Maintenance | Zureli


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In addition to developing, designing, and selling its equipment, BLUBOX Trading AG also installs and maintains the technology in order to ensure proper commissioning and processing.

To minimize unforeseen interruptions, we recommend annual inspections as the best way to increase efficiency and minimize future costs. During annual maintenance, mechanical parts, electrical systems, and the aspiration system will be inspected to give you an overview of the technical condition and any repairs the machine might require in the future.

Furthermore, we provide training and consulting for operators in order to achieve outstanding working results:

Optimization of processes

Training about hazardous waste (lamps, flat panel displays, etc.)

Demonstration of a range of process possibilities

Consulting about products, quality, safety, etc.

Depending on your needs, we offer the right solutions and service contracts to achieve optimal working conditions.

  • Region: Europe
  • Country: Switzerland
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