Off Grid

Company information

Environmental Energies Ltd Logo

Environmental Energies Ltd

Company location

Company location: United Kingdom


Here at Environmental Energies, we can deliver smart, effective and efficient energy solutions where the grid doesn’t quite reach or has reduced service for. With our services and products, we can shorten lead times, improve financial cost and reduce environmental impact – whilst ensuring that you get the power you need to run your home and business effectively.

We are experts of out of the box thinking when it comes to renewable energy, particularly when there is no grid available or limited availability. Our job is to ensure you have the most effective solution available, delivered in the shortest amount of time, so you can get on with your day seamlessly.

Off grid energy systems are excellent and reliable in outage situations and are dependable should potential disasters strike.

We’ve worked all over the UK and continue to work with an off grid power solution for a variety of sectors including Residential, Commercial, Agricultural/Farming, Corporate, Community and more.

Our team of experts have been delivering off-grid energy solutions for many years, and have worked up and down the UK to the most remote of locations – providing permanent and short term solutions. Our expertise compromises of Solar Power, Battery and EV, hybrid power generation and much more. All of our solutions provide a safe, clean and efficient solution that will save you money, and allow you to go about your day seamlessly. Our Advanced technological solutions ensures maximum efficiency and savings on energy and ongoing maintenance costs. The off-grid generator range that we provide is tested and supplied to meet the demands you need – which can be completely customized to your requirements.