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Windcatcher the Huge Wooden Wind Generator

Windcatcher the Huge Wooden Wind Generator

Engineers have designed a new type of gigantic wooden wind generator dubbed the “Windcatcher” that could rise higher than the Eiffel Tower to tap into more powerful winds and generate huge amounts of renewable electricity far offshore.

At 1,066 feet (325 meters) from anchoring base to propeller tip, the proposed Windcatcher wooden wind generator system would surpass the iconic Parisian landmark’s height of 1,063 feet when fully built. But rather than offering tours of city views, this would allow the colossal tower to leverage faster wind speeds at higher altitudes than conventional wind turbines mounted closer to shore. Architects envision groups of these wooden wind generator megastructures with spinning wind turbines dotted along their central shafts, powering entire regions with clean energy.

Winds Tend to Blow Stronger Higher Up

Wind flow is enhanced the higher you go because ground obstacles like hills and buildings cause slowing friction. By elevating up into less disrupted airflow, the Windcatcher’s turbines could rotate 50% faster than ones constructed only 300 feet up. More spin velocity means manyfold more power generation. Modeling shows electricity output from a single Windcatcher could equal several traditional wind towers running in parallel. This boosted productivity per tower could make building fewer giants more efficient than patching seascape views with ever more waves of smaller mills.

Engineering a Gigantic Wooden Wind Generator

However, efficiently scaling turbines to Eiffel defining heights poses profound infrastructure challenges around stability, longevity, and safe maintenance access throughout the multiyear operation. The proposed Windcatcher design incorporates a sturdy yet flexible solid timber tower base tapering into an open skeletal wood frame swirling up to its peak generation capacity. The entire structure can gently sway to dampen extreme gust loads without catastrophic failure risk. Metal vibration dampeners also help absorb wind energy to limit motion.

Ringing the tower’s exterior, helical rampways, and grated platforms circle up to turbine machinery requiring routine inspection or emergency repairs. Cargo lifts and even tilting gondolas mean specialized crews can access any point from base to pinnacle in most conditions while remaining secure. But whatsoever precautions, embarking 1,000 feet into the North Sea gusts to bolt down wayward equipment is no task for the faint of heart.

The wooden wind generator concept has grabbed attention across renewable energy circles, yet experts debate feasibility obstacles around truly enormous timber joinery, massive construction logistics, operating equipment endurance, and connection infrastructure. Building numerous near Eiffel-topping wooden wind generators certainly nudges current offshore wind realism boundaries. However, proponents argue that visionary, clean power goals require expansive thinking, including wooden wind generators. However, intimidating initial steps appear. Our energy appetites will only expand, and every field bears longshot innovations that will later prove pivotal.

The proposal’s futuristic allure is clear. Windcatcher wooden wind generators evoke images of natural organisms gently swaying amid the waves, smoothly converting the wind’s energy into electricity, helping human life flourish onshore. Their sheer epic scale captivates the imagination much akin to Parisian Gustave Eiffel’s original wrought iron icon that long-held records as the world’s tallest manmade structure. Perhaps someday, rows of these block-long towers may claim their own position as ultimate wind energy titans built to sustainably power nations using renewable materials and ingenuity.





Source  Happy Eco News

New York State’s Largest Rooftop Solar Installation Ever

New York State’s Largest Rooftop Solar Installation Ever

New York State has taken a big renewable step forward with its largest rooftop solar installation yet. Recently, the state unveiled its largest rooftop solar project stationed atop the Medline Industries distribution center. This landmark achievement not only fortifies New York’s commitment to green energy but also serves as a beacon for other states to follow.

Tucked away at the expansive Medline Industries distribution center, this massive project is a testament to clean energy’s tangible benefits. With the capability to power an impressive 1,600 homes annually, the project is undeniably significant; it is the largest rooftop solar installation in New York state. This initiative boasts a production capacity of 7.2 megawatts to break down the numbers derived from its 17,000 solar panels.

Furthermore, the environmental implications of this largest rooftop solar installation project are profound. New York State expects to reduce its annual carbon footprint by 6,000 metric tons by harnessing the sun’s energy. To contextualize this, it’s akin to removing several thousand cars from the roads each year, paving the way for cleaner air and a healthier environment.

While individual projects like the one at Medline Industries are pivotal, they form part of a much grander scheme in New York’s green energy blueprint. Under the New York Climate Act Goal, the state has set its sights on an ambitious target: generating 6 gigawatts of solar energy by 2025. The largest rooftop solar installation in NY goes beyond just energy production—it’s about redefining the state’s relationship with power consumption and making clean energy an accessible commodity for all.

No significant venture comes to fruition without solid financial backing, especially the state’s largest rooftop solar installation. With its $8 million price tag, the Medline project required considerable investment. PowerFlex, a renowned entity in the clean energy domain, took the lead with a hefty $5 million investment. Their faith in the project’s potential was echoed by the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority, which further infused $3 million through its NY-Sun initiative. Such investments underscore the belief that sustainable projects are ecologically beneficial and economically viable.

Solar energy, while beneficial, remains elusive to many due to the upfront costs associated with panel installation and maintenance. This is where community solar projects step in as game-changers. These initiatives eliminate the need for individual households to install their own panels. Instead, they allow consumers to benefit from solar power by tapping into a shared grid, which receives energy from community-based solar installations.

By integrating solar power into the local grid, residents, irrespective of their housing situations or financial standings, can access clean energy. This communal approach democratizes solar energy access and fosters a sense of community collaboration towards a sustainable future.

New York’s endeavors in solar energy have solidified its reputation as a frontrunner in the U.S. community solar market. The statistics are telling: since 2012, the state has witnessed an astonishing 3,000% surge in solar access. Beyond the environmental accolades, this growth trajectory has ushered in economic prosperity. Over 13,400 individuals now find employment in the solar sector in New York. Additionally, as technologies and methodologies have improved, there’s been a notable 72% decrease in costs associated with solar energy, making it even more accessible.

The unveiling of Medline Industries’ largest rooftop solar installation is not merely a testament to New York State’s green ambitions; it’s a clarion call for other regions to intensify their renewable energy pursuits. As New York strengthens its renewable energy portfolio, its strategies and successes offer valuable insights for broader national and global adoption.

For stakeholders, investors, and the general public, there’s never been a more opportune time to delve deeper into the realm of solar energy. By understanding its intricacies and potential, one can contribute to and immensely benefit from the burgeoning solar sector.





Source   Happy Eco News

Cement Energy Storage – Two Ways

Cement Energy Storage – Two Ways

Cement, the binding agent in concrete, is the world’s most widely utilized construction material and may soon be used as cement energy storage. However, emerging research reveals its overlooked potential to serve as a cement energy storage medium in two completely different ways: solid thermal batteries and supercapacitors (when combined with carbon).

Cement Blocks as Thermal Batteries

According to an article in the Journal of Composites Science, scientists have developed a method to produce cement-based blocks that effectively function as thermal batteries. Their technique infuses cement blocks with the ability to soak up renewable electricity when manufactured and then discharge it later on demand as usable heat.

The researchers use chemical alterations during the concrete mixing process to integrate phase change materials into the cement binder matrix. These phase-change materials have the ability to store and release thermal energy.

The resulting cement energy storage blocks contain phase change materials that can absorb electricity when it is most abundant and inexpensive from the grid or renewable sources. The charged blocks can then act as solid thermal batteries, releasing their stored energy as heat when needed for space and water heating systems.

In initial tests, the team achieved energy densities comparable to lithium-ion batteries in their cement energy storage-based blocks. This stored energy is emitted as gentle heat when water is added, with adjustable discharge rates. The blocks can offer long-duration energy storage across daily cycles or entire seasons.

By incorporating waste materials like plastic ash during production, the researchers achieved lower costs than conventional concrete blocks or batteries. Additional waste heat captured during block fabrication can provide self-generated power.

The creators say that scale adoption of such cement energy storage thermal batteries could provide renewable energy storage for buildings while lowering grid demand peaks. The cement blocks offer an alternative to mining metals like lithium, cobalt, and nickel, which are finite and environmentally destructive to extract.

This novel approach redirects one of cement’s existing useful properties – its high thermal mass – towards storing renewable energy rather than fossil fuels traditionally used for heat in cement kilns. It points to one-way cement could aid sustainable energy transitions through material innovation.


Conductive Cement-Carbon Composites

Researchers at MIT have also demonstrated cement energy storage’s potential as an energy storage medium by transforming it into a highly efficient supercapacitor. Their method infuses cement with carbon-based additives to create cement-derived composites with enhanced conductive properties.

The MIT team found that the resulting material attained supercapacitor-like behaviors by mixing cement with inexpensive carbon black additives. This was due to carbon black creating a conductive surface area network throughout the composite.

With just 3% carbon black content by volume, cement’s conductivity spiked to levels comparable to powerful supercapacitors. The team states that a cement block around 45 cubic meters in size could potentially store up to 10 kilowatt-hours of energy – equal to an average home’s daily usage.

While still experimental, the researchers say these carbon-infused cement energy storage composites could enable integrated energy storage in concrete structures. Walls, foundations, or roadways made with such cement mixtures might capture solar, wind, or waste energy onsite for later usage.

The carbon provides the charge-storing capacity, while ubiquitous cement allows for scalable, inexpensive production since these composites do not rely on scarce materials like lithium or cobalt. Combined, they offer unique advantages as sustainable energy storage solutions.



Together, these two emerging techniques demonstrate that one of the planet’s most abundant building materials – cement – can potentially provide flexible, large-scale energy storage as demands grow.

While still in the early stages, both research trajectories showcase cement’s latent abilities to store energy through novel manufacturing processes and composite ingredients. With further advancement, cement energy storaget-based batteries and supercapacitors may offer new tools for enabling greater renewable energy integration across infrastructure. The present global ubiquity of concrete construction means cement-derived energy storage could be rapidly deployable once perfected. Unlocking the hidden attributes of cement through materials science and engineering may yield key innovations to support grids in an electrified, renewable future.





Source   Happy Eco News

‘No time to waste’: Tokyo makes solar panels mandatory for nearly all new homes

‘No time to waste’: Tokyo makes solar panels mandatory for nearly all new homes

Nearly all houses in Tokyo will have to install solar panels after April 2025.

The regulation – passed by the Japanese capital’s local assembly on Thursday – requires 50 major construction firms to equip homes of up to 2,000 square metres with renewable energy power sources.

The rule will help the city transition to green energy, city counsellors declared.

“In addition to the existing global climate crisis, we face an energy crisis with a prolonged Russia-Ukraine war,” said Risako Narikiyo, a member of the local assembly.

“There is no time to waste.”


Why is Tokyo making solar panels mandatory?

Tokyo is the world’s largest city, with a population of nearly 14 million people in its central metropolitan area. Per year, its residents emit an average of 8.6 tonnes of CO2 each.

The IPCC recommends that to meet our decarbonisation goals we should exceed no more than 2.3 tonnes of carbon each, per year.

Tokyo hopes to bring down its emissions footprint significantly in the coming decades. The city’s Metropolitan Government aims to halve greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 compared with 2000 levels, and to be emission-free by 2050.

But Tokyo lags in its uptake of renewable energy. Just four per cent of buildings with the capacity for solar panels currently have them.

The new rule will help change this.

Overall, the measure will save residents money, the metropolitan government says.

The 4 kilowatt panels will cost around 980,000 yen (€6,725) to install, but the government estimates that this will be covered by electricity sales revenue within 10 years. Subsidies will reduce this pay off time to around six years.






Twin peaks: South Australia reaches 100% solar, and then 100% wind power in same week

Twin peaks: South Australia reaches 100% solar, and then 100% wind power in same week

It was a big week for South Australia last week. First, as we wrote at the time, the state reached 100 per cent solar power (of state demand) for the first time on Sunday, October 11.

Then, just a few days later, the state reached 100 per cent wind power (of state demand), on Thursday, October 15.

This was not the first time for wind, as it occurs reasonably often and for sometimes lengthy periods, but the fact that the two events occurred within days of the other are nevertheless important milestones. And although the transition to clean energy is far from complete, it does give some insight into what the state Liberal government’s target of “net 100 per cent renewables” by 2030 might look like.

It also came in a week when the state premier and energy minister formally opened construction of two significant projects in and around Port Augusta – including the country’s biggest wind-solar hybrid plant (317MW), and the 86MW second stage of the Lincoln Gap wind project, which is expected to grow to a total of 452MW.



We are indebted to Glenne Drover, from the Australian Institute of Energy, for noting the twin milestones and posting it on LinkedIn a few days ago.

It comes in a spring full of renewable energy and other records, at state and national level. The share of both wind and solar is reaching record levels, the share of renewables is above 30 per cent for the first time, and new minimum demand levels are being set in South Australia and Victoria, reflecting the growing influence of rooftop solar.

The commentary on Drover’s his post made for fascinating reading, and an insight into the state of the energy debate in Australia, and elsewhere for that matter.

It ranged from the those who moaned that solar couldn’t provide 100 per cent of the energy supply for 24 hours (apparently the sun goes down every evening, who knew?), to the energy trader from Shell who celebrated that gas also delivered 100 per cent of the state’s demand at one point (well, it didn’t quite, but nearly).

AEMO chief executive Audry Zibelman put it in some perspective, noting that the combination of rooftop solar (992MW) and large scale solar (313MW) fuelled the state’s electricity needs for a 30-minute period, a first in Australia and for any major jurisdiction globally.

She said the milestone affirms the world-leading scale and pace of transition underway in Australia’s power system.

“The domination and successful integration of rooftop solar in South Australia foreshadows the rebuilding of jurisdictional power systems in Australia,” Zibelman said in an emailed statement.

What the state will need is a lot more storage – either in the form of big batteries, virtual power plants or the numerous pumped hydro plants that have been mooted, but appear stuck in regulatory and policy limbo.

The case for storage was undermined by AEMO’s Mike Davidson, who in a comment on the LinkedIn post noted that “storage is next”, and also pointed to the key role that wind and solar played in keeping Victoria’s Portland smelter running when the main link between Victoria and South Australia was blown down in a storm earlier this year, and Victoria’s biggest load was hanging on to the end of the S.A. grid.



By founder and editor of Renew Economy, and is also the founder of One Step Off The Grid and founder/editor of The Driven. Giles has been a journalist for 35 years and is a former business and deputy editor of the Australian Financial Review.

Source: Renew Economy