Renewable Electricity

Company information

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Company location

Company location: United Kingdom


We supply renewable electricity to every member, on every tariff. And we carbon offset our gas, too. That means you can shrink your home’s carbon footprint, just by being with Bulb. In fact, the average member lowers their carbon impact by a whopping 3.2 tonnes of CO2e every year, compared to an average energy tariff. (And your lightbulbs won’t even notice the difference.)

We buy some of our electricity (about 4.5%) straight from renewable generators around the UK. And we buy the rest on the wholesale energy market. For every unit of electricity our members use, we buy a renewable generation certificate (called a REGO) to match. We like to think of it as a fair balance between what’s good for the planet, and good for your pocket.

REGO certificates help us verify the amount of renewable energy we supply to the industry regulator, Ofgem. Every year, like all suppliers, we report on the amount of electricity we've purchased from which source: coal, gas, nuclear and renewables. For Bulb, it's simple: 100% of our electricity comes from renewable sources like solar, wind and hydro.