Photovoltaic Modules- Salient Features
Solar cells are encapsulated between tempered glass and EVA pottant with PVF back sheet to provide maximum protection from the severest environmental conditions. The laminate framed using anodized aluminum frame to provide structural strength and ease of installation.
Technical Specifications
Mode AP112 Power Details
Power (Max)
Pp (watts)
Voltage at rated power Vld (Volts) 16.4 V
Voltage at maximum power Vmp (volts) > 15.0 V
Current at maximum power Imp (amps) 4.20 A
Open circuit voltage Voc (volts) 20 V
Short circuit current Isc (amps) 4.60 A
Solar Cells per Module Units 36
Note: Type of Solar Cell : Mono / Multi Crystalline
Dimensions and Weight:
Length mm (Inches) 1206(47.50) ±1
Width mm (Inches)
530(20.86) ±0.5
Thickness mm (Inches)
34 (1.33) ±0.5
Weight kg (lbs)
7.63(16.48) ±5%
Area Sq.meters (Sq.Ft)
0.64 (6.87)
Our standard range of modules are supplied without blocking diodes. However, we will supply with blocking diodes on specific customer request.
Quality Assurance
Andromeda monocrystalline photovoltaic modules meet and exceed specifications for the following tests.
· Thermal cycling test
· Thermal shock test
· Thermal / Freezing and high humidity cycling test
· Electrical isolation test
· Hail impact test
· Mechanical, wind and twist loading test
· Salt spray test
· Light and water-exposure test
· Field exposure test
· Specifications subject to without notice during product upgradations