Go for Zero - Reclaimed Wooden Soap Holder | Zureli

Go for Zero - Reclaimed Wooden Soap Holder

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Go for Zero - Reclaimed Wooden Soap Holder

These Reclaimed Wood Soap Holders are made by a Brisbane local using pine wood offcuts that have been recycled and given a new life! His wife is so happy he can use the leftover wood from his work instead of throwing it away ha ha ha. The soap holder has been designed so it doesn’t require glue to stick it together. It is sealed with 2 coats of natural Tung Oil, and an extra wax coat on the top infused with lavender oil to protect and repel moisture.

When soap sits in water or in an area where it cannot dry properly it turns to mush and starts deteriorating. Soap holders help with the draining process, making your soap last longer and dressing up your bathroom at the same time!

To avoid soap build up we recommend cleaning soap holders with our compostable brushes and drying them in direct sunlight every 2 weeks. This will extend the life of the soap holder and avoid mould growth.

  • Region: ANZ and Oceania
  • Country: Australia
Plastic-free & no nasty toxins Naturally durable Reduced waste & money in the long-term
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