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Make it Wild

Carbon Offset Consultancy

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Throughout our lives our family has adored the natural world, whether enjoying stunning views of our countryside landscape, experiencing the sheer joy of taking a woodland walk or learning about the breath-taking diversity of wildlife with which we share our planet.

But we are acutely aware of the impact that humans are having on every other species – plant and animal. Our rapidly growing population has meant we have grabbed more and more of the land for ourselves; land for growing food and for places to live and work. Worse still we have polluted and degraded the land and oceans. Even the climate is changing due to human impact.

We decided that instead of just worrying about it, we should do our bit to change this!

Putting it simply we wanted to create a bit more wild space. More trees, more meadows, more ponds. Once there is a place for wildlife, it arrives!

Hence, Make It Wild was born! The short film above explains it all!


United Kingdom
