Back To Roots

Zero Waste, Natural & Organic products

Our heart and soul is rooted deeply in the mission of bringing an end to the pain inflicted upon Mother Earth. With the august cause of living and leading the human consciousness back to the state of harmony with nature, we began our journey ‘Back to Roots’. 


Our aim is simple. We want to help as many people as we can to make conscious and sustainable choices that conserve our Environment over those that ruin it. Our endeavor is to bring awareness of the consequences of the choices made by consumers upon earth. Once known, we believe the human heart will naturally opt for sustainable alternatives offered here and everywhere, by nature.

Our Approach

To make our vision come true, the choice of living sustainably cannot be reserved for an elite few. All people must have the understanding and an easy and affordable access to the great basket offered by nature. Thus, the foundation of Back to Roots is laid upon these three pillars.


Zero Waste, Natural & Organic products

