Gangabada Farm

Agriculture and Farming

Gangabada Farm aims to create a healthy community by developing living soil and producing food crops with toxins. Their small farm specializes in traditional yam varieties like kukulala, buthsarana, hulankiriya, kiri ala, kiri kadol, wali ala, jaburala, agili ala, maha agili ala, gonala, seeni ala, and ati chok ala. They also seed yam, ginger, turmeric, papaya, soursop, and other fruits. Gangabada Farm welcomes visitors. They are verified under a local organic participatory guarantee system (PGS).


Prioritize: We prioritize people & the planet in our decision making

Purpose: Our purpose or mission statement includes social and environmental goals

Certify: We verify benefit to people and the planet through external verification or third-party certification

Organic Participatory Guarantee System


Environmental Benefit: Our products and services were developed to directly benefit the environment.

Biodiversity conservation or restoration

Environmental remediation

Product Impact: Our products are developed to minimize environmental impact

Materials harvested or collected from a sustainably managed source

Agricultural Inputs: We use inputs that minimize environmental impact



Supplies: We use environmentally responsible supplies in all our facilities

Natural pest control methods. No synthetic pesticides or toxic repellents.

No plastic drinking straws

No disposable plastic water bottles at any facilities or events

Washable and reusable cups, dishes and cutlery


Buildings & Land

Land Management: We manage land in a way that maintains or enhances ecosystem health

We minimize light and noise pollution that could disturb wildlife

We conserve natural habitat onsite to maintain biodiversity and ecosystem health

We conduct environmental restoration activities onsite to increase biodiversity and ecosystem health

We prevent soil erosion and compaction

We conserve and enhance soil ecosystems

We conserve water and maintain water quality

We do not use synthetic pesticides, weedicides or other synthetic inputs

We manage pests, weeds, and diseases through biological, physical, and cultural means (no synthetic agrichemicals)

We meet or exceed standards for organic certification

We do not use synthetic fertilizers


Agriculture and Farming


Sri Lanka