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The Green Revolution: Sharing Leading the Way

The Green Revolution: Sharing Leading the Way

The Green Revolution: Sharing leading the way

In a world grappling with pressing environmental challenges, the call for sustainable solutions has never been more urgent. One such solution gaining rapid momentum is the sharing economy, a model that not only promotes resource efficiency but also leads us on the path towards a greener planet. The sharing economy actively encourages the sharing, renting, and borrowing of goods, services, and spaces, fostering a sense of community while simultaneously minimizing our ecological footprint. In this article, we explore why sharing and the sharing economy are indispensable for the planet and how they can shape a more sustainable future.


Resource Conservation

At the heart of the sharing economy lies its ability to optimize resource utilization. Sharing goods ensures that their lifespan is maximized, consequently reducing the need for overproduction. A prime example is the success of car-sharing services. Instead of each individual owning a car that remains idle for most of its life, car-sharing platforms enable multiple people to use the same vehicle, thus decreasing the number of cars on the road and the associated resource consumption.

Reduced Waste

In a world plagued by excessive waste production, the sharing economy provides a remedy by discouraging unnecessary consumption. Sharing platforms offer individuals access to items they need temporarily, effectively reducing the demand for single-use products. Tools, appliances, or clothing can be shared within a community, eliminating the need for every individual to buy these items individually. This practice significantly reduces waste generation and lessens the environmental impact linked to manufacturing and disposal.

Energy Efficiency

The sharing economy also champions energy efficiency by encouraging the utilization of existing resources rather than the creation of new ones. Home-sharing platforms, for instance, enable homeowners to rent out their unused spaces, be it an extra room or an entire house. By making use of existing housing infrastructure, we optimise energy consumption in contrast to constructing new buildings. Furthermore, these platforms incentivise homeowners to invest in energy-efficient practices and technologies, such as renewable energy systems or energy-saving appliances, ultimately reducing carbon emissions.

Sustainable Lifestyles

Embracing the sharing economy fosters a shift in mindset from ownership to access. Instead of relentlessly pursuing possession, people begin to prioritize experiences and the efficient use of resources. This shift in consumer behavior can lead to a more sustainable lifestyle. When individuals recognize the value of sharing and collaboration, they become more conscious of their consumption patterns, opting for sustainable choices that benefit the planet.

Strengthened Communities

The sharing economy has a profound social impact as it brings people together and builds stronger communities. Sharing platforms often connect individuals living in close proximity, facilitating interaction and trust-building. When people collaborate, share resources, and support one another, a sense of belonging and shared responsibility develops. These communities often extend beyond the digital realm, fostering increased social cohesion and support networks.

Innovation and Entrepreneurship

The sharing economy has opened up avenues for innovation and entrepreneurship, particularly in sustainable sectors. It has given rise to new businesses and start-ups focused on sharing services, renewable energy, sustainable transportation, and circular economy practices. These ventures have the potential to create new jobs, drive economic growth, and contribute to a more sustainable future.

Leading the Way

Companies like RentMy enable people to “share” everything they own with others in their community. From paddleboards to canoes, DIY tools to garden equipment, musical instruments to cooking appliances, you can earn money from all the items that are just sitting around.

Tentshare and Camptoo do the same but for niched products like tents, camping equipment, and camper vans, allowing people to experience an adventure weekend without the significant upfront costs for all the equipment.

Then there’s Bike Club, a subscription service for bicycles that allows your child to upgrade each time they outgrow their ride. For adults, there’s Spinlister, which connects people who want to ride bikes with bike owners all over the world.


Next Steps

Without a doubt, the sharing economy is here to stay, largely because the benefits it offers are immense. It’s a sustainable choice, reducing the demand for brand-new products. It also promotes community, particularly those with a local focus. It can save and earn you money, with peer-to-peer lending offering an alternative to buying expensive equipment outright and also providing additional income to those renting out their assets.

But what truly drives this fast-growing economy is trust.

This is what allows someone to take a car ride from a stranger or rent a room in a house from someone they’ve never met.


How Do You Build Trust?

The article, aptly titled “The Decline of Serial Killers and the Rise of the Sharing Economy,” suggests that the internet has played a significant role in increasing trust between strangers.

Thanks to the fact that nearly all of us have a virtual identity these days, it’s challenging to go completely under the radar, reducing our fear of strangers.

This means we are more willing to engage with those we don’t know, seeing “strangers” as “peers.”

Businesses operating within the sharing economy are also employing various tactics to build upon this trust. For example, we encourage users to upload profile photos and write detailed profile descriptions that help identify them on a personal level.

We have also addressed concerns about the risk of damage. This has been a vital part of the development of RentMy. We provide extensive insurance protection for all those on our platform, allowing lenders to loan their items out risk-free, knowing that we will cover any damage or loss.


Final Thoughts

In a world increasingly aware of the environmental challenges we face, the sharing economy has emerged as a beacon of hope, leading the way towards a more sustainable future. It champions resource conservation, reduces waste, promotes energy efficiency, and encourages sustainable lifestyles. Moreover, it fosters stronger communities, fuels innovation and entrepreneurship, and ultimately drives positive change in our society.

Companies like RentMy, Tentshare, and Bike Club exemplify how individuals and businesses can play a pivotal role in this transformative movement. The sharing economy is not only here to stay but also set to thrive, offering a sustainable, community-driven, and financially rewarding path forward.

But, as we embrace the sharing economy, we must recognise that trust is its cornerstone. The internet has been a key enabler, reducing our fear of strangers and turning them into peers. Building trust involves transparency, identity verification, and addressing concerns, such as the risk of damage. At RentMy, we take these concerns seriously, offering comprehensive insurance protection to assure both sharers and renters.

Trust is the bridge that allows us to share with one another, and as we continue down this path, it’s a bridge that will only strengthen and lead us towards a greener, more interconnected world. So, as we take that car ride from a stranger or rent a room from someone we’ve never met, we are not just participating in the sharing economy; we are actively shaping a more sustainable, connected, and trust-driven future for all.





Source   Happy Eco News

The Pacific Ocean: All you need to know

The Pacific Ocean: All you need to know


The Pacific Ocean is the deepest and largest ocean on the planet, the ocean is located between a number of continents as depicted by the image below, these include the Australian, Asian, North and South American continents. Interestingly, the Pacific Ocean derives its name from the Latin phrase ‘Mar Pacifico,’ meaning a peaceful sea. The name was coined by the first European explorer to reach the Pacific, Ferdinand Magellan in the early 1520s, after sailing through a patch of calm waters on the ocean.


Source: NeedyFish


The size of the Pacific Ocean


The Pacific covers an estimated area of 165.25 million square kilometers ( 63.8 million square miles), covering about 30% of the earth’s surface. The size of the Pacific exceeds the total expanse of all the world’s seven continents. The Pacific also represents about half of the planet’s total water surface area.



Economic importance


Although its name refers to a calm and peaceful sea, the Pacific is a massive body of water teeming with life. Every year, the Pacific Ocean contributes billions of dollars to different countries across the world through multiple economic activities, as an example fishing from the Pacific contributes over 70% of the world’s catch.

Additionally, the Pacific is a great source of natural resources, including metal, sand and minerals. Even with the large quantities of mineral resources, only a few have been exploited, such as magnesium, bromine, and salt. The ocean also contains large deposits of oil, gas, and petroleum.

The Pacific is responsible for providing some of the key shipping and trade routes globally, including the North and South Pacific routes. The North Pacific route connects North America (specifically the West Coast) to East Asia. In terms of trade volumes per route and distance, the North Pacific route is the longest and the largest compared to other channels. The South Pacific route, on the other hand, interconnects Western Europe, North America, New Zealand, and Australia. Worldtradia released some stats back in 2017 that saw the North Pacific trade route see traffic volumes (number of vessels) of 30.5 million. The next busiest route being the North Atlantic with volumes just over 22.3 million.



The depth of the Pacific


The Pacific is the deepest ocean on earth, with an average depth of 13,000 feet (4,000 meters). Scientifically, the deepest points of any ocean are known as deep trenches. Out of the 20 major trenches worldwide, 17 of them are found in the Pacific, with the Mariana Trench being the deepest of them all. The Challenger Deep (which is the deepest point in the Pacific and on earth) measures at 10,994 meters (or 36,040 feet). In 2012, it took James Cameron, a National Geographic explorer and film producer, 2 hours and 36 minutes to reach the bottom of the Challenger Deep.


The Pacific is shrinking by 1cm a year


Scientists have discovered that the Pacific is shrinking at a rate of 1cm per year due to tectonic plates. Let’s put the academic hat back on and explore the why, tectonic plates are pieces of the earth’s crust and uppermost mantle, commonly referred to as the lithosphere.  As an estimate, the plates are around 100 km (62 mi) thick and mainly consist of two types of material: oceanic crust and continental crust.  This crust is always in a state of flux i.e. constant motion. The movement of these plates occur at a rate of a few centimetres per year, causing a collision known as subduction. As a result, the Pacific plate pulls away from the North American plate at about 1cm per year, causing the ocean to shrink in the same proportion.



What Is the Pacific Ring of Fire?


The largest volcano on earth is located in the Pacific, with over 75% of the world’s volcanos coming from the ocean’s basin. The volcanoes and earthquakes that originate from the Pacific occur from an area in the ocean known as the Ring of Fire. The occurrence of earthquakes and volcanoes here are as a result of heavy volcanic activity and the movement of tectonic plates. It is reported that over 80% of the world’s tsunamis also occur in the Pacific’s Ring of Fire.


Source: NeedyFish


Islands of the World

There are hundreds of thousands of islands across the world, some of which are yet to be inhabited. Among the endless list of ocean islands found on the planet, the Pacific has the highest number. With about 25,000 islands, the Pacific Island countries have become home to millions of people. This total equates to their being more islands in the pacific than in all the other oceans put together, why? The reason being is because the Pacific experiences the highest volcanic activity compared to all other oceans, thanks to the vigorous movements that occur in the Ring of Fire. Following oceanic crust movements that happen at the floor of the ocean, this can lead to a series of oceanic or volcanic islands being formed.


The El Nino Climate Cycle

El Nino is the Pacific’s climate cycle that impacts weather patterns globally. The pattern consists of unusual warming of the waters on the surface of the Eastern Pacific. El Nino influences local weather, the strength of ocean currents, and temperatures across South America, Australia, and beyond. This cycle has a significant impact on the global climate, and to some extent, can cause some lasting changes. The 2016 El Nino saw severe droughts in Africa and South-East Asia, catastrophic coral bleaching in the Great barrier reef and wildfires in Indonesia and Canada.


Source: NeedyFish


Source: NeedyFish


The La Niña Climate Cycle

The impacts of a La Niña climate cycle tends to be the exact opposite of the impacts of an El Nino Cycle. La Niña represents a period of cooling for the surface ocean waters across the tropical west coast of South America. During a La Niña year, winter temperatures in the US will be cooler than normal in the Northwest and warmer than normal in the Southeast.


The Birthing of Hurricanes

Hurricanes, also known as typhoons when formed over the Pacific, are the most violent storms experienced on earth. Evidence in the past has proven that the Pacific can stir extremely strong hurricanes. Hurricane Patricia, for example, was the strongest Pacific typhoon ever recorded in history, affecting Central America, Texas, and Mexico. Typhoon Nepartak is another Pacific storm that significantly affected Taiwan.

Hurricanes and cyclones are fuelled by warm sea surfaces (the Pacific being warmer than any other ocean on earth). The warmth of the Pacific waters can be persistent for a year, allowing a hurricane to last longer. This is why La Niña and El Nino are never ignored.


Increased marine pollution

Being the largest ocean on earth, the Pacific extends to several continents and a significant number of countries. Consequently, the ocean is more exposed to high levels of pollution. The Pacific is particularly prone to plastic, which comprises over 90% of the visible pollutants and debris covering the ocean. Studies indicate that the Great Pacific Garbage Patch (the ocean’s garbage collection site) has grown 100 times bigger than it was 40 years ago. Nuclear waste and ocean dumping have also contributed to marine pollution significantly.


The Great Pacific Garbage Patch

The Great Pacific Garbage Patch is the ocean’s collection of debris (caused by human activity). A lot of plastics are pushed by the ocean currents into floating patches of debris, forming the Great Pacific Garbage Patch (GPGP). Today, GPGP is the largest plastic accumulation zone in the world’s oceans, covering an estimated area of 8 million square kilometres. The patch is so huge that it is estimated to be 2.3 the size of Texas. There are collective efforts by international organisations and individuals to control GPGP from growing.


Source: NeedyFish


Source: NeedyFish


Overfishing of the Pacific


Overfishing is the primary contributor of decline to aquatic life worldwide. Research shows that large quantities of fish are removed from the Pacific (every year) , far exceeding the rate they are able to reproduce. An estimated 1.6 million pounds (over 725,000 kgs) of fish are removed from the reefs of Pohnpei each year. Generally, over 30% of the species found in the coral reefs of Oceania are threatened with extinction.

In 2013, there was a recorded decline in the population of Pacific bluefin tuna. The Pacific bluefin tuna is one of the rarest fish species found in the Northern Pacific. The same trend has continued to date. In 2018, the value of a Pacific bluefin tuna was ranging at above $320,000. This is due to the continued decline in the Pacific bluefin tuna stocks. Why? The answer is simple, overfishing!  And what promotes overfishing? Overfishing can be as a result of the increase in illegal fishing, lack of fishing regulations and increased human activity in the ocean.




This Ocean is a lifeline to almost everyone on this planet, we therefore, need to respect it. The ocean doesn’t belong to us, we don’t own it, we shouldn’t see it as a trash can!! Instead, humanity should consider ourselves as “stewards”, protecting the ocean and its inhabitants, so it can support future generations of life, both sea life and human life. Our mindset has to change!



Source: NeedyFish

35 easy ways to go zero waste at home

35 easy ways to go zero waste at home

Thinking of going zero waste at home? Your Earth-conscious actions could have a massive impact on our ever-changing planet. In the United States alone, nearly 260 million tons of solid waste are generated on an annual basis, and landfills are rapidly nearing capacity.

While it’s certainly important to take action at the global, national, and community level, individual concern and simple modifications in our everyday lives can lead to lasting change.


Zero Waste: What Is It?



The term “zero waste” can be intimidating, but it doesn’t have to be. Simply put, the goal of low or zero waste is to reuse products when possible, cut down on items sent out for recycling, and avoid sending trash to landfills. In short, the resources we’d normally throw away are always in rotation rather than being disposed of.


Reasons to Go Zero Waste at Home



There are lots of reasons to cut down on waste in your home, from saving time and energy, to cutting down on trips to the store. Plus, zero waste reduces pollution, which improves the state of our planet, and can even improve human health as a result of decreased pollution.

In December 2018, National Geographic reported that 91% of plastic isn’t being recycled. In addition to overflowing landfills, these plastics make their way into our oceans and other bodies of water, leading to the ingestion of toxins by fish and eventually people.

The magnitude of the global waste crisis can’t be ignored any longer. By making small changes at home, we can begin cleaning up our planet and preserving it for future generations.

Wondering where to start? Below, we share 35 helpful hints that will benefit you, your family, your community, and our planet.


How to Go Zero Waste at Home



When transitioning to zero waste, many folks prefer an all-in approach, opting to implement multiple changes at once rather than tweaking their habits slowly to create lasting change.

While we applaud that level of commitment, we’ve found that gradual changes make the process easier and setbacks less likely. If you’d like to work up to a completely waste-free lifestyle, we suggest mastering one or two of the following changes each week for long term success.


1. Evaluate Your Current Level of Waste

Getting real with yourself about your habits regarding waste will help you create a plan of action. While the evaluation phase may be a bit overwhelming, it can be equally enlightening. It’s important to practice self-compassion as you assess your current situation and begin implementing small changes.


2. Start Now, Not Later



As you look around your home, you’ll likely notice unnecessary and/or unwanted items that are collecting dust and cluttering up your living space. A great introduction to the zero waste lifestyle is decluttering your home.

Refrain from throwing things away in large quantities in an effort to start fresh. Instead, donate unwanted clothing and household items, gift things to loved ones, compost at home, and don’t forget to recycle. The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has published a helpful guide on common recyclables to simplify the process.


3. Reevaluate Household Necessities



If paper towels, plastic straws, and/or disposable razors are on your weekly shopping list, this is a great place to start making slight modifications. There’s no need to break the bank by splurging on an eco-friendly shopping spree. Small changes will add up quickly, so we recommend researching Earth-safe alternatives as you run out of your current products.

Swedish dishcloths are an Earth-friendly, cost-effective alternative to traditional paper towels, and compostable straws can replace plastic options, which release harmful chemicals into the environment as they break down.

As for your shaving needs, we’re forever fans of this unisex, plastic-free, reusable razor by Eco Roots, but there are many eco-friendly alternatives on the market for you to choose from.

Plastic toothbrushes can be easily replaced with ecofriendly brushes. We recommend Brush with Bamboo, which are plant-based and completely safe for the environment.


4. Remember: Quantity Matters



When it comes to a zero waste lifestyle, being mindful of the quantities of products you use is a great way to save money—and the planet.

Household cleaner dispensers are often designed for overuse to ensure these products are purchased frequently, but some consumers use excessive amounts of personal care and household cleaning products even if the packaging isn’t poorly designed.

Examples of frequently overused products include:

  • Toothpaste
  • Soap
  • Face cleanser
  • Shaving cream
  • Toilet paper
  • Shampoo and conditioner
  • Dishwasher detergent
  • Paper towels
  • Laundry detergent
  • Bleach
  • Glass cleaner
  • Furniture polish

Making a conscious effort to cut down on the use of these products will drastically reduce the frequency of your purchases, as well as waste.


5. Treat Yourself to a Reusable Water Bottle



Plastic water bottles may be convenient, but they’re one of the key contributors to the alarming amount of waste on our planet. A 2019 article published by National Geographic reported that no less than one million water bottles are sold every minute around the globe, and in the U.S., a mere 30% of them are being recycled. When compared to Norway, which recycles 97% of water bottles, we have some work to do.

If you’re wondering if eliminating disposable water bottles from your home will actually make a difference, the answer is absolutely! It takes one plastic bottle at least 450 years to break down completely, so you’ll literally be doing your part to save our planet each time you fill up your reusable bottle rather than reaching for a plastic one. Consider using a reusable thermos or vacuum flask for drinking water on the go.


6. Eliminate Plastic Grocery Bags from Your Life



One of the easiest changes you can make immediately is banning plastic shopping bags from your home. According to the Center for Biological Diversity, the average American family uses up to 1,500 of these single-use bags each year, and on average, just 15 of those bags (1%) wind up being recycled. What’s more? Each plastic bag is used for an average of 12 minutes before being thrown away.

In lieu of traditional plastic, opt for reusable bags made from durable cloth. Keep them in your car for trips to the grocery, and stash one or two in your purse to ensure you have a sustainable bag anytime you need it.


7. Ban Freezer Bags and Plastic Wrap, Too



By now, you’re probably noticing a theme when it comes to all-things-plastic. Our planet isn’t fond of plastic, so it’s important to utilize Earth-friendly alternatives when possible. On average, families in the U.S. use about 500 single-use storage bags per year. With well over 120 million households throughout the country, that’s a whole lot of unnecessary plastic.

If you have a stockpile of storage bags at home, they can be reused if carefully washed and dried between uses; however, we’d advise against reusing bags that have been used for raw meats and odorous or moldy foods. As you run out of single-use storage bags, we recommend replacing them with reusable containers or more durable zip-style bags. While these options are a bit pricier than traditional bags, you won’t have to buy them nearly as often.

As a sustainable alternative to plastic wrap, we adore Bee’s Wrap products, which are washable, reusable, and easily compostable.


8. Stock Up on Glass Jars



Using glass jars and containers for food storage is a great way to cut down on plastic. These reusable items can be found at virtually any discount or thrift store, and they’re a great alternative to Tupperware and other plastic containers.

If you don’t have glass storage solutions at home, and you’re not keen on purchasing in bulk, simply wash and reuse glass jars from your fridge and pantry.


9. Opt for Foods with Minimal or No Packaging



As you begin transitioning to a zero waste lifestyle, you’ll become more conscious of your shopping habits. Lots of convenience foods come in unnecessarily bulky packaging. When food shopping, choose products with the least amount of packaging and/or biodegradable containers.

Farmer’s markets are a great place to pick up fresh goodies with little to no packaging.


10. Switch to Bar Soap—for Your Face, Body, Hair, and Dishes



One effective way to decrease waste is by replacing liquid soap with bar soap. While bar soap has always been available for the bath and shower, many companies are now offering bar options specifically for dishes. You can even switch to a bar variety for your hair, as Lush offers a line of deliciously aromatic shampoo bars that last up to 80 washes.


11. Try DIY Beauty Products



As you probably know, store bought beauty products often contain chemicals, such as petroleum, and they’re generally packaged to draw the eye—not to preserve the environment. Plus, they tend to be exorbitantly overpriced.

Transitioning to DIY beauty products is fun, cost-effective, and allows you to handpick safe, natural ingredients. We’re currently loving this list of 50 amazing handmade beauty products compiled by Earth911. Our absolute favorite? The deliciously refreshing lemon sugar scrub recipe by Thrifty Jinxy, which is great for personal use and makes a beautiful gift. You can even print a premade label for pretty packaging.


12. Be Mindful of Your Water Consumption



This may seem like a no-brainer, but many of us still leave the faucet on when we’re brushing our teeth, scrubbing our kitchen counters, etc. So much energy can be saved simply by turning off the faucet when it’s not in use.

As far as baths vs. showers, filling a bathtub generally requires much more water than the average 10-minute shower. Of course, this largely depends on the size of your tub and your particular shower head, as well as the amount of water you use.


13. Skip Takeout



Ordering in can be a difficult habit to break, but foregoing takeout reduces waste. If you do opt to order in, choose an environmentally conscious restaurant that considers our planet in both food sourcing, preparation, and packaging.


14. Grow Your Own Food



One amazingly fun and easy way to help preserve our planet is by growing your own fruits, veggies, and herbs. This is a safer and healthier alternative to buying in-store, as you can eliminate pesticides and other toxins.

Knowing exactly what goes into your food will give you peace of mind, and there’s nothing quite like watching a seed or sprout grow into something delicious! Consider using a good quality multi purpose compost to get you started.


15. Eat Less Meat



Lots of environmentally conscious folks are eating less meat to help do their part to preserve our planet. If you’re not keen on giving up meat altogether, consider going meat-free a few times a week, or eat vegetarian options for breakfast and lunch, and only eat meat at dinner.


16. Store Foods Properly


Whether it’s fresh meat, produce, or last night’s leftovers, storing your food properly will help it last longer and ensure you get the most bang for your buck. According to the EPA, the vast majority of the food we throw away winds up in landfills. In 2017, Americans disposed of more than 38 million tons of food waste. We can all work together to reduce that astronomical number.


17. Ditch the Dish Sponges



We get it… Kitchen sponges are convenient. Unfortunately, they’re also bacteria breeders and terrible for the environment, as most are made from synthetic materials.

When it’s time to replace your dish sponges, check out eco-friendly substitutes, such as a plastic-free brush like this one from Life Without Plastic. Silicone sponges are another sustainable option that are more sanitary than traditional synthetic sponges. Although silicone isn’t biodegradable, it’s easily recyclable.


18. Forego the Tissues


Many folks don’t realize that tissues can’t be recycled once they’re used; in fact, after a single use, they’re detrimental to the environment. Old school handkerchiefs might seem like a blast from the past, but they are a much more sustainable option, as they can be reused time and again. You can even turn old sheets and towels into a reusable tissue alternative.


19. Reevaluate Your Laundry Habits



Rather than throw every clothing item in the laundry after every use, consider only washing your clothes when necessary. While you’ll want to continue washing underwear, socks, and swimwear each time you wear them, items like pants, skirts, and shorts can be worn two or three times between washes, along with bras and PJs.

Line drying also saves lots of energy in comparison to machine drying. Trust us… The environmental benefits outweigh the extended drying time.


20. Switch to Sustainable Light Bulbs



Traditional incandescent light bulbs last about 1,000 hours. Switch to LEDs, and your bulbs’ lifespan increases up to 50,000 hours, saving you time and money.

For the most part, lightbulbs are recyclable; however, not all recycling centers accept used bulbs, as the components must be separated during the recycling process. Check with your local center to make sure they accept these items.


21. Opt for Rechargeable Batteries


When it’s time to replace the batteries in your remote or clock, purchase a rechargeable set instead of going the disposable route. Toxic metals from decaying batteries seep into our landfills and eventually our earth. Rechargeable sets aren’t just planet-savers… They’re convenient and much more cost-effective than traditional batteries.


22. Unplug Electronics Between Uses



Leaving electronics plugged in when they’re not in use is a waste of energy and money. From kitchen appliances to televisions and computers, the simple act of unplugging will reduce your carbon footprint and your electric bill.

One common energy-sucking culprit? Your cell phone. Many experts suggest maintaining a charge of 40-80% and unplugging overnight. These tweaks to your phone charging habits will help save the environment—and the life of your phone.


23. Purchase High-Quality Products


When possible, buy well-made items that are intended to last a very long time, if not a lifetime. From tools to cookware and everything in between, opt for items that are known for their longevity.

This concept goes a long way with kitchen items such as pots and pans. Also consider a knife sharpener to keep your knives sharp so that you don’t have to replace them.


24. Reel in the Thermostat


If you tend to crank up the heat in the winter and the A/C in the summer, keep in mind that nearly 50% of the average household’s electric bill is the result of temperature control.

While it’s impossible to gauge a temperature that will work for everyone, being mindful of the temp in your environment can help. One simple fix? During the winter, snuggle up in a sweater and slippers rather than turning up the heat, and let the fresh air in during the warmer months before switching on the A/C.


25. Utilize a Rain Barrel



Whether you plant an annual vegetable garden or you’re a self-professed flower fanatic, outdoor watering really adds up. In addition to being environmentally conscious, using a rain barrel could potentially lower your water bill. If you set up the barrel directly below your gutter’s downspout and you live in a rainy climate, you should collect plenty of water to hydrate your plants and/or flowers.


26. Purify Your Air Naturally



Many houseplants and flowers act as natural air purifiers, which can help you breathe easier and banish allergens, along with pollutants and unpleasant odours. According to Live Science, indoor plants absorb harmful gases through their leaves and root systems. If you’ve ever wanted an  excuse to fill your home with beautiful plants, here’s your chance!

Snake plants and spider plants are two of our absolute faves, but the famous 1989 Clean Air Study by NASA found that at least 29 different plants and flowers do an excellent job of purifying air. Check out the list—which still rings true today—and take a trip to your local nursery. Just remember to return any plastic pots, which can be reused.


27. Buy Second-Hand


Opting for second-hand clothing and household items keeps the recycling community going strong. As an added bonus, when you donate gently used goods or offer them for sale at a reduced price, you’re allowing others to try brands and products they may not have access to otherwise.

You can shop locally at thrift stores and community yard sales, and online sites like eBay and Poshmark are great for secondhand items.


28. When Buying New, Pay Attention to Where Your Purchases Come From



Not all products are created equal, so it’s important to research before making purchases. Buy from Earth-conscious retailers that are actively trying to cut down on excess waste to save our planet. The best way to research a company? A simple internet search should do. Most ecofriendly companies produce sustainability reports, which you can typically find on their websites. Any recognition or awards for being ecologically friendly are also a good sign.


29. Opt to Repair Rather than Replace


If an appliance is on the fritz, try getting it repaired before shopping for a replacement. The same goes for other household items and clothing. For instance, ripped jeans and sheets can be mended.

If an item is beyond repair, consider repurposing it rather than throwing it away. You’ll likely notice that this new mindset will spill over into other areas of your life.


30. Reuse Gift Wrap and Gift Bags



When you receive a gift, save the gift wrap, bag, and/or tissue paper when possible. Greeting cards can be used for crafts, such as ornaments and gift tags. It’s amazing how many items can be reused and repurposed when we think outside the box!


31. Treat Yourself to Experiences Instead of Things


Many of us celebrate our successes and/or sooth our sadness with impromptu shopping sprees. The next time something goes right—or terribly wrong—why not treat yourself to an experience instead? Sign up for a dance class, enjoy a night on the town, or book a low-key getaway. Scaling back on unnecessary purchases and focusing on experiences will cut down on the clutter in your home and help you tap into your creativity instead of your bank account.


32. Go Paperless


A super easy way to protect the environment is by cutting down on paper usage. Opt-in to paperless billing and online banking to do your part. If at all possible, forego printing documents and other papers, and store them virtually instead. Opting for paperless receipts at retailers and restaurants is also a simple way to cut down on paper use.

If you absolutely have to use paper, use both sides! Little changes really do add up.


33. Become an Environment-Conscious Reader



If you’re an avid reader, there are a few effective ways to cut down on your carbon footprint. Digital options eliminate paper altogether, while borrowing and buying secondhand are environmentally conscious alternatives.

If you ever decide to whittle down your beloved book collection, consider donating to a local library or school. You can also upcycle books by creating DIY projects. From decorative balls and flowers to canvas art and greeting cards, we absolutely love Felt Magnet’s list of 53 creative ideas for repurposing book pages. Check it out here.


34. Not Sure How to Dispose of Something? Do Your Research


It’s not always obvious where to dispose of specific items, so some research may be required before trashing that old phone or kitchen appliance. We regularly use Martha Stewart’s “How to Get Rid of Anything” list when we’re clearing out old items.


35. Get the Whole Family Involved



Your passion and excitement for preserving our planet will likely rub off on your loved ones. Encourage everyone in your household—and beyond—to get involved.


Launching Your Zero Waste Lifestyle


Keep in mind that there’s no race to the zero waste finish line. Even the most environmentally conscious individuals admit that preserving the environment is a constant work in progress. Strive to make one small change at a time, and pat yourself on the back for making a difference for our planet and future generations.




Woolworths further reduces plastic packaging and reaffirms its commitment to a greener future

Woolworths further reduces plastic packaging and reaffirms its commitment to a greener future

Amidst COVID-19, 70% of Australians are continuing to rank taking care of the planet and making sustainable choices as important to them, according to research revealed by Woolworths Group for World Environment Day.

To make it easier for customers to continue embracing a greener future, Woolworths has introduced a number of initiatives to further reduce plastic across a wider range of fruit and vegetables, including bananas, carrots, tomatoes, potatoes, broccolini, sweet potatoes & organic apples.

By moving out of plastic clamshell and into adhesive tape for bananas, replacing rigid plastic trays with pulp fibre on tomatoes, moving to a paper tag on broccolini and reducing plastic film by 30% in weight on carrots and potatoes, Woolworths has removed a further 237 tonnes of plastic packaging in the last year.

The tray Woolworths uses for its sweet potatoes and organic apples is now made of recycled cardboard, rather than plastic.

Woolworths has also commenced a trial of where it will switch plastic packaging in its popular Fresh Food Kids range of apples, pears and bananas to easy-to-recycle cardboard boxes.

Woolworths Group CEO Brad Banducci said; “Something that was very surprising during COVID was the continued relevance of the environment, with 70% of Australians saying that taking care of the planet and making sustainable choices remained important to them, even at the height of the crisis.

“This is something that we’re equally passionate about and Woolworths remains as committed as ever to creating a greener future.

“While we’ve made pleasing progress in reducing the amount of plastic in our stores, supported recycling labelling initiatives, and made improvements in energy efficiency, sustainable sourcing and reducing food waste, we know there is still much more to be done to meet our customers and our own aspirations.”

Since Woolworths removed single-use plastic bags in 2018, more than 6 billion bags have been taken out of circulation. Earlier this week, Woolworths also started to offer paper shopping bags, made out of 70% recycled paper, for customers to purchase to carry their shopping home in.

In the past year, approx 10,600 shopping trolleys worth of soft plastics have been recycled through its in-store RedCycle program. Woolworths also removed a total of 890 tonnes of plastic from its fruit, vegetables and bakery ranges over the past two years.

100% of Woolworths stores now have food waste diversion partners in place and in the last year alone, the supermarket has diverted over 33,000 tonnes of food waste from landfill to our food relief partners or donated to farmers as feed stock.


