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Eco-friendly Paint

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Abristo is a truly eco-friendly paint company. We ONLY manufacture environmentally friendly paint coatings.

Did you know that you can’t throw out your empty paint cans in the garbage? Besides being illegal in various states, paint is considered hazardous material and must be disposed of ‘carefully’. Ever see the warning labels on the back of most paint cans on the market today? Paints contain chemicals known to cause birth defects and cancers.

How much does paint affect all of us? Just look around you and become aware of how much our modern world is covered in conventional paint.

Looking back in history, there have been numerous products that have been banned because of serious health concerns… Asbestos and lead base paint just two prime examples of these. These products are extremely toxic to people and the environment for decades and their harmful effects only became public long after they were widely used and assumed to be safe. History has proven otherwise.

How long will it be before modern-day paints are questioned to the same extent?

After being in the painting industry for over 20 years, we knew that we had to come up with a better and safer product. We spent countless hours in the lab applying various compounds and mixes. Years of research and development resulted into some amazing painting products that have NO PETROCHEMICALS and have great adherence qualities.


We are very proud of ALL of our eco-friendly products for numerous reasons. The most obvious ones listed here.

• Extremely environmentally friendly and of the highest quality.

• Four simple to understand products that cover most painting needs.

• Stupendous coverage. One coat needed for most applications and 20% more spread than the competitors.

• Water resistant and multi-surface application.

• Fast drying time and no nasty smell – “Painting without a Mask®”.

Our story is slowly unfolding and we hope to be known as the healthy paint company. Our entire mission is to ensure that consumers have a healthy choice when it comes to their painting needs. We would love to connect with you and share with you our journey as it’s developing. Please help us to make a (healthy) difference! Refer to our products page where we are confident that you will find a safe, high(est) quality and easy-to-understand eco-friendly painting solution.


South Africa

