Paper Bags

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Paper Bags India Logo

Paper Bags India

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Company location: India


Why Paperbags?

Paper can be recycled upto six times before which it has to be disposed.

Paper is made completely from biodegradable materials and decomposes in a matter of days.

It is better for our oceans, roughly 8 million tonnes of plastic wastes are deposited in our oceans every year causing the deaths of over 100 million sea mammals.

Pulp for the Paper is sourced from well managed forests by FSC”forest stewardship council” that make sure that more trees are planted in the forests than those that are cut.

Single use plastics are difficult to recycle as they are very easily contaminated.

Solid waste generated by single use plastics that are subsequently filled in landfills can take upto 400 years to decompose and they seep toxins in our soils.

Afforestation efforts around the world have been very successful an today the world has more trees than 35 years ago.