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Indigenous Seaweed Farming: Kwiakah First Nation

Indigenous Seaweed Farming: Kwiakah First Nation

Indigenous Seaweed Farming

There are several reasons why the Kwiakah are taking this approach. First, they want to ensure that kelp forests are available for future generations. Second, they want to protect the marine environment. Third, they want to create a sustainable economic future for their community.

The Kwiakah’s approach to indigenous seaweed farming is based on their traditional knowledge and values. The band has a long history of living off the land and sea. They know the importance of protecting the environment, and they are committed to creating a sustainable future for their community.

Kelp cultivation has a number of environmental benefits. Kelp forests absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, which helps to mitigate climate change. Kelp also provides a habitat for a variety of marine life. In addition, kelp can be used to produce various products, including food, fertilizer, and biofuel.

Kelp forests are facing a number of challenges, including climate change, pollution, and overfishing. Climate change is causing the ocean to become warmer and more acidic, which is making it difficult for kelp to grow. Pollution from runoff from farms and cities is also harming kelp forests. Overfishing is another major threat to kelp forests.

But despite these challenges, growing and harvesting kelp is worth the struggle for the economic benefits it provides.


Jobs and Economic Opportunities

The Kwiakah are using their unique approach to indigenous seaweed farming to create a sustainable future for their community. The band is repurposing an old fish farm into a kelp farm. The farm will be used to grow kelp for food, fertilizer, and biofuel. The Kwiakah are also working to educate the public about the importance of kelp forests and the need to conserve them.

Kelp cultivation creates jobs and economic opportunities for Indigenous communities. Indigenous seaweed farming is a relatively new industry, but it is growing rapidly. As the demand for kelp products increases, more people will be needed to grow, harvest, and process kelp. This could provide much-needed jobs for Indigenous communities, many of which have high unemployment rates.

On Eastern Long Island in New York, Shinnecock First Nation kelp farmers began planting kelp in December of 2021. They started small, with a manageable 20 spools of kelp and a year later, they had harvested 100 pounds. Most of the first batch was dried and sold as a natural fertilizer. They then donated excess spores to be used to help start other kelp farms. They have now expanded their operations from 20 spools of kelp to 200.

Since beginning operations, Shinnecock First Nation members have noticed that the water appears clearer, and wildlife are now returning. The group plans on hiring additional farmers from the nation bringing economic prosperity and stability to people that have been marginalized for too long.


Additional Thoughts

In addition to the environmental benefits of kelp cultivation, the Kwiakah’s approach also has the potential to create jobs and economic opportunities for Indigenous communities. Indigenous seaweed farming is a relatively new industry, but it is growing rapidly. As the demand for kelp products increases, more people will be needed to grow, harvest, and process kelp. This could provide much-needed jobs for Indigenous communities, many of which have high unemployment rates.

The Kwiakah’s approach to indigenous seaweed farming is an example of how Indigenous communities can use their traditional knowledge and values to create a sustainable future. By taking a slow, intentional approach and focusing on conservation, the Kwiakah ensure that kelp forests will be available for future generations. This is an important lesson for other Indigenous communities who are considering entering the kelp cultivation industry.





Source  Happy Eco News

Robot Jellyfish Show Promise for Ocean Cleanup

Robot Jellyfish Show Promise for Ocean Cleanup

Where are we Now?

Many different negative outcomes have been observed due to reckless disregard for our environment and ecosystems. The main focus in the environmental movement has been on GHGs, reasonably so, as carbon accumulation in the atmosphere poses the largest existential risk for our species and all other animals on our planet.

However, plastic pollution and pollution, in general, have been and continue to be a large risk for many animals and living things across the globe, this fact being amplified in the ocean. Marine ecosystems are delicate; many plants and animals depend on specific conditions to survive and thrive.

As such, cleaning up our oceans and other marine ecosystems is paramount. While numerous technologies have been developed to combat plastic pollution in our water, many of them have their own risks associated with them.

Some machines are too loud, driving animals away from their natural habitats. At the same time, others are too damaging in their efforts to clean up pollution, destroying delicate plants and animals while clearing away plastic.

However, a new technology developed by scientists out of the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems may be able to solve these problems with minimal impact of its own, and that revolves around imitating jellyfish.


How Does a Robot Jellyfish Work?

When jellyfish move in the water, what happens is by flapping their bodies, they create an upward current, moving objects and nutrients up to be consumed by them. This new robot jellyfish more or less does the same thing.

It works by using artificial muscles called HAZELs, which are oil-filled sacs covered by electrodes. When the electrodes receive a current, they discharge it to the surrounding negatively charged ocean water. This causes the oil sacs to get pushed back in forth, creating the flapping movement.

This mechanism is the main draw behind these robotic jellyfish, as by using these robots, they can pull the plastic out of delicate areas like coral reefs without ever touching the reef itself. Another benefit is that these robot jellyfish are almost completely noiseless, so their presence won’t disturb other animals.

In a report in Science Advances speaking on how their technology is different from existing technology, they said, ​​“Existing prototypes cannot interact with aquatic species gently in a noise-free manner while accomplishing diverse tasks.” These jellyfish robots, however, can, and that is where the promise of what they’re doing lies.


Moving forward.

While these small robot jellyfish are an exciting development in plastic cleaning tech, there are hurdles still to be overcome in their creation. The main one presenting itself is that, as of writing, they still require a wired connection for power, thus limiting their scope to areas where they can be plugged in. There are ongoing trials for battery packs, but so far cannot be controlled remotely.

However, that is a small issue that can be resolved quickly. It is an interesting concept to imagine cute little robot jellyfish cleaning our oceans, but it is, in all reality, much closer than we realize. The importance of realizing efficient and non-disturbing ways of cleaning our oceans is critical, as plastic pollution’s damage to ecosystems and species worldwide is innumerable.

While in some areas of the environmental movement, we can help the ongoing natural processes, like reforestation for carbon capture, in plastic pollution in marine environments, we must develop new tools to reverse the damage we have caused. What an interesting world to live in, where robot jellyfish could be a major factor.





Source  Happy Eco News