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New Ocean Carbon Removal Tools Developed

What is Ocean Carbon Removal?

Ocean carbon removal is a process that aims to remove excess carbon dioxide from our oceans. As we all know, the ocean plays a critical role in regulating our planet’s climate by absorbing large amounts of CO2 from the atmosphere. However, this absorption has a limit, and as we continue to emit more and more greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, the ocean’s ability to absorb CO2 is reaching its threshold. The process of removing carbon dioxide involves capturing it directly from seawater or indirectly through biological processes, such as photosynthesis carried out by marine organisms like phytoplankton. Once captured, it can be stored permanently in deep-sea sediments or used for various industrial purposes. Ocean carbon removal has gained significant attention recently due to its potential for reducing atmospheric CO2 levels and mitigating climate change impacts on marine ecosystems. Additionally, this solution can generate ocean-based carbon credits, which provide financial incentives for companies investing in sustainable practices that reduce their carbon footprint. Ocean carbon removal offers promising solutions for mitigating climate change while protecting our oceans’ health but also requires careful evaluation of its environmental risks and economic feasibility before implementation at scale. The company Planetary Technologies has released an innovative ocean-based carbon removal protocol. The protocol aims to provide a standard for measuring and verifying the effectiveness of ocean-based carbon removal projects. The technology adds a mild alkaline substance to the ocean, which reduces acidity and converts dissolved carbon dioxide into a salt that remains dissolved in the ocean for up to 100,000 years. This process allows for more atmospheric carbon dioxide to be absorbed by the ocean. The company has been testing its technology in the U.K., Canada, and the U.S. and claims it could remove up to 1 million tonnes of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere by 2028 while restoring marine ecosystems. The publication of the protocol is a major step forward for the nascent market for marine carbon removals.  

How does it work?

Ocean carbon removal is a process that involves removing carbon dioxide from the Earth’s atmosphere and storing it in the ocean. The process works by using natural or artificial processes to convert atmospheric CO2 into dissolved bicarbonate ions, which then sink and become trapped in deep-ocean sediments. Natural processes include photosynthesis by marine organisms such as phytoplankton, while artificial methods involve injecting CO2 directly into seawater or using specialized equipment to capture CO2 from the air. One of the key benefits of ocean carbon removal is its potential to mitigate climate change. By removing excess CO2 from the atmosphere, we can slow down global warming and reduce its impacts on our planet. However, there are also concerns about how this technology might impact marine ecosystems. Injecting large amounts of CO2 into seawater could alter pH levels and affect marine life while capturing too much atmospheric CO2 could disrupt natural carbon cycles. Ocean carbon removal has enormous potential for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and mitigating climate change. However, careful planning and monitoring will be necessary to ensure that these technologies are deployed safely and sustainably.  

What are the benefits?

The benefits of ocean carbon removal are numerous and far-reaching. One of the primary benefits is that it provides a solution to one of the biggest challenges facing our planet today: climate change. By removing carbon from the atmosphere, we can slow down global warming and reduce its devastating effects. In addition, ocean carbon removal has a lower environmental impact than other methods, such as land-based solutions or direct air capture. This is because oceans cover more than 70% of the Earth’s surface, making them an ideal location for large-scale carbon sequestration projects without disturbing natural habitats or ecosystems. Another benefit is that it can create new economic opportunities in coastal communities through jobs related to monitoring, maintenance, and technology development. Furthermore, companies can earn ocean carbon credits by participating in these programs, encouraging investment in sustainable practices while funding future initiatives. Ocean carbon removal helps protect marine life by reducing acidification levels caused by excess CO2 emissions. Acidification harms many marine species, including coral reefs which support millions of people worldwide through fishing and tourism industries.  

What are the Concerns?

Despite the numerous benefits of ocean carbon removal, there are also concerns that need to be addressed. One of the primary concerns is the potential environmental impact on marine ecosystems. Large-scale ocean carbon capture technologies deployment may interfere with fish habitats and disrupt food chains. Another concern is the lack of regulatory frameworks for validating and verifying the efficacy of ocean carbon credits. With no established standards in place, it becomes difficult to ensure transparency and accountability in measuring how much carbon has been removed from oceans. Additionally, some experts warn that relying on carbon removal could divert attention away from more pressing climate solutions, such as reducing greenhouse gas emissions at their source. Without a comprehensive approach to addressing climate change, we risk overlooking other important factors contributing to global warming. As we continue exploring ways to reduce our impact on the planet’s environment, it’s essential we address these concerns head-on by conducting thorough research and creating clear regulations around monitoring the effectiveness of this promising new technology.  

A Piece of the Big Picture

The release of Planetary Technologies’ ocean-based carbon removal protocol is a significant milestone in the fight against climate change. The ability to remove carbon dioxide from our oceans not only helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions but also has positive effects on marine life and ecosystems. While there are concerns about potential environmental impacts and costs associated with this technology, it is important to continue exploring innovative solutions like these to address global warming. Furthermore, individuals can get involved by supporting research efforts or advocating for policies that promote ocean-based carbon capture and storage projects. Ultimately, reducing our carbon footprint requires collective action at all levels – from governments and businesses to individuals. By working together towards a sustainable future, we can protect our planet’s health while creating new opportunities for economic growth and innovation. Ocean carbon removal is just one piece of the bigger picture, but an important one in our journey towards a greener tomorrow.    
    Source Happy Eco News