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The Environmental Benefits of Recycling Your Car with a Wrecker

The Environmental Benefits of Recycling Your Car with a Wrecker

In today’s world, where people are highly aware of environmental issues, we need to take action and reduce our carbon footprint to protect the planet for future generations. Recycling is one way to make a positive impact on the environment. While most of us are familiar with recycling paper, plastic and glass, it’s worth knowing that you can also recycle your car.

Recycling your old car with car wreckers in New Plymouth, like, can have significant environmental benefits. When vehicles reach the end of their life, they often become a burden on the environment. Car wreckers play a crucial role in reducing this environmental impact.

Recycling cars prevents hazardous fluids, like oil, coolant, and transmission fluids, from leaking into the environment. These toxic substances can contaminate soil and water, harming ecosystems and human health. Car wreckers are experts at safely disposing of these fluids and recycling or properly disposing of other vehicle components. By recycling your car with them, you’re contributing to a cleaner, greener world while freeing up valuable space in your driveway.

Let’s delve deeper into how recycling your car with a wrecker can positively affect the planet.

Preservation of Natural Resources

The manufacturing process of cars requires large amounts of resources such as iron ore, aluminium and plastic. By recycling your car, you play a role in conserving these resources. When a wrecker dismantles your vehicle, they recover parts, like the engine, transmission system and various components that can be reused in vehicles. This helps decrease the necessity for manufacturing new parts, which helps conserve resources.

Decrease in Air Pollution

Older vehicles tend to emit higher levels of pollutants compared to newer ones. These pollutants, such as carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxide and hydrocarbons, contribute to air pollution, which harms human health. When you recycle your car, you effectively remove these polluting vehicles from the roads and replace them with newer, cleaner ones. This ultimately aids in reducing air pollution levels, leading to an enhancement in the air quality within your community.

Energy Conservation

Recycling cars also leads to energy savings. When a dismantler breaks down a vehicle, it can recover metals like steel and aluminium. These metals can then be melted down and utilised for manufacturing car parts. Recycling and producing parts from existing metals require less energy compared to mining and processing these metals from scratch. By recycling your vehicle, you are indirectly contributing to energy conservation efforts.

Decrease in Landfill Waste

The average car consists of materials such as steel, glass, rubber, plastic and fabrics. These materials can take decades or even centuries to decompose when disposed of in landfills.

By recycling your car, you’re actively preventing these materials from ending up in landfills, which takes up valuable space and harms the environment. When wreckers dismantle your vehicle, they carefully separate the materials and send them to appropriate recycling facilities. This ensures that the materials are given a lease of life rather than being left to waste in a landfill.

Encourages a Circular Economy

Opting to recycle your car through a wrecker is a significant step towards promoting a circular economy. Following an approach where resources are used and discarded, a circular economy focuses on keeping resources in use for as long as possible. By recycling your car, you’re helping prolong the lifespan of its parts and materials by giving them another opportunity for reuse. This reduces the demand for resources and minimises waste generation, contributing to a more sustainable future.


Recycling your car with the assistance of a wrecker provides benefits. From conserving resources and decreasing air pollution to fostering an economy and saving energy, opting for recycling rather than sending your old vehicle to the landfill is an accountable decision that can have positive implications for our planet. So, if you find yourself with a car that’s no longer roadworthy, consider recycling it through a wrecker instead of simply disposing of it inappropriately. We should all contribute to protecting the environment for the benefit of generations.





Source  Happy Eco News 

This London street is the first in Britain to ban all petrol and diesel cars.

This London street is the first in Britain to ban all petrol and diesel cars.
  • A street in the heart of London’s financial district has banned petrol and diesel vehicles.
  • The aim is to bring nitrogen dioxide levels within guideline limits.
  • The 18-month trial will be used to consider similar plans for other streets.
  • Air pollution is the biggest environmental threat to health in the UK, according to Public Health England.

One London street is taking extreme action against air pollution by banning all petrol and diesel cars.

Beech Street, in the heart of London’s financial district, will be restricted to zero-emission vehicles, cyclists and pedestrians by spring 2020, with exceptions made for emergency vehicles, access to car parks and for refuse collection and deliveries. The road, much of which runs underneath a housing estate, will participate in an initial trial for 18 months, while air quality and traffic are monitored.


“Drastically reducing air pollution requires radical actions, and these plans will help us eliminate toxic air on our streets,” said Jeremy Simons, chair of the City of London Corporation’s Environment Committee. “Nobody should have to breathe in dirty air.”



Road transport is responsible for around a fifth of UK greenhouse gas emissions, according to the country’s Office for National Statistics. While the UK’s total greenhouse gas emissions fell by more than 30% from 1990 to 2017, emissions from road transport increased by 6% over the same period, it says.


While emissions overall have gone down in the UK, vehicle emissions have risen.
Image: UK Office for National Statistics


Air pollution is the biggest environmental threat to health in the UK, according to Public Health England, with between 28,000 and 36,000 deaths a year attributed to long-term exposure. It has been linked to a range of diseases including coronary heart disease, strokes, respiratory disease and lung cancer.

And it’s a worldwide issue, with the World Health Organization estimating that more than 90% of the global population live in places where air quality levels exceed their recommended limits. London is among more than 30 cities that have signed the Fossil Fuel Free Streets Declaration, pledging to procure only zero-emission buses from 2025 and make a major area zero-emission by 2030.


Road traffic is on the up in the UK.
Image: UK Office for National Statistics


And capitals around the globe, including Oslo, Madrid and Mexico City, have started to look at banning cars from their streets.

Cutting greenhouse gas emissions will also be key in the fight against global warming. Public Health England says governments and local authorities must take action to limit and mitigate air pollutants.

The City of London Corporation’s plan aims to bring nitrogen dioxide levels on Beech Street within air-quality guidelines set out by the European Union and World Health Organization. After the trial, the corporation will decide whether similar measures are suitable for other streets.

“It will bring substantial health benefits,” says Oliver Sells, Streets and Walkways Committee Chairman. “The experimental scheme will be enforced using the latest in smart-camera technology and I hope it will be the first of many other schemes like this.”