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Tranen Revegetation Systems

Environmental Consultancy

Company profile

Tranen was founded in Perth in 1992 as an engineering consulting company. In 2002 our primary focus shifted to the three “r’s”; revegetating, rehabilitating, and restoring natural ecosystems around the south-west of Australia. We then adopted the trading name Tranen Revegetation Systems, and later Tranen Revegetation Southwest, when we opened our Busselton branch in 2011.

Most revegetation projects have the ultimate aim of restoring a site to its original condition. However, due to highly disturbed and modified landscapes, climate change, cost and time pressures, and other factors, complete restoration is sometimes not a realistic, or practical goal. Regardless, Tranen endeavours to design and deliver the best possible outcomes for the natural environment, based on the site conditions, and project constraints provided.

Three other “r”s that are of prime importance to us are relationships, results, and research:

We aim to build close working and trusting relationships with each of our clients. Our volume of repeat, and word of mouth business is proof that our customers appreciate this approach.

Our forte is delivering projects where we have full responsibility for the results. Having involvement in the early concept stages, through to detailed design, and implementation gives us greater control of, and allows us to take responsibility for, both short and long-term outcomes.

In our quest for continuous improvement, research has always been very important to us. Whether this is on projects for clients, of our own initiative, or through industry associations, the ability to deliver projects to increasingly higher standards is dependent on constantly reviewing and evolving our practices. We also endeavour to share our knowledge and experiences by actively supporting industry associations, presenting at events, and publishing in scientific publications.



