6 Star Energy Rating

Company information

NRG Efficient Homes Logo

NRG Efficient Homes

Company location

Company location: Australia


NRG Efficient Homes is a nationally accredited company under the ABSA & BDAV body. We use the latest First Rate 5 NatHERS accredited software to provide the best possible service and information to our clients. As energy efficiency is such a growing sector therefore forever changing, we are continually training and gathering information to ensure we remain up to date with the newest technologies and processes.


As of May 1st, 2011, the new 6-star requirement was put into place for most Australian states and territories. By May 1st, 2012 it will be a requirement for all states and territories (Excluding NSW which has its own avenue of compliance via basix ). A mandatory disclosure is also soon to come in, meaning that sellers will be required to provide an up to date energy certificate when selling their house (no matter how old or new). This will provide buyers with information on a dwelling and how energy efficient it is in comparison to others. (Please note mandatory disclosure is already in place in the act)

A 6-star dwelling can reduce heating and cooling loads by up to 70% meaning long-term savings for homeowners.

Listed are some other benefits of a 6 star home:

Energy savings – the more efficient the home is to heat and cool

Household savings – less reliant on mechanical heating and cooling

An improved indoor air quality and a reduction in temperature fluctuations

Increase your homes resale value

Reduction in your carbon footprint

Achieving 6 stars energy rating in your home is not difficult or expensive if thought about at the design stage.

Here are some factors to be thought about when designing your home:

The orientation of the home on the block

Consider the size of the home – the larger the home, the harder it is to get star ratings

Placing non-habitable rooms (laundry, garage, bathrooms etc) to the west

Placing main living rooms to the north

Increase ceiling insulation

Install wall cavity insulation

Insulating timber floors

Thinking about glazing shading for hotter climates, heat gain for cooler climates

For colder climates, introducing thermal mass ( exposed concrete floors, reverse brick veneer )

Utilise ceiling fans

Identify areas that can be zoned or closed off

Weather seal doors, windows, vents and exhaust fans