the benefits. In the short to medium term, domestic bioethanol production could be necessary to help small farmers and the Indonesian society at large to buy into the green transition.





Source   Happy Eco News