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Natural Energy Foods & Drinks

Company profile

Making small changes can have big impacts.

We’re on a mission to encourage more people to live a healthier, happier life through the power of superfoods. And for us, it’s personal.

Our Story

Charlotte had been fit, healthy and active all her life up until 2012 – when she suddenly found herself underweight and suffering with severe fatigue, to the point where even just getting through the day was a struggle. After many tests, she was eventually diagnosed with Coeliac Disease – an autoimmune condition which can only be managed by following a strict gluten-free diet for life.

A few years later, Charlotte & Sean met at University and Sean began to realise just how much Charlotte’s fatigue and digestive issues were really restricting her ability to live a normal life. They both decided to take matters into their own hands and look for more natural ways to help… leading them to superfoods!

After just a few weeks of experimenting with superfoods, they discovered that these ingredients were having such a positive impact on not just Charlotte’s health, but Sean’s too. Since then, they’ve never looked back!.

Our Mission

And so, Charlotte and Sean set out to make the power of superfoods accessible for everyone. From boosting immune health and energy, to focus and fitness – our blends contain the most nutrient dense ingredients on the planet, to give you what you need to thrive.



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