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Windcatcher the Huge Wooden Wind Generator

Windcatcher the Huge Wooden Wind Generator

Engineers have designed a new type of gigantic wooden wind generator dubbed the “Windcatcher” that could rise higher than the Eiffel Tower to tap into more powerful winds and generate huge amounts of renewable electricity far offshore.

At 1,066 feet (325 meters) from anchoring base to propeller tip, the proposed Windcatcher wooden wind generator system would surpass the iconic Parisian landmark’s height of 1,063 feet when fully built. But rather than offering tours of city views, this would allow the colossal tower to leverage faster wind speeds at higher altitudes than conventional wind turbines mounted closer to shore. Architects envision groups of these wooden wind generator megastructures with spinning wind turbines dotted along their central shafts, powering entire regions with clean energy.

Winds Tend to Blow Stronger Higher Up

Wind flow is enhanced the higher you go because ground obstacles like hills and buildings cause slowing friction. By elevating up into less disrupted airflow, the Windcatcher’s turbines could rotate 50% faster than ones constructed only 300 feet up. More spin velocity means manyfold more power generation. Modeling shows electricity output from a single Windcatcher could equal several traditional wind towers running in parallel. This boosted productivity per tower could make building fewer giants more efficient than patching seascape views with ever more waves of smaller mills.

Engineering a Gigantic Wooden Wind Generator

However, efficiently scaling turbines to Eiffel defining heights poses profound infrastructure challenges around stability, longevity, and safe maintenance access throughout the multiyear operation. The proposed Windcatcher design incorporates a sturdy yet flexible solid timber tower base tapering into an open skeletal wood frame swirling up to its peak generation capacity. The entire structure can gently sway to dampen extreme gust loads without catastrophic failure risk. Metal vibration dampeners also help absorb wind energy to limit motion.

Ringing the tower’s exterior, helical rampways, and grated platforms circle up to turbine machinery requiring routine inspection or emergency repairs. Cargo lifts and even tilting gondolas mean specialized crews can access any point from base to pinnacle in most conditions while remaining secure. But whatsoever precautions, embarking 1,000 feet into the North Sea gusts to bolt down wayward equipment is no task for the faint of heart.

The wooden wind generator concept has grabbed attention across renewable energy circles, yet experts debate feasibility obstacles around truly enormous timber joinery, massive construction logistics, operating equipment endurance, and connection infrastructure. Building numerous near Eiffel-topping wooden wind generators certainly nudges current offshore wind realism boundaries. However, proponents argue that visionary, clean power goals require expansive thinking, including wooden wind generators. However, intimidating initial steps appear. Our energy appetites will only expand, and every field bears longshot innovations that will later prove pivotal.

The proposal’s futuristic allure is clear. Windcatcher wooden wind generators evoke images of natural organisms gently swaying amid the waves, smoothly converting the wind’s energy into electricity, helping human life flourish onshore. Their sheer epic scale captivates the imagination much akin to Parisian Gustave Eiffel’s original wrought iron icon that long-held records as the world’s tallest manmade structure. Perhaps someday, rows of these block-long towers may claim their own position as ultimate wind energy titans built to sustainably power nations using renewable materials and ingenuity.





Source  Happy Eco News

How manufacturers can transition to 100% renewable electricity

How manufacturers can transition to 100% renewable electricity

Manufacturing and other industrial users account for around a third of the world’s energy consumption, according to the International Energy Agency(1). Electricity is a central element of that. If all the power consumed by factories and industrial plants came from renewable sources, it would make a sizeable contribution to tackling climate change.

It is a tough target, but one that companies are increasingly signing up to. The RE100 initiative, for example, has seen more than 400 corporations commit to 100% renewable electricity use across their operations. How they reach that goal will depend on many factors, including what they are making and where.


Switching to renewable electricity

“Organisations with lighter electricity needs and stable finances will be best positioned to transition to renewables. Companies with high electricity demand, like furnaces for glass, smelting or other large-scale heating applications and companies with very large footprints – such as expansive warehouses and assembly operations – may have more difficulty,” says Paul Holdredge, Director for Industrials and Transport at consultancy Business for Social Responsibility (BSR).

COP28 president-designate Dr Sultan Al-Jaber told the Adipec conference in Abu Dhabi in early October(2) that heavy industries may be hard to decarbonise but added “We know that solutions exist, and all industries can and must respond.”

The prospect of switching to renewable electricity has become far easier due to recent dramatic cost reductions. According to the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), the price of solar photovoltaic power in 2010 was typically 710% higher than the cheapest fossil fuel, but by 2022 it was 29% cheaper(3). Currently electricity accounts for around 20% of final energy use in manufacturing, according to the International Renewable Energy Agency, and this is only expected to increase.


The manufacturing challenge

But it is not just the price of renewable energy, low as it is, that dictates a manufacturer’s ability to move to 100% renewable energy. Both the required initial capital investment and first-mover disadvantage—where it costs pioneers more than those that follow them to deploy new technologies—can significantly slow down a fully renewable transition. Not to mention the lack of availability of certain renewables in certain geographies and the fact that the appropriate infrastructure must be in place for this energy to be delivered—something no one company can do on its own.

Manufacturing requires an enormous amount of electricity in comparison to offices. In some countries or regions where the supply of renewable electricity is limited, like Japan, Taiwan, and Singapore, it is much more expensive than electricity produced by traditional means, placing a significant future cost burden on companies that purchase renewable electricity.

Epson is working to popularize the use of renewable electricity, despite the certainty of short-term cost increases. The company is advancing investment in sustainability to enrich communities and invest in future generations to create social value.


Going local

Wherever they are in the world, with whatever types of renewable energy available to them, companies need to adapt to local, national, and global circumstances. Seiko Epson, based in Japan, has done just that. Having switched to 100% renewable electricity for all its sites in Japan in 2021, it will complete the transition to 100% renewable electricity globally by the end of 2023(4). This goal has been made achievable through steady implementation of decarbonization targets and the use of renewable electricity since 2018.

In Nagano Prefecture, Japan, for example, where water sources are abundant, it relies on hydroelectric power. But in the Tohoku area, where it has a semiconductor fabrication plant, it uses hydropower and geothermal heat from the Ou mountains.

It is taking a similar approach outside Japan. In the Philippines, it taps into local geothermal and hydroelectric sources. While in Indonesia, it uses yet another renewable source—biomass power.

“We have used locally produced energy wherever possible,” says Junichi Watanabe, Managing Executive Officer General Administrative Manager, Production Planning Division, whose role encompasses the promotion of Epson’s procurement strategies in the supply chain, including the use of renewable electricity. “Rather than using energy generated in faraway countries, using a particular region’s abundant renewable resources brings many benefits, such as improving energy self-sufficiency and creating jobs.”

In addition to purchasing renewable electricity, Epson co-creates and develops other power sources through continuous renewable electricity purchases. In partnership with Nagano Prefecture and Chubu Electric Power Miraiz Company, Inc., the company began support of hydroelectric power plants in Nagano Prefecture. Two are already in operation (totalling 5,770 kilowatts) and another is scheduled to begin operation in 2024. That number is expected to increase to five by 2025.

Such targets can help a company stand out from the crowd. “Based on our research, setting a near-term goal for 100% renewable electricity use is an example of leadership and a differentiator. Some companies also have roadmaps to transition over longer time periods,” says Holdredge.


Among the practical methods companies should consider are:

• Sourcing renewable electricity from local suppliers via contracts with electricity suppliers – the ability to do this will depend on the rules in a particular country but, if it is possible, a company can be confident its electricity is only coming from renewable sources.

• Generating electricity on-site, via rooftop solar panels or, if space allows, wind turbines. Even if they do not generate all the power needed, they can still make a useful contribution.

• Develop battery storage facilities. A common concern about renewable electricity is the risk of supply being interrupted when the wind isn’t blowing or the sun isn’t shining, but storage technology offers a viable way to address that.


When it comes to solar power generation systems, Epson’s sites also decide whether to adopt self-investment or power purchase agreement (PPA) based on the individual circumstances of each country or region. The solution will vary from company to company. But most manufacturers are likely to find a combination of these elements will go a long way to reaching their renewable electricity goals.

What’s more, many manufacturers like Epson realize that their indirect GHG emissions from their entire value chain (Scope 3) are much greater than the GHG emissions from their own electricity use (Scope 2). As such, by reducing the sector’s Scope 2 emissions using renewable energy—something the sector can do independently—is likely to have a far greater impact on society. Setting goals early and demonstrating a company’s stance toward solving climate change is the key to co-prosperity with suppliers and a sustainable society.

“For large companies the return on investment is there to make the case for investment in renewables. For smaller companies this can also be true, but it depends on the geography. Government incentives can only speed up transition which is sorely needed,” says Christy Slay, Chief Executive Officer of The Sustainability Consortium.


The future for greener manufacturing

There are big gains for humanity if climate change can be addressed, but for manufacturing companies and their shareholders the best approach could also deliver commercial gains.

Consumers and investors are increasingly likely to reward companies with greener credentials, making it an essential part of long-term market positioning. In addition, greater use of renewables and greater self-generation can make a company more resilient to volatile electricity prices on the open market.

“Reaching 100% renewable is tough but pushing to get as close as possible, as soon as possible should be every company’s focus right now,” says Slay. “Epson has managed to stay one step ahead of the industry and is setting an example not only to Japan but to the world.”





Source  Reuters

Space-Based Solar Power Works!

Space-Based Solar Power Works!

The concept of space-based solar power (SBSP) has been around for over five decades, but it’s only now that scientists have achieved a major milestone in its development. In June 2023, scientists at the California Institute of Technology successfully transmitted solar power to Earth from space using a prototype spacecraft called Maple. This breakthrough could pave the way for energy to be sent to remote regions and areas affected by war or natural disasters where access to electricity is limited.

The idea of space-based solar power involves capturing the energy produced by the sun in space and transmitting it wirelessly to Earth using microwaves. The technology required to achieve this is complex, but the potential benefits are enormous. Since the sun shines 24 hours a day in space, space-based solar power would provide a constant source of renewable energy that’s not affected by weather conditions or time of day. It could also be used to power space missions and settlements.

The first engineering design for a solar power satellite was produced by Czech-born NASA engineer Peter Glaser in 1968 and published that year in the journal Science. Since then, there have been several attempts to develop the technology required for SBSP, but progress has been slow due to the high costs involved and technical challenges. However, recent advances in space technology and wireless power transmission have renewed interest in space-based solar power as a viable source of clean energy.

The Maple spacecraft launched into orbit in January 2023 was designed to test the technology required for SBSP. It consisted of two parts: a solar panel that captured sunlight and converted it into electricity, and a microwave transmitter that beamed the energy to a receiving station on Earth. The power was transmitted wirelessly over a distance of 1.2 miles, which may not seem like much, but it’s a significant achievement given the technical challenges involved.

One of the main challenges of space-based solar power is the need to transmit energy wirelessly over long distances without losing too much power. This is achieved using microwaves, which are similar to the waves used in microwave ovens but at a much higher frequency. Microwaves can travel through the atmosphere and are not affected by weather conditions, making them ideal for transmitting energy from space. However, they can also be dangerous if not properly contained, so safety measures need to be put in place.

Another challenge of Space-Based Solar Power is the cost involved in launching the necessary equipment into space. Solar panels and microwave transmitters are bulky and heavy, which makes launching them into space expensive. However, recent advances in space technology have made it possible to launch smaller and more efficient satellites at a lower cost. This could make SBSP more economically viable in the future.

The potential benefits of SBSP are numerous. Since it provides a constant source of renewable energy, it could help reduce our dependence on fossil fuels and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. It could also be used to power remote regions and areas affected by war or natural disasters where access to electricity is limited. In addition, it could be used to power space missions and settlements, making long-term space exploration more feasible.

However, there are also concerns about the potential drawbacks of SBSP. One concern is the environmental impact of launching large numbers of satellites into space. Space debris is already a major problem, and adding more satellites could exacerbate the problem. Another concern is the potential health risks of wireless energy transmission. Although microwaves are generally safe, there’s still some uncertainty about their long-term effects on human health.

Despite these concerns, the successful transmission of solar power from space to Earth using Maple is a major achievement that could pave the way for more research into SBSP and its development into a viable large-scale energy source. The next step is to scale up the technology and test it over longer distances.

While there are still challenges to overcome, the potential benefits of SBSP are enormous and could play a critical role in our transition to a low-carbon future.





Source  Happy Eco News

Use Technology to Create a More Sustainable Future

Use Technology to Create a More Sustainable Future

Renewable energy

There are four major sources of renewable energy in the UK – wind, solar, hydroelectric and bioenergy. The technology used in these solutions includes photovoltaics basics, which are commonly found in solar panels.

Wind turbines convert kinetic energy into rotational energy. Technologies being used to enhance to capabilities of wind turbines include smart blades, 3D printing and improved blade design.


Packaging has been at the forefront of environmental issues for a number of years. Businesses have switched to biodegradable materials instead of plastics in the hope of reducing the landfill problem and have sought to limit the amount of packaging used on products.

But new and emerging technologies have opened the door to even more creative solutions. One example is using CAD design software to create sustainable products from materials that are recycled and from renewable sources.

Using this type of technology to design and manufacture products such as packaging and clothing also results in less waste due to the accuracy of computer-generated cuts.

IoT technology

The Internet of Things is being increasingly adopted by a wide range of industries, making their processes more efficient, connected and sustainable.

As well as helping to track ESG goals, IoT technology allows data sharing, and improved productivity and can monitor logistics in real-time. Creating a more efficient factory, office or site can also help reduce energy consumption and waste and support the optimisation of the workspace.


Artificial Intelligence has the potential to transform industries and, when used creatively, could harness a variety of sustainable solutions. For example, the agricultural industry has seen huge developments which have paved the way for automated tractors and other machinery as well as robotics for crop optimisation.

AI has also enabled farmers to create optimal conditions for improved nutrients and harvesting which the natural environment might struggle to achieve.

Electric vehicles

Powered by electricity rather than fossil fuels, electric cars produce less greenhouse gases than petrol or diesel vehicles. However, to optimise sustainability, the manufacturing and running of electric vehicles should eventually be facilitated via renewable energy.

As the government invests in introducing new charging points and electric vehicles become cheaper and more efficient, an increasing number of businesses and individuals are likely to switch from conventional cars.

As newer and more advanced technologies continue to emerge, there’s no doubt that sustainable solutions will become more creative, adaptable and profitable.





Source  Happy Eco News

Major milestone for Greek energy as renewables power 100% of electricity demand

Major milestone for Greek energy as renewables power 100% of electricity demand

Renewable energy met all of Greece’s electricity needs for the first time ever last week, the country’s independent power transmission operator IPTO announced.

For at least five hours on Friday, renewables accounted for 100 per cent of Greece’s power generation, reaching a record high of 3,106 megawatt hours.

Solar, wind and hydro represented 46 per cent of the nation’s power mix in the eight months to August this year, up from 42 per cent in the same period in 2021, according to Greece-based environmental think-tank The Green Tank.

Green Tank called it, a “record of optimism for the country’s transition to clean energy, weaning off fossil fuels and ensuring our energy sufficiency.”

“European countries like Greece are rapidly accelerating away from fossil fuels and towards cheap renewable electricity. The milestone reached by Greece proves that a renewables-dominated electricity grid is within sight,” Elisabeth Cremona, an analyst at energy think tank Ember, told Euronews Green.

“This also clearly demonstrates that the electricity system can be powered by renewables without compromising reliability. But there remains more to do to ensure that renewables overtake fossil fuels in Greece’s power sector across the whole year.”


What’s the big picture for Greece’s energy transition?

It’s a significant milestone in the history of the country’s electricity system, and follows the bright news that renewables fully met the rise in global electricity demand in the first half of 2022.But Greece’s transition to clean energy hasn’t been entirely straightforward.



Solar panels soak up the sun’s rays at a new photovoltaic park near Kozani, Greece, pictured in August this year.


Like other European countries, Greece has cut its reliance on Russian gas following the war in Ukraine by increasing liquefied natural gas (LNG) imports to meet its needs. It has also boosted coal mining, pushing back its decarbonisation plan.

Using IPTO data, The Green Tank finds that renewables – excluding large hydro sources – surpassed all other energy sources, leaving fossil gas in second place as it decreased slightly for the first time since 2018.

Greece aims to more than double its green energy capacity to account for at least 70 per cent of its energy mix by 2030. To help hit that target, the government is seeking to attract around €30 billion in European funds and private investments to upgrade its electricity grid.

It plans to have 25 gigawatt of installed renewable energy capacity from about 10 gigawatt now but analysts say Athens might reach that target sooner.

IPTO has been investing in expanding the country’s power grid to boost power capacity and facilitate the penetration of solar, wind and hydro energy.





UK consumers able to track renewable energy hourly under new plans

UK consumers able to track renewable energy hourly under new plans

Consumers will soon be able to check where their energy is coming from hourly, and get a discount on bills if they use electricity when renewables are in surplus.

Under plans by the startup Granular and energy giants including Elexon and National Grid, energy companies will allow UK consumers to track their power source.

This could help the country reduce emissions, as it will be easier for people to choose energy companies that are transparent about exactly how much renewable energy they use.

Because there are times of day when renewable energy is less available – for example when it is less windy or sunny – consumers could be incentivised to use power when it is in oversupply by offering a discount on their bills. This could lead to less gas being used.

The current system is based on annual matching, in which the energy provider looks at the previous year’s energy use and matches it with the equivalent amount of renewable energy, but there is a growing trend to move to hourly matching instead. Companies including Google and Microsoft have been calling for the move as it could lead to organisations being able to definitively say they use renewable energy 24/7.

It will also increase consumer demand, say experts, as they will be able to choose more renewable options. This is likely to lead to companies investing in renewables, and in battery technology for more efficient storage.

Toby Ferenczi, a co-founder of Granular, said consumers could be seeing this change by the end of the year. He said: “Long term, what this is enabling an acceleration towards a completely carbon-free grid as it is harnessing consumer spending power to source energy from carbon-free sources each hour.

“This drives investment in not just renewables but in energy storage and flexibility. Eventually customers will be able to buy green energy from their energy supplier by the hour.”

He said the method could allow people to get discounts on their bills. “It’s an incentive for load shifting and demand response so we want to provide a revenue stream for people who do that – renewable energy should be cheap when it’s in oversupply and more expensive when undersupplied, so it would give an incentive for consumers to shift their demand towards when it’s oversupplied.”



Source The Guardian