EcoGroundTM Flooring

Company information

Aus Floor Works Logo

Aus Floor Works

Company location

Company location: Australia


EcoGroundTM Flooring is a high quality polished concrete flooring ideal for commercial and

residential environments. EcoGroundTM Flooring is a pristine surface of enduring and sustainable

quality. Perfect for high traffic areas, EcoGroundTM is the most durable flooring solution.


With a set level of shine (matt, satin, semi-gloss or high gloss), you choose the finish that will

enhance and compliment your interior design. Available in a wide range of colours and effects,

it is easy to create the style and image you require. EcoGroundTM is cost-effective, easy to clean

and maintain, and is environmentally friendly.


AusFloorworks are the experts in choosing the right flooring to suit your requirements – from

strength and durability, to easy maintenance, to aesthetics, or to sustainability. It is with pride

and professionalism that AusFloorworks provide the best in service and advice.


Key Features:

Fast and efficient application

Strength and durability


Easy maintenance


Full colour spectrum



Performance Profile:

High gloss, semi-gloss or matte finish


Concrete Densifier

Water based sealer

Slip resistant

Mechanically polished

Certified Green Tag Global


Target Areas:

♦♦ Cafés

♦♦ Showrooms

♦♦ Factories and Warehouses

♦♦ Supermarkets

♦♦ Retail Spaces