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Adke Tableware

Eco-friendly F&B Items

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Though areca nut has been documented since the pre-Vedic era, when it was called “Thumbola”, the growth of this versatile nut is dominated throughout the Deccan plateau. The stunning regions of Karnataka are home to more than half of the entire Indian subcontinent’s produce.

Areca plant provides us with bountiful resources that have been widely used in our history such that it has completely merged within our culture. The Areca nut has its presence appreciated in all Dharmic religious ceremonies and even offered to the Gods. Regarded as an auspicious symbol of hospitality and honor across various other countries such as Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Thailand, and Vietnam as well.

Putting forward our Indian ethos of not letting anything go to waste and utilizing resources to its full potential, these naturally fallen leaves of Areca Palm collected from the lush farms, are molded into eco-friendly and organic containers of any desired shape and size. This passion project has in turn led to the employment of women from rural areas as well as a number of skilled and semi-skilled workers working at the Adké Tableware factory to keep the manifestation of this mission of providing sustainable solutions to our cities alive.

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