Paper Lid

Company information

Ishwara Logo


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Company location: India


1. Bowl big lid - 116mm
2. Glass big lid - 90mm
3. Bowl small lid - 85mm
4. Glass small lid - 80mm
5. Bowl medium lid - 107mm

The demand for more green products is rising day by day. On thinking about the rising demand for food deliveries every restaurateur or food outlet owner had decided to elevate the levels of food packaging. Ishwara is the only leading manufacturer of paper lids in Gurgaon and paper lids in India that believes- every end-user should receive the hot food with zero wastage and spilling. That is only possible when the food is delivered in the perfect paper tub along with its well-fitted lid. If you are looking for reliable dealers of paper lids in India then you must check the wide range available online at the best competitive prices. There is no use in ordering the food online when you receive it half-spilled or melted. The temperature resistant paper lids snap-lock into place and prevent unnecessary leaking.