
Environmental Consultancy

Created in 2005, Naskeo Environnement is a French and independent company with more than 40 operating references. We are extending our know-how in the development, design, construction and maintenance of biogas units to enable the treatment, disposal of waste and the guarantee of renewable energy production through the use of biogas.

Naskeo is ISO 9001 certified and ensures optimal quality management.

As a leader in the energy recovery of waste by anaerobic digestion process, we offer profitable and sustainable solutions that enable our customers (mainly farmers and industries) to generate an additional source of income through the recovery of their organic waste and to produce sustainable energy.

Naskeo Environnement uses an analytical and research platform located at INRA de Narbonne, the Laboratoire de Biotechnologie de l’Environnement (LBE), to carry out analyses and research in anaerobic digestion process.


méthanisation and biogaz


Environmental Consultancy



Phone Number

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Company address

52, rue Paul Vaillant Couturier , Malakoff 92240