Waverly Carbon

Recovered Carbon Black

Born in 2020, Waverly Carbon is an exciting new business. We are the first company in the UK, and one of just a handful across the world, to produce Recovered Carbon Black.

The company was born from a discussion about how to accelerate the development of the tyre pyrolysis industry – which until recently had stalled. We wanted to provide pyrolysis operators and companies with an outlet for their tyre char and today we can do that. We can play an important role in the supply chain to fast-track tyre recycling and reduce levels of waste.

Over the last two years, our expert chemists and technicians at our 21,000 sq. ft. state of the art plant in Melton Mowbray have carried out extensive technical research. This comprehensive process has enabled us to refine our production of Recovered Carbon Black, which we create in both powder and pellet form. We have also developed a best-in-class, continuous testing regime to guarantee consistency of product for our customers.

Centred around our fine particle milling process are a series of other manufacturing operations, including pelletising, metal and contaminant removal, and a flexible packaging approach to provide customers with the widest choice of packaging solutions.


Recovered Carbon Black


United Kingdom

Company address

Waverly Carbon Ltd Pera Business Park Nottingham Road Melton Mowbray , LE13 0PB