Environmental Consultancy

Company information

AGV Environment Sdn Bhd Logo

AGV Environment Sdn Bhd

Company location

Company location: Malaysia


Environmental Impact Assessment

We offer our services in conducting Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA) that contributes to our customers’ better managing their their plans and projects in accordance to environmental requirements.

Environmental and Social Impact Assessment

Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) is a comprehensive, concept-to-completion methodology that involves all stakeholders from the start, relies upon sound science at every stage and works to achieve sustainable development throughout a project’s lifecycle.

Environmental Permitting Services

Environmental Permit allow you to carry out activities that may affect the nature and human well being with adhere to regulation to minimize the damage to our environment and people.

EHS Management System

Our EHS Management System team works with you to put the policies, procedures, and data management systems in place to help ensure your compliance with local, state, national and international regulations — both now and going forward.

Environmental Monitoring and Assessment

Environmental Monitoring and Assessment (EM) is from conceptual simulations of proposed projects to mitigation engineering of existing situations to address full range of environmental risk and impact.

Environmental Regulatory Compliance Audit

Environmental Regulatory Compliance Audit is to conform to environmental laws, regulations, standards and other requirements to operate.

Chemical Health Risk Assessment

The range of services we offer cover human health and ecological risk assessment for Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA) and contaminated site management; human health and environmental toxicology, including REACH analysis related to product development

Laboratory Services

Our aquatic effects monitoring team regularly conducts assessments associated with current or potential future effluents, sediment dredging and disturbance of aquatic habitats from physical work to assist clients with developments involving waterways.

Process Safety / HAZOP

We work to meet each client’s cultural, corporate, and internal health and safety requirements to reduce injury and illness and maintain regulatory compliance.

Land Development

We understand the physical, environmental, social and legislative challenges inherent to Land Development ranging from mixed-use and high rise developments, industrial park developments to land reclamation.

Industrial Hygiene

Industrial Hygiene (IH) services include anticipation, recognition, evaluation, prevention and control of those environmental factors or stresses arising in or from the workspace which may cause sickness, impaired health and well being, or significant discomfort among workers or citizens

Climate Change and Resilience

Our Climate Change and Resilience approach to providing adaptation services starts by analyzing observed historic climate variability and project climate change in order to identify climate change risks to existing or planning infrastructure or operations.

Energy and Carbon Management

Our energy and carbon management includes site inspection, project feasibility studies, conceptual designs, environmental assessments and permitting assistance, construction support, and operational compliance and optimisation. We develop carbon strategies for facilities and analyse risk associated with climate change on current and anticipated future operations.

Environmental Risk Assessment

Environmental Risk Assessment Environmental Risk Assessment (ERA) is conducted to assess the potential environmental risks associated with any economic activity. ERA describes the potential hazards and impacts, and provides the necessary precautionary steps to address these risks.     Potential environmental hazards that may require ERA to be conducted:   hazardous (scheduled) waste,   emissions,   hazardous substance   liquid waste   environmental impact of raw materials  environmental impact