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Recycled components and plastic-free packaging: Samsung powers up 2025 sustainability plan

All Samsung phones are to feature recycled materials from 2025, the company has pledged as part of a new set of wide-ranging sustainability targets. The mobile technology giant said that through the new strategy it is aiming to integrate sustainable practices across each stage of production to minimise it environmental impact and build "a better future for communities around the world and the next generation of innovators". The commitments from part of 'Galaxy for the Planet', a sustainability platform designed to deliver tangible climate actions across Samsung's business. The initial set of targets have a deadline of 2025 and together aim to reduce the environmental footprint and lessen resource depletion that results from the production and disposal of Galaxy products. The new goals include eliminating all plastic packaging, achieving zero waste to landfill across the company's operations, and reducing standby power consumption of all smartphone chargers to below 0.005W by 2025. "We believe that everyone has a role to play in providing innovative solutions that protect the planet for generations to come. Samsung understands our efforts need to match our scale, our influence and the magnitude of the entire Galaxy ecosystem around the world," said TM Roh, president and head of mobile communications business at Samsung Electronics. "Galaxy for the Planet is an important step in our journey toward creating a more sustainable world, and we will do so with the openness, transparency and collaboration that drives everything we do." Samsung's products are already "thoughtfully designed" to minimise the impact on the environment during their entire lifecycle, the company said, including through the use of power-efficient semiconductor chips, sustainable packaging, energy-saving technology, and the ability to upcycle old devices.  
  Source Business Green