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Solar Farms Help Bees: Solar Installations for the Bees

Solar Farms Help Bees: Solar Installations for the Bees

Solar farms help bees: Solar farms emerging as sanctuaries for declining wild and honey bee populations.

In an unexpected turn, solar farms help bees and are emerging as potential sanctuaries for declining bee populations, providing a secondary purpose beyond clean energy generation. A recent study reveals that strategically planting native flowers and grasses around solar installations significantly enhances the population and diversity of crucial pollinators like bees, offering a promising avenue for both clean energy expansion and environmental conservation.

Research conducted by scientists from the Department of Energy’s Argonne National Lab, in collaboration with the National Renewable Energy Lab, focused on assessing the impacts on insects from two large solar installations situated on retired farmland in Minnesota. Enel Green Power North America, the operators of these solar sites, undertook the initiative to plant wildflower mixes alongside the panel arrays during construction in 2018. The researchers then conducted comprehensive year-round insect surveys at these facilities from 2018 to 2022.

The findings from the study are nothing short of remarkable; solar farms help bees. Over the five-year observation period, both native bee and monarch butterfly populations increased more than twenty-fold. The areas surrounding the solar panels transformed into thriving, prairie-like habitats abundant with essential flowering nourishment. The overall insect populations tripled, surpassing initial expectations. Additionally, these flourishing hubs of pollinators are extending benefits to vegetation in nearby agricultural areas, as evidenced by satellite imaging.

Dr. Lee Walston, an ecologist at Argonne and the lead author of the study, expressed enthusiasm about the scale of positive influence managed solar landscapes can have on insect biodiversity and abundance. The strategic integration of natural ecosystem elements adjacent to renewable projects, as demonstrated in this study, could potentially offer a win-win scenario, supporting the expansion of clean energy infrastructure while addressing the decline in insect populations.

The research underscores the concept of “solar sharing” – a departure from the traditional approach of isolating solar infrastructure from its surroundings. By allowing vegetation to thrive around solar facilities, solar farms help bees, and a new haven is created to support fragile bee colonies. The collapse of global bee populations poses a severe threat to agriculture, as over $500 billion in crop production relies on natural pollination annually.

But it doesn’t have to be only about the bees. Agrovoltaics refers to co-locating agriculture and solar photovoltaic systems on the same land. The solar panels are elevated and spaced out to allow crops to be grown underneath while allowing sunlight to reach the crops. The partial shade created by the solar panels can benefit certain crops by providing shelter, reducing evapotranspiration, and lessening weed pressure. The crops benefit the solar infrastructure by reducing heat under and around the panels.

Some bee-friendly crops and flowers that could thrive under the partial shade of solar panels include potatoes, cabbage, kale, carrots, Brussels sprouts, celery, spinach, onions, garlic, lettuce, arugula, strawberries, asparagus, leeks, swiss chard, parsley, oregano, green beans, sunflowers, cosmos flowers, marigolds, clovers, borage, and many varieties of wildflowers. These provide nutrient-rich pollen and nectar that support diverse bee populations.

These findings open the door to a new perspective on the relationship between solar power and ecological conservation. Instead of erecting barriers, solar infrastructure can be designed to coexist harmoniously with the environment. The success observed in this study suggests that solar farms help bees and can play a crucial role in aiding declining bee populations, offering hope for preserving essential pollinators.

As the world grapples with the urgent need for sustainable practices amid the climate crisis, the authors hope these groundbreaking findings will inspire further research. Exploring habitat-friendly solar blueprints to integrate nature into the urgent climate transition could be a transformative step forward. Dr. Walston emphasized the potential symbiosis between solar power and ecological conservation, envisioning bees flocking to blossoms beneath solar panels, which may reveal surprising pathways to advance sustainable energy and agriculture concurrently.

In conclusion, solar farms help bees. Once seen solely as agents of clean energy, they are now emerging as potential allies in the crucial mission to preserve and protect bee populations. This unexpected synergy between renewable energy infrastructure and environmental conservation opens doors to innovative solutions that could redefine the future of sustainable energy and agriculture.





Source   Happy Eco News

Solar panel add-on pulls water from air without consuming electricity

Solar panel add-on pulls water from air without consuming electricity

A three-month trial in Saudi Arabia has shown that a solar panel add-on system can harvest water without using any electricity by exploiting the day-night warming and cooling of solar panels. In fact, the system slightly increases the electricity-generating efficiency of the panels by keeping them cooler.

“I am confident that the system can be manufactured economically,” says Peng Wang at the country’s King Abdullah University of Science and Technology. “We are looking forward to working with potential industrial partners to speed up this process.”

The new approach uses a layer of hydrogel placed under each photovoltaic panel and encased in a metal box. During the night, the box is open to allow the desert air to flow through it where the hydrogel absorbs water vapour.

During the day, the box is closed. The sun warms the solar panel, and thus also the hydrogel underneath it, making the water evaporate from the gel. The humidity in the closed box gets so high that the water condenses on the metal and can be drained from the box.

During the trial, from May to June 2021, a small prototype system produced 0.6 litres of water per square metre of solar panel per day.


A prototype of the water-harvesting device. Renyuan Li


The basic idea isn’t new. Several other teams have developed water harvesters that also exploit day-night temperature changes. But Wang says his team is the first to create an integrated system that extracts water while also generating electricity.

One advantage of using the add-on is that no extra land is required. Another is that electricity generation increased slightly – by nearly 2 per cent – because the transfer of heat to the hydrogel and water-harvesting box cools the solar panels. High temperatures reduce the efficiency of solar panels.

The cooling effect can be increased by leaving the condensation box open during the day. Although this stops water extraction, in the trial it boosted electricity generation by up to 10 per cent. Wang envisages creating flexible systems that could switch between water extraction and higher solar panel electricity generation as needed.

In the trial, the team used water from the panel to irrigate a small patch of plants. Wang hopes large-scale systems could produce food, water and electricity all at once.

However, the design is still at an early stage. During the trial, the team manually opened and closed the condensation boxes. The hydrogel also deteriorated somewhat, so a more stable water-absorbing material is needed, Wang says.

A company called Sundrop Farms is already using solar power to allow it to grow tomatoes in a desert region in Australia. However, its greenhouse system relies on this power to desalinate seawater pumped from the nearby coast.

Journal reference: Cell Reports Physical Science, DOI: 10.1016/j.xcrp.2022.100781


Source New Scientist