A global concern is the sustainable worldwide management of Medical Waste. New Technology is constantly emerging, to provide alternative treatment of medical waste. However, none are yet to surpass the operational experience that has been proven today with traditional High Temperature Incineration. It is known that without Incineration, a variety of health and environmental risks can be created, which leads to potential outbreaks. High Temperature Incineration provides a compliant route to Medical waste disposal for healthcare staff, patients and visitors, with potential for contact with the many types of medical waste types that frequents medical facilities.
Here at Bio Renewables, we are committed to helping the global markets aid in their waste management strategies by offering High Temperature Medical Waste Incinerators. We can ensure that our machines deliver the best operations by using Stoichiometric Combustion principles in every machine we manufacture. This design philosophy truly provides the Best Available Techniques for Medical Waste Disposal, whilst meeting the international communities guidelines on Air Quality.
Our Incinerators can be provided with heat exchangers which provide the ability to harness energy from your waste (i.e. generate heat or hot water from your waste). All Incinerators manufactured at Bio Renewables ensure complete compliance; from the sizing of the burning chamber, combustible air matched to the clients waste spec, through to burner sizing and secondary chamber sizing- all designed to ensure complete compliance to complete combustion, ensuring required temperatures and residency times are met.
All Inicnerators designed & manufactured by Bio Renewables comply implicitly to IED standards with additional benefits, particularly for international clients, with full compliance to the International Finance Corporation (IFC) Air Emissions & Ambient Air Quality guidelines.