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Why Are Eco-Conscious Corporations Interested in Remote Work?

Why Are Eco-Conscious Corporations Interested in Remote Work?

Why Are Eco-Conscious Corporations Interested in Remote Work?

Remote work has risen in popularity over the last few years and is maintaining its status for evolving reasons. Primarily, people are noting how it’s better for the environment. Eco-conscious corporations are jumping into remote work life to better align with their values.

Here are a few reasons why they’re interested in digitizing their workforces. Companies should consider several pros and cons when making the leap to remote work.


What Are Eco-Conscious Corporations?

Traditional corporations have various values and goals. They may prioritize making profits or expanding their consumer base to bolster success. Eco-conscious corporations also value those things, but these goals must operate within structures that minimize the company’s planetary impact.

Corporations stand to gain from becoming eco-friendly in many ways, and consumer base increases may be most influential in the decision to go remote. Research shows that 89% of consumers have made minor to complete sustainable lifestyle changes. They want brands that won’t compromise those values, opening a market sector businesses stand to gain from joining.

Is Remote Work Eco-Friendly? 8 Pros and Cons

Corporations that want to attract and retain sustainably minded consumers may become interested in remote work due to these benefits. However, they may also face a few challenges when making the green jump. Here are the most vital points to keep in mind.

Pro: It Eliminates Commuting Emissions

When people think about working a remote position, not dealing with a commute is likely the first thing that comes to mind. Logging on from home gives them hours of their free time back. It also means they don’t have to burn gasoline to drive every day.

Breathe London found that morning and evening emissions fell by 25% and 34%, respectively, when people began working from home. Eco-conscious corporations that let 50 people work from home full time eliminate 50 carbon emissions footprints weekly. The sum can significantly affect the planet, especially if the company has a sizable employee roster.

Con: Home Offices Require Individual Electricity

People need electricity to work from home. They must access Wi-Fi, turn on lights, and use their air conditioning or heating. All those things happen in one location when people work in a commercial office space.

Remote teams transitioning to online work see electricity usage multiply by however many living spaces become full-time home offices. Some workers may prefer to think of this as sustainable consumption because it limits a person’s environmental impact to only essential needs, minimizing their planetary effects. However, power becomes an issue when a company has many employees.

Pro: Digital Work Doesn’t Need Paper

Employees print things every day when they’re in a traditional office. They might need documents before a conference call, copies of a presentation or records in filing cabinets according to company filing policies.

Remote work doesn’t need paper. Everything happens through computers, so waste disappears overnight. Employees can keep their work lives entirely on their computers or use their preferred resources, like physical planners made with recycled paper.

Con: Remote Work Encourages More Water Usage

Offices always have numerous waterlines. They’re necessary for kitchen and bathroom sinks, plus lines to other appliances like refrigerators, dishwashers and coffee machines.

Virtual teams use water when working from home, too, but they might increase their water usage in additional ways. Remote workers can do dishes and laundry throughout the day instead of limiting those chores to a few times a week after work hours. It may mean using more water than before, increasing their dependency on the limited natural resource.

Pro: Workers Create Less Product Waste

Going to an office every day creates opportunities for single-use product waste. Employees may stop at a drive-thru for a single-use cup of coffee. The workplace kitchen might have free cutlery with individual plastic wrappers.

Those things aren’t a necessity for remote workers. They can make their coffee at home with reusable mugs and compostable filters. They’ll use their silverware to eat lunch and reusable containers for snacks.

The option to order food for delivery remains when people work at home. However, having immediate access to anything they could need in their kitchens makes remote workers less likely to purchase single-use products that go immediately into the garbage.

Con: Office Furniture Goes to Landfills

When a small business hires only remote workers when it launches, there’s nothing to lose. It’s different when an eco-conscious corporation becomes interested in remote work.

The company likely already has in-person office space in one or more locations. Transitioning to an entirely online workspace leaves those buildings empty. Trash-hauling teams may need to pick up unused furniture and electronics when the business moves out. It may go directly into landfills if the corporation’s leadership doesn’t have time to sell each piece individually.

Pro: Employees Can Make Their Food

Employees don’t always eat the food they bring to the office. They might forget there’s a company-sponsored lunch or free snacks for an upcoming holiday. By the time they get home, the food in their lunch box might not be edible anymore.

Free meals provided by corporations can also be too big for employees who dislike large lunches. Both scenarios result in wasting the natural resources required to prepare food. They contribute to the estimated 30%-40% of waste in the American food supply system, but they don’t have to be an unfortunate part of every worker’s life.

Remote employees can make exactly how much food they want and any kind they prefer while at home. They might even have groceries delivered to reduce impulse buys and eliminate another trip to town that burns gas. It’s another way remote work is eco-friendly and quickly becoming more popular with sustainably minded people.

Con: Home Office Upgrades Create Waste

People may upgrade their home office when they must spend 40 hours or more there weekly. The single-use plastics and styrofoam packaging that come with new furniture pollute landfills after the desks or chairs arrive at the purchaser’s home.

Construction waste could become a new issue as well. Someone may add a room to their house or renovate an existing space to create a home office. The excess waste caused by aerosol cans, unused drywall and leftover paint fills landfills, too. None of that is necessary for in-person work where optimized office spaces are already available.



The Future Is Remote and Eco-Friendly

There are numerous reasons why remote work is eco-friendly. It’s worth noting how it helps the planet and may create new environmental challenges. By understanding both, corporations and their team members can work together to make the least environmental impact when transitioning to fully remote schedules.





Source   Happy Eco News

How Remote Offices Can Help Companies Go Green

How Remote Offices Can Help Companies Go Green

Turning your home into your workplace doesn’t just mean going easy with your dressing and flexible timings. But it has some REAL impacts on our eco-system and numerous benefits for the businesses. Working from the remote offices can help the environment by cutting commutes, reducing traffic load on roads, and reduced waste.

Going green is nowadays a subject undergoing intense study. In the past few years, the has population has badly affected mother nature. We all notice how our atmosphere is changing due to the irresponsible actions of humanity. That came a limit, and our earth told us that we need to stop polluting and take better care of our planet’s gifts. Just then, the COVID-19 stepped in. It immediately stopped everything, and here we are now, running our businesses from home!

But, going green is not only beneficial for the environment. Using virtual office to set up the business allows companies to save on their office spaces. Additionally, practicing a more eco-friendly approach can offer several commercial-based advantages, from bottom-line cost savings to an outstanding market advantage.
Consider these amazing benefits of working from home to going green for business, and see how efforts toward sustainability can help boost business.


It Cuts Down Added Expenses

New regulations are passed every year, and it raises the standards for businesses to be more justifiable in their processes. Practicing to make a “green” business will not only help improve your brand image and attract the ever-growing market of environmentally-minded consumers. When you and your teamwork from home, you cut down 50% of your expenses. Your business saves money from bills, parking lot charges, and other rents.
Other than that, working from home minimizes transportation costs, thus reducing the business expenses and saving the environment altogether.


Promotes Healthier & Safer Work Ethics

Working from home and staying safe is the top priority of the COVID-19 pandemic and the uncertain times. We all care for our team members, and when they’re logged in from their places, they’re safe. Following your state’s laws, you can tell the government that your company is fully cooperative and spreading the message of social distancing. You can try establishing a rewards program for employees who share pictures of their home workplaces.


Conserves the Office Space

Every individual who is remotely working is one less person who needs to use an additional space resource when going to the office. The space you choose in your home, to work, will always be there, either you use it or not. But the space a business needs to accommodate its employees can be conserved when fewer employees are there. You can also temporarily shut down the office premises to save the area completely until the situation gets better. So, who’s winning? (Obviously, you! The business owner!)


Boosts Productivity
Let’s now discuss the memes and myths floating around related to the laziness of employees in WFH (work from home). They say remote workers are lazy pseudo-professionals without real jobs. Researches have shown that those employees are more productive than employees who work from a physical office. Allow your team to work from home, and help the global cause of going green! (in fact, secretly get the business advantage).
Increased efficiency among remote member is mainly due to the reduced workplace distractions and more freedom to work during hours they find most productive. Even tiny improvements in the efficiency of your team members can improve the overall productivity of business operations. It ultimately results in increased sales and more profits.


Strengthens Customer Loyalty

Other than acquiring new customers, the practice of remote working to go green can also strengthen your relationship with your existing customers. You highly attract the audience who are conscious of the benefits of going green. Adding this idea to your business’s mission is a great way to strengthen ties with new and current customers.
Health and eco-conscious buyers show extraordinary brand loyalty when they are informed that your business not only deals with the best quality products but is also committed to providing a healthy environment for them.


Improves Employee Retention

Work from home has facilitated employees like nothing else. Surprisingly, a report found that 42% of employees would take a salary cut to have more flexible work hours from their employers. Despite the high unemployment rate, employees are willing to sacrifice more than 10% of their salaries to achieve professional flexibility’ work from home’ provides.
Other than these employees, team members who can’t concentrate in noisy areas are relaxed enough to have their small one-room office in their comfort zone.


Spreads Brand Awareness
Everybody is concerned about the planet. So, the people interested in your products also expect that businesses should also care about preserving the environment. For this, adding a green campaign to your business can do wonders in building brand awareness. It makes your business unique and favorite! Businesses that support going green movements will have increased brand awareness and will be more popular in public.


Earns Eco-friendly Incentives and Refunds

Earn special discounts for your going green efforts. Some sources can help you save while going “green.” It includes federal tax credits for energy by different states, incentives from energy companies, and other environmental corporations. Research and find out the programs for your state and federal programs to see if your business qualifies them.


Remote offices are playing a vital part in going green, and going green is helping the planet and your business equally. These benefits are quite measurable and meaningful. From saved overhead costs to increased employee retention and positive environmental impacts, employers who embrace telework plans within their business models can enjoy the advantages of being part of the modern US workforce without sacrificing business performance.
It can help differentiate you from the competition, attract customers, retain employees, save overhead costs, and be productive. Let’s continue working from home and our efforts to go green to see the positive impact we can make.
Good Luck!