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Hay Straws

Biodegradable Straws

Company profile

We became inspired by the anti-plastic and no straw movement after reading dozens of articles about plastic polluting the ocean, not to mention the shocking video of a straw being pulled out of a sea turtle's nose. We started taking a stance against single-use plastics. We avoided plastic bags, wrapped fruit and vegetables, and starting requesting “no straws” at restaurants, cafes, and bars. Despite our efforts to avoid plastic straws, inevitably a straw would end up on in our drink or on our table. That was our last straw!

Hay or straw is a byproduct of wheat production. Once the wheat is harvested the stems are trimmed and made into hay for animal feed or, in our case, straws. Hence the name HAY! Straws! Our straws can be tossed right in the compost bin after use. Unlike plastic straws, HAY! Straws® will break down naturally, returning to the circle of life.

We hope you enjoy them!


United States

