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Absolut Vodka in Paper Bottles

Absolut Vodka in Paper Bottles

Over 50 years ago, we were introduced to the concept of box wine – a wine that came in a box with a collapsible bag inside. The invention gained popularity because it was cheaper than other wines and spirits. Adding the integral tap in the bag made it easier to pour a glass of wine and store it. From an environmental standpoint, boxed wine is recyclable and easier to transport. Although glass is recyclable, it requires a lot of energy to produce and transport.

Switching to cardboard is less energy-intensive to produce and is a lot lighter in comparison to transport. Although boxed wine has been associated with being a cheaper quality wine, the quality has improved significantly over the years, with many winemakers packaging their products in boxes.

If wine can be packaged more sustainably, what about other types of alcohol? Swedish company Absolut Vodka wants to switch from glass bottles to paper bottles. As part of a pilot project, Absolut has made bottles out of 57% wood fibres certified by the Forest Stewardship Council. To prevent the liquid from leaking through, the bottles contain an integrated moisture barrier made from recycled plastic.

This pilot project is part of a collaboration with Paboco and the Pioneer Community. Paboco is a paper bottle company working towards creating the world’s first 100% bio-based and recyclable paper bottle. The paper bottle is recyclable as paper packaging and can be designed to hold many different products, from soda to sun location. The company has partnered with L’Oreal, the Coca-Cola Company, Procter & Gamble and many others to help introduce smarter and more sustainable packaging solutions into more significant markets.

Paboco is no stranger to packaging alcohol in paper bottles. They have been successful with beer company Carlsberg with their Fibre Bottle, made out of plant-based PEF polymer lining. The material is compatible with plastic recycling systems and can degrade in nature. The PEF, which is made out of natural raw materials, protects the taste and fizziness of the beer, and the outer shell helps to keep the beer colder for longer compared to cans or glass bottles.

Absolut Vodka has been testing these paper bottles for over a decade, and they are finally launching 500-millilitre paper bottles in select Tesco stores in Manchester, in the UK. The city of Manchester was chosen as a testing site because it had the recycling infrastructure to handle the bottles. Absolut also found that Manchester had higher household recycling rates than any other region in the UK.

Much like how wine boxes are lighter and less energy-intensive to transport, Absolut will calculate the carbon footprint of the paper bottles, which will be significantly lighter than their traditional glass bottles. The company is also collecting feedback from consumers, retailers and distributors and will use their findings to make necessary adjustments. They will also be working on developing ways to make the bottles from more than 57% paper and achieve a 100% paper bottle target.

While glass is a better option and can be used infinitely, compared to plastic bottles, it is pretty costly to recycle. Glass can only be recycled in furnaces that use high energy to reach high heat, increasing pollution. The switch to paper bottles could have a significant impact on the emission that comes from the food and drink industry. While Absolut Vodka is only one of many alcohol companies, it could be the inspiration needed to make the switch. We might see our liquor stores go from clanky, heavy glass bottles to lightweight paper ones in the near future.





Source  Happy Eco News

New Plastic Recycling Rules in Australia

New Plastic Recycling Rules in Australia

The Background to the Decision

Since industrialization, humans have had a remarkable capacity to alter and change our environment on a large scale.

To facilitate the growth of industry, we have allowed companies and other organizations to pollute the environment indiscriminately with no regard for the people, creatures, and nature that have been impacted.

In most regards, we think of pollution as the toxic air spewed from industrial plants into our atmosphere. While that is a problem, make no mistake about it, there are other problems that rapid industrialization has had on our world.

One of those is plastic pollution, the byproduct of cheap disposable products wrapped in material that the environment cannot break down easily.

While some moves by industry have seen eco-friendly plastics being used in mass production, these examples are few and far between, to the dismay of eco-friendly citizens worldwide.

In some countries, though, that appears to be shifting. Recently a coalition of governments has pushed through legislation for new plastic recycling rules in Australia, forcing companies to take serious measures to curb their output of non-biodegradable plastic products.

How do the new Plastic Recycling Rules in Australia work?

The decision to impose new plastic recycling rules in Australia was made at the first meeting of federal and state environmental ministers in Sydney on Friday, June 9th. Tanya Plibersek, the federal environment minister, said that the “historic agreement” meant packaging would be “subject to strict new government rules.”

The new rules include the following:

  • A ban on single-use plastic bags.
  • A ban on selling disposable coffee cups made from expanded polystyrene (EPS).
  • A requirement for all plastic packaging to be recyclable or compostable by 2025.
  • A requirement for all plastic packaging to be labelled with clear information about its recyclability.

According to a communique released after the agreement, the new plastic recycling rules in Australia would shift the country towards a more circular economy, with the rules addressing three specific areas: packaging design, outlawing harmful chemicals and plastics, and harmonizing curbside plastic recycling.

These decisions were made in the backdrop of the goals Australia has set in regard to plastic recycling. The Australian government has said that the new rules will cost the economy $1.1 billion over the next ten years, but the benefits of reducing plastic waste outweigh the costs.

As per the voluntary model that Australia has right now, only 18% of plastic is recycled in the country, far short of the 70% goal by 2025 that it has set.

Many have come out supporting this move; the Boomerang Alliance, a coalition of 55 environment groups, stated that this was the first “substantial and meaningful step” to address plastic waste in over 20 years.

It’s not just environmentalists that are lauding this decision, as major companies such as Nestlé, Coca-Cola, and Unilever have all come out in support.


For the People, by the People.

Serious change needs to be made in order to address the problem of plastic waste pollution worldwide. While it would be nice to believe that companies would willingly make the decision to cut back and recycle on their own, the reality is that it isn’t in their best interest to do so.

These programs cost money, and the incentive for shareholders is to increase profits no matter what. Government regulations will force these companies to accept the new way of doing things as simply a cost of doing business, thus ensuring that the people’s best interest is upheld as a primary objective.

Ultimately, this is what governments are for, and hopefully, with the example of these new plastic recycling rules in Australia, this action will spur other governments in other countries to make similar decisions.





Source  Happy Eco News

Living Green in the Suburbs

Living Green in the Suburbs

Living green in the suburbs is gaining interest from all over the US. Today, 8 of every 10 Americans live in the suburbs. Suburbs are areas within a metropolitan area that are primarily residential. They are not as densely populated as the inner city and are generally a separate political entity of the city. In many suburban areas, a car is required to get around the area and enter the main city or downtown core. In America, the suburbs are responsible for 50% of carbon emissions due to car dependence.

Moreover, these homes conserve less energy as they are required to heat and cool larger houses. Many suburban homes have lawns which require water and maintenance. Over 3 trillion gallons of water a year across 40 million acres of lawn is used in the US. Lawns are also one of the nation’s largest sources of pollution due to the chemical runoff from pesticides and fertilizers that make their way into waterways. Suburban lawns have been known to contaminate swimming and drinking water and harm local fish.

Living Green in the suburbs is simple (and fun).

But it doesn’t all have to be bad. Many environmentally friendly solutions exist to help make living green in the suburbs easier. Front or backyards could be transformed into wildflower meadows or rain gardens. Wildflower meadows mainly contain native plants and are a perfect habitat for pollinators like bees, butterflies and birds. Rain gardens are filled with plants and native grasses that collect storm water runoff from roofs, driveways and streets and are ways to protect the aquatic ecosystem.

Another lawn alternative is planting ground covers that require no mowing and little fertilizer and water. Food scaping is also growing in popularity as a lawn replacement as it enables sustainable edible landscapes. The plants can be edible, which will help contribute to food security, or ornamental, providing an aesthetically pleasing landscape with little planning.

Another way for suburbanites to reduce their environmental impact is by harvesting rainwater from runoff surfaces. The water can be used for irrigation and toilet flushing. It also reduces energy use and carbon emissions from water treatment industries that treat and transfer water.

Reducing energy consumption while living green in the suburbs includes buying more energy-efficient light bulbs, installing insulation and storm windows, purchasing Energy Star Label appliances and choosing renewable energy. Within these suburban communities, a community solar project may allow homeowners to buy into a collectively owned energy project.

Here is an easy-to-follow checklist for living green in the suburbs.

1. Reduce, reuse, and recycle: Practice the three R’s of sustainability by reducing your disposable consumption, reusing items as much as possible, and recycling materials such as paper, plastics, and glass.

2. Compost: Start a compost pile to reduce organic waste and produce nutrient-rich soil for gardening.

3. Install energy-efficient appliances: Replace old appliances with energy-efficient models to reduce energy consumption and save money on utility bills.

4. Use public transportation or carpool: Use public transportation whenever possible or carpool with others to reduce carbon emissions from vehicles.

5. Plant native species in your yard: Planting native species can help support biodiversity and provide habitats for local wildlife.

6. Conserve water: Install low-flow showerheads and toilets, and limit outdoor watering to reduce water usage.

7. Use eco-friendly cleaning products: Switch to environmentally friendly cleaning products that use natural ingredients instead of harsh chemicals.

8. Support local farmers and businesses: Buy produce and products from local farmers and businesses to reduce the carbon footprint associated with shipping and distribution.

9. Use solar power: Install solar panels on your property to produce clean energy and reduce reliance on non-renewable energy sources.

10. Participate in community-wide sustainability initiatives: Join community groups or organizations that promote green living and participate in local sustainability programs or events.

Just because you live in the suburbs, it doesn’t mean you get a free pass to environmental damage. Suburban living can be environmentally damaging, but many opportunities exist to reduce your impact. By simply converting your lawn, you can protect local wildlife and ecosystems. Finding ways to reduce your energy consumption, installing compost bins and piles, and even choosing to eat locally and seasonally will all positively impact how you live, no matter where you live and soon you will find your own family living green in the suburbs.





Source Happy Eco News