A-Frame Boxes

Company information

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Company location

Company location: Sweden


A-frame boxes are perfect for gifts, small products, and tasty snacks. It is possible to design outside as well as outside - meaning you can put a greeting inside of the lid to spice up the unboxing experience. Choose white paperboard for a colorful print or brown kraft paperboard for a more rustic feel. The choice is yours!Stuff with coffee, tea, candy, cookies, or salty crackers but don't limit yourself. Textile and skincare products fit just as well.

Sustainability Score

The leaf index is the tool you can use to compare sustainable products. All Circulate’s partners are sustainability pioneers, but this tool will help you spot best practice

Product Labels

Here a quick overview of the product’s environmental characteristics. The more labels, more sustainable properties!

Material Properties

Recyclable, Biodegradable And Industrially Compostable Paperboard