We are artisanal tempeh makers in Singapore.
After giving up meat, Angie started a search for wholesome protein sources in her diet but found few that fit the requirements of being natural, wholesome, and suitable for eating as a staple in the everyday diet. This ended up igniting a burning passion to make sure that the world does not have to do the same. The challenge was to create a product that addresses the real-life problem that the world faces in terms of sustainable nutritious food that appeals to the palate.
As a fervent fanatic of tempeh, Angie was passionate about making great tempeh with quality ingredients. Angie realised that the secret recipe lay buried in the fermentation process. To get to the root of the problem, Angie travelled to Bogor, Indonesia and mastered the skills of working on-site with the authentic ‘Masters of Tempeh’ in the kampungs of Bogor, Indonesia. Significantly equipped with knowledge and experience in tempeh making, Angie returned to Singapore, a place she calls home, to set up a tempeh business and share her passion for food with her customers. The business started out with a single girl (Angie) making tempeh in a small rented kitchen but quickly grew into a whole team of people devoted to making the best plant protein option on the market. Angie's Tempeh's story of making the world a better place through plant protein has touched many people and earned many mainstream media publications in Channel News Asia, Channel 8 News, and South China Morning Post.
Through a mastery of fermentation and innovative techniques, our unique tempeh range expands beyond soybeans to include other superfood legumes and grains that are nutritious and wholesome.
Aside from selling on our e-commerce store, we also offer retail and food service channels unique options to expand their menus, manufacturing high quality, customisable and naturally fermented tempeh.
Tempeh is a natural, minimally processed source of plant protein that is suitable for vegetarians, vegans and anyone looking to try a plant-based diet. It is usually made from soybeans.
Tempeh is a white cake resulting from the Rhizopus oligosporus fungus fermenting a substrate, which can be legumes, grains or seeds. As the fungi grows, a dense mat of white mycelium binds the legumes into a firm cake form. Tempeh originated in Java, Indonesia. Its earliest known reference appeared in 1815.
Why choose Angie's Tempeh?
Organic, Non-GMO, and Minimal ingredients
Angie’s Tempeh is made only from two ingredients: certified organic and non-GMO beans (soybeans, chickpeas or adzuki beans) and culture. We keep it grain-free and do not use fillers such as flours or starches in our tempeh. Our tempeh is deliciously simple.
Handmade in Small Batches
Angie’s Tempeh is handmade in small batches using traditional, time-tested methods. We follow a meticulous process of sourcing, splitting, dehulling, cooking, inoculating, incubating and packaging. Each batch is made with care and pride to ensure a quality product.
Fresh and Unpasteurised
Angie’s Tempeh is fresh and unpasteurised, meaning it is alive, and retains its natural tender texture and earthy flavour. The tempeh mycelium will continue to mature as long as it is left at room temperature or in a cool place such as your refrigerator. There is nothing quite like freshly prepared unpasteurised tempeh! Most commercial tempeh you find in supermarkets are pasteurised by high heat to allow it to be shelf-stable for long periods of time. This means that the tempeh has stopped fermenting and some healthy bacteria have been killed. Pasteurisation often renders the tempeh bitter and dry.
Delivered Fresh and Warm
We time our production schedule to ensure that the tempeh delivered to you is at its peak freshness - right out from the incubator. This is why the tempeh you receive may still feel warm to the touch - evidence of it being alive and still fermenting, as heat is generated during maturation.
Different Tempeh Flavours
Our range includes soybean tempeh, chickpea tempeh and adzuki tempeh. Each type of tempeh has its unique taste, texture and aroma.