Abies Nordmanniana

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Barcham Trees Plc Logo

Barcham Trees Plc

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Company location: United Kingdom


Abies nordmanniana, known as the Nordmann or Caucasian Fir, is now best recognized as the needle holding Christmas Tree sold by garden centres in December.

It’s evergreen pyramidal shape and green lustrous needles make it stand out in the landscape as one of the most majestic of firs.

Like most conifers, they prefer free draining soils but these especially thrive in areas of frequent rain fall and given optimum conditions can reach heights of over 200 feet (70 metres) tall!

Introduced from Turkey in the early 1840s, it grows attractive cones that can grow up to 20cm long. Abies nordmanniana is best planted at least 15 metres away from buildings in large gardens or parkland.