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A-List Upcycling Lab

Upcycled Products

Company profile

Brand Ethos

Fusing nature into our lives, we aim to convert publics consumption towards nature into a sustainable lifestyle via the organic material.

Brand Vision

We hope to discover the possibilities and applicabilities of natural materials and to obtain asymbiotic stage between human and nature.

Brand Story

A-LIST indicates the condition when a boat is leaning or tilted to the side, symbolizing a change of direction. This "tilted" situation can also be referred as a lifestyle that is needed by the contemporary society. By the research and applications of reusable materials, A-LIST creates its own inspirations and designs without depleting natural resources. A-LIST sincerely hopes its customers can not only connect to but also resonate with nature through its products. Users, therefore, can embrace a leisure vibe that is close to nature in this "steel jungle" and find the tilted side of their own.

The birth of A-LIST's afflatus can be traced back to an unforgettable journey of the founder Shutong Lin. While wandering in the streets of Amsterdam, Shutong met the artist Dirk Vander Kooij. Dirk Vander Kooij was collecting abandoned materials in the neighborhood, such as old records, rubber strips, sunshades. At the same time, he innovated production processes for furniture design, combining 3D print with blow molding and CNC techniques. The stories hidden behind those fragments objects, are told by the artist's sustainable philosophy and technology.

Deeply inspired by Dirk, Shutong extended recyclable technology to further fields, such as sustainable designs, developments of composite materials, enhancements of production, and upcycling process. A-LIST aspires to source and build our design system from nature while persisting on the goal of zero consumption of resources. All of our products are recyclable and can be used in our upcycling process to turn into products in future collections.



